Chris Christie police shootings

Chris Christie Attacks Hillary Clinton For Acknowledging The Existence Of Systemic Racism

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:13 pm

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In response to the recent string of police killings, Hillary Clinton is rightly trying to focus the country’s attention on the systemic racism that exists in our criminal justice system – and how we can come together to address it.

“We’ve got to tackle systemic racism,” Clinton said on Tuesday in response to the recent shootings in Tulsa and Charlotte. “How many times do we have to see this in our country? In Tulsa, an unarmed man with his hands in the air? I mean, this is just unbearable, and it needs to be intolerable.”

On Wednesday, Clinton said, “There is still much we don’t know yet about what happened in both incidents. But we do know that we have two more names to add to a list of African-Americans killed by police officers in these encounters. It’s unbearable.”

The Democratic nominee’s comments are hardly controversial. There is ample evidence that the criminal justice system in the United States has imbalances that need to be addressed.

Leave it to Chris Christie, top Trump supporter, to feign outrage about Clinton’s rational response to the recent shootings.

“She’s a disgrace. She’s a disgrace and those comments are a disgrace,” the unpopular New Jersey governor said today on Laura Ingraham’s right-wing talk show.”It’s typical of Hillary Clinton. She knows nothing but the mouth never stops.”

First and foremost, there is nothing disgraceful about the former Secretary of State’s position on this important issue. The consequences of a biased criminal justice system surface all too often on our television screens and social media newsfeeds. It’s important for the country to address them. It’s especially important for a potential president to acknowledge them.

Unlike Donald Trump, Clinton actually has a comprehensive plan to reform this system.

What’s particularly rich about Christie’s comments, though, is that he – a man who supports Donald Trump – is attacking Clinton for running her mouth without actually knowing all of the facts.

Has he been listening to his own candidate?

In nearly every instance of terrorism and tragedy, Donald Trump has shot off his mouth without knowing the facts. Just over the past week, after a bomb went off in New York, Trump recklessly jumped to conclusions without even knowing what happened.

And if the Republican nominee isn’t shooting first and aiming later in the midst of tragedy, then he’s patting himself on the back for being right about.

Before Chris Christie starts pointing fingers at other folks for running their mouths, he should consult Donald Trump, who has artfully mastered that skill.

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