Tagged Supreme Court


Classless Action: Wal-Mart’s Supreme Court War On Workers

The U.S. Supreme Court is going to announce whether or not they will hear a job bias case against Wal-Mart Inc. for discriminating against women, and whether the case will be heard as a class action lawsuit. Wal-Mart claims that one case cannot speak for thousands of employees’ complaints and the lawsuits should be handled individually. Wal-Mart has been joined by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and several large corporations in seeking to end class action lawsuits.


Supreme Conspiracy: How The Koch Brothers and Clarence Thomas Overthrew Democracy

In developing countries and dictatorships it’s not unusual or unexpected for the judicial system to be corrupt and biased. In America, it used to be a source of pride that our judicial system was fair and followed the letter of the law. Apparently, those days are gone and we are seeing the result of biased court decisions in this election cycle with unprecedented corporate donations to Republican candidates.

Coleman Congratulates Franken on Senate Win

After the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that Al Franken should be certified the winner of the 2008 US Senate race in Minnesota, Republican Norm Coleman released a statement conceding the race, and congratulating Franken. Coleman said, “The Supreme Court of Minnesota has spoken and I respect its decision and will abide by the result.”

Specter Urges Senate Support for Sotomayor

Recently turned Democratic Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania holds a key in the upcoming confirmation process for President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. In a statement today, Specter not only praised Sotomayor, but also urged the Senate to give her a full and fair confirmation process. Specter’s support all but confirms Sotomayor.

Sen. Hatch Accuses President Obama of Speaking in Liberal Activist Code

Sen. Orrin Hatch was on ABC’s This Week today, and quickly accused President Obama of wanted to select a liberal activist judge who will legislate from the bench. Hatch accused Obama of using the code words for a liberal, activist judge. He said justices should not take sides. Of course he did not include Antonin Scalia who Hatch vocally supports because he has no problem with a Republican partisan justice.

A Liberal’s View of the Republican National Convention: Day 3

ImageI got home a little late tonight and got in just as Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard, is speaking. I’ll leave her “comments” alone as I didn’t see all of it. I’ll start tonight’s “running diary” of the GOP convention with the first speaker I had the opportunity to fully observe.

8:08pm—Mitt Romney’s on stage. Wait, what? Romney’s on stage? Who decided to let him out of the Christian fundamentalist doghouse?


Obama Reacts to Detainee Supreme Court Decision

ImageBarack Obama said of today’s Supreme Court ruling that the detainees at GITMO have the right to challenge their detention in civilian court, “The Court’s decision is a rejection of the Bush Administration’s attempt to create a legal black hole at Guantanamo – yet another failed policy supported by John McCain.”

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