Trump-Endorsed GOP Senate Candidate In Alabama Accepted $1,000 Donation From Nazi Group

A foundation run by Alabama Republican Senate nominee, Roy Moore, received a $1,000 donation from a Nazi organization in 2005, adding more controversy to the GOP senate hopeful’s extremist campaign.

According to The Huffington Post, the donation came from the Foundation to Defend the First Amendment, a group run by Nazi supporter and white supremacist Willis Carto.

More from the report:

In 2005, the foundation run by Judge Roy Moore, now the Republican nominee for a Senate seat in Alabama, accepted a $1,000 donation from a group founded by Willis Carto, a white supremacist, Nazi supporter and World War II vet who famously said he regretted fighting for the U.S instead of Germany.


The Foundation to Defend the First Amendment is one of several nonprofit groups Carto used to shuffle money around to his anti-Semitic and racist conspiracy publications, to fund Holocaust deniers, and, apparently, to donate to Moore’s nonprofit. The Carto-founded group touts its support for Moore and his Foundation for Moral Law on its web site. The contribution to Moore’s group stands out as one of just a handful it has made to organizations not explicitly involved in Holocaust denial.


The people who run the Foundation to Defend the First Amendment have an ideology that is, “Total Nazi; and notice I didn’t say neo-Nazi,†Todd Blodgett, the former head of the white supremacist record label Resistance Records — and later an FBI informant — told HuffPost.

This is only the latest evidence that Moore is a dangerous extremist who has no business serving in the United States Senate.

As I noted last month, Moore has said in the past that homosexuality should be criminalized, that the Sept. 11 attacks happened because America turned away from God and that the Sandy Hook shootings were “divine retribution.â€

When Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison, a Muslim, was elected in 2006, Moore said he shouldn’t be allowed to serve because of his religion.

There are also ethical questions surrounding Moore. According to the Daily Beast, he earned up to $150,000 in speaking fees but didn’t disclose the income in Senate Ethics Committee filings as is legally required.

Despite how deeply red Alabama is, it appears voters in the state have recognized the sea of red flags surrounding his candidacy. In a Fox News poll released yesterday, Moore and Democratic candidate Doug Jones are tied 42-42 – a stunning finding in a state that Donald Trump carried by nearly 30 points.

In Alabama, the candidate with the letter ‘R’ next to his or her name is likely to have the upper hand – even when the candidate’s platform is rooted in hatred and bigotry – but the more voters learn about Roy Moore, the closer this race will be.

Sean Colarossi

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