Steve Stockman Says Fellow Republicans Call Lois Lerner is a “Word That Rhymes with Witch”

Malzberg_StockmanWhile President Obama was in Kansas yesterday, telling Republicans to “Stop being mad all the time. Stop, Stop. Stop just hatin’ all the time,” Republicans were busy…well, hatin’.

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Obama told a crowd of 1,500 in Kansas City, ‘They’re not happy that I’m president, but that’s OK. Come on!” And he gestured as though to encourage Republicans to the table.

But, Tea Bagger Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), who is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was too busy running to Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg in New York City to call former IRS official Lois Lerner, a 2006 Bush appointee, a “b*tch.” That’s right. He said his fellow Republicans call her a “word that rhymes with witch.”

Well, they said some things about jail and a word that rhymes with witch sometimes to me.

And by God he wants to arrest her for it, and because she’s a word that rhymes with witch he’s pretty sure his House buddies go along with him.

You will remember that Stockman has already introduced a resolution calling for the arrest of Lois Lerner on the grounds that the House will not be mocked! But now he plans to have it done before the House recesses in 12 days.

Watch the interview courtesy of Newsmax:

You see, Stockman, playing along with Boehner’s new meme that impeachment is a Democratic scam, told Malzberg that he almost let himself get trapped by Obama into impeaching him. Instead of doing what Obama “wants” and in the process making his party look bad (I think it is too late for that) he is going to arrest Lois Lerner, because she has been, he says, “insolent,” and “in no way compliant.” Moreover, she then had the nerve to declare her Fifth Amendment rights under the Constitution. How dare anyone appeal to the Constitution! Not on his watch!

Republicans are so furious with Lois Lerner that Darrell Issa has even lied about Lois Lerner – oh wait, he lies about everything – and Fox News was surprised by facts – oh wait, that’s nothing new either – and Darrell Issa was still so mad he turned off a Democrat’s mic in a huff and fled the room, something a third grader might do. But again, he’s acted like a third grader before.

And somehow, we are meant to believe, arresting her on top of all that won’t make the GOP look bad?

So it’s not that Obama hasn’t “done impeachable offenses” he says, though he can’t say exactly what those offenses are, but Obama has some Jedi mind trick that caused Republicans to want to impeach him so they’d look like idiots (they don’t need any help there) and so he could raise money.

“Obama’s begging to be impeached,” Stockman almost whined, and is “trying to use people like myself.” But there isn’t enough time to do it before the election, Stockman told Malzberg. There is enough time, however, to “issue an arrest warrant for Lois Lerner.”

When asked by Malzberg on what the arrest warrant would be based, Stockman answered,

She’s already in contempt of Congress. If we don’t act on any order of contempt then it becomes meaningless. If you’re a judge and you come before a judge and he says ‘You are held in contempt,’ and then he says ‘Oh by the way, just go home,’ then getting honest answers before a jury or before Congress becomes relatively hard to do when you know there are no ramifications for your actions.

He says that neither Boehner nor Obama can interfere with it, nor can Reid in the Senate. He just needs a simple majority on the House floor. “If we did arrest her she would be in jail until the end of the year and then the new Congress would have to issue a new arrest warrant.” Unless she chose to cooperate, that is.

Everybody jokes about having [her] serve here in the House — someone told me there’s still a prison here; I don’t know, it’s probably full of books and other things.”

You can see how well-thought out this plan is by the fact that Stockman has no idea where Lerner would be held if she were arrested. A storeroom or closet perhaps? But the details don’t matter (do they ever to Republicans?). He says, basically, that she’s easy prey, unlike Obama, and that’s why he knows his scheme will work.

If this sounds like something you’d hear in the third grade, it is. And that’s who we have running loose in the U.S. House of Representatives. A bunch of men with the minds of pre-adolescent children. Unfortunately, unlike third-graders, these Republicans have the power to destroy the country they seem to detest.

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