House Democrats Move With Lightning Speed To Defend Obamacare

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 08:49 pm

House Democrats moved very quickly to file a court motion defending Obamacare from a Republican lawsuit that is attempting to kill the health insurance law.

Voters Are Getting Immediate Results From House Democrats

In less than a day in the majority, House Democrats passed legislation to reopen the government, denied Trump funding for his wall, and took action to defend health insurance coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions. After eight years of dysfunctional House Republicans fighting with each other, pushing an unpopular agenda, and turning even the most basic of their obligations into a crisis, voters are seeing what competent and well-led House of Representatives is capable of.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic majority are already restoring power to the House and providing balance to the federal government.

CNN reported:

In their first hours in control of the House of Representatives, Democrats filed a motion to intervene in an ongoing lawsuit that threatens to bring down the Affordable Care Act.

The petition is signed by new House counsel Douglas Letter who wrote, “The House seeks to offer a defense addressing the same questions of law that the present parties are litigating.”

Notably, Donald Verrilli, who defended the law as former President Barack Obama’s solicitor general and is now in private practice, is also on the brief representing the House.

Democrats aren’t wasting time. They are giving the voters what they voted for in November, and if this is the way that the Democratic House is going to run, the undisciplined and chaotic Trump White House doesn’t stand a chance.

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