Tagged Harry Reid


Former Senate Majority Harry Reid Urges Democrats to Move Ahead on Immigration Reform

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) urged Democrats to move ahead on immigration reform. “If my 2010 reelection to the Senate proved anything, it was that Democrats can fight and win on immigration. It makes policy sense and political sense and not just with Latino voters, but also with Americans of all backgrounds,” said Reid. “However,…

Fear mongering leads to endangering US and Troops

Republicans Defy Military Leaders By Not Condemning Quran Burning

Both top US commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, and one of his deputies, Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, are warning Americans that burning the Quran will endanger the troops in Afghanistan (and around the world), who are there fighting a war started by Republican President George Bush. A fearful nation awaits a leader from the Republican Party to grow enough courage to take a stand for us and for our troops and their mission.

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