Trump Is Tweeting About Golf And Cable News Ratings As WH Claims He’s Working On North Korea

While the White House claims Donald Trump is working overtime to prepare for the on-again North Korea summit later this month, the president took to Twitter on Saturday to tweet about golf and praise Fox News TV ratings.

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In two posts, Trump raved about a golf “record” from 1954, then he tweeted about how Fox News ratings are beating those of “Fake News CNN.”

You know, the kinds of things a commander-in-chief would be doing to prepare for a high stakes nuclear summit with North Korea.

In addition to his tweets about golf and cable news ratings, the president also gave a boost to Kim Kardashian West by retweeting her post about a possible pardon for Alice Marie Johnson.

Trump refuses to do the hard work of governing

When Donald Trump was a presidential candidate, he showed how little he cared about the complexities of foreign and domestic policy by refusing to prepare for the debates.

Trump even criticized Hillary Clinton for her extensive prep work, which showed when she wiped the floor with him during all three presidential debates.

Instead of taking his responsibility seriously, Trump likes the power and status that comes with being president. He likes the attention and adoration that his supporters show him.

Trump views the North Korea summit in the same way – as a chance to boost his own image. The president doesn’t care about the substance of the high-stakes meeting; he just wants the photo-op.

His tweets on Saturday – and his overall behavior as president – show that he won’t prepare for the upcoming summit any more than he prepared for other tasks he’s been faced with since becoming a political figure.

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