bernie sanders andrea mitchell show msnbc

Bernie Sanders Drops A Bomb On The Media, “This Campaign Is Not Against Hillary Clinton.”

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 01:46 pm

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bernie sanders andrea mitchell show msnbc

After MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell tried to get Bernie Sanders to attack Hillary Clinton’s emails, the Democratic candidate said, “This campaign that I am running, let me reiterate is not against Hillary Clinton, or anybody else.”


After Andrea Mitchell asked Sen. Sanders about Clinton’s emails and her use of a private email server, he said, “This campaign that I am running, let me reiterate is not against Hillary Clinton, or anybody else. It is for an American people who are sick and tired of seeing the middle-class disappear and huge numbers of people living in poverty, As a candidate what I am going to do, Andrea, is focus on the real issues facing the American people.”

What the media can’t comprehend is that Bernie Sanders is running a positive campaign about issues. The small group of Clinton haters on the left who insist on using their support for Bernie Sanders to attack Hillary Clinton have got it all wrong.

The bigger goal for Sen. Sanders is to build a movement that will give power back to the poor and the middle-class. Sanders is out to take on the billionaires who are trying to buy the government. He is not interested in attacking Hillary Clinton. He definitely wants to win the Democratic nomination, but the nomination would be a means to an end, not the end itself.

Recently, Sarah Jones published an editorial that defended Bernie Sanders and his supporters from a small group of people who are using his candidacy as a vehicle to attack other Democrats. Sen. Sanders himself is disavowing this kind of behavior. Jones was correct. People should be loud and proud in their support for Sen. Sanders. He is running a dignified campaign of integrity that is focused on the issues.

Anyone, whether they are in the media or claiming to be a supporter, who uses Sen. Sanders to attack others is distracting from the message of his campaign. The Sanders campaign is not about the former Secretary of State and what she is doing right or wrong.

As difficult as it is for many to understand, Bernie Sanders is on a mission to change this country, and attacking Hillary Clinton only distracts from the larger goal.

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