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Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy

A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.


The Looming Threat of Republican Destruction of This Economy

As the fall election nears, the buzz is that if the economy doesn’t recover, the Democrats will take a hard hit. Apparently the American people are too ignorant and lazy to remember exactly how we got into this mess in the first place, and will cast their reactionary votes of anger this fall against the “party in power†as if that makes any sense at all; thereby reelecting the clowns who not only are voting no on their own ideas in order to keep this economy a mess and help themselves politically, but also the very clowns who put their clown shoes on the gas pedal of recklessness that got us here.


Help Obama Keep Our Economy on the Highway to Recovery

This week, President Obama made it clear at a DCCC fundraiser that Republicans are to blame not only for driving the economy into a ditch, but also bringing Washington to a standstill. With the primaries coming up on Tuesday, it is time for Democrats to step and take the first step towards making sure that Republicans don’t get the chance to put us back in the ditch.

Palin Challenges Obama On The Economy

In a speech in Anchorage today, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin claimed that Obama is trying to control the American people through deficit spending. The irony here is that she ranted against deficit spending while introducing Michael Reagan, who is the son of the king of all deficit spending, former president Ronald Reagan.

Karl Rove Calls Obama Arrogant on the Economy

In a pot and kettle moment, Karl Rove accused President Barack Obama of being arrogant in his press conference last night, and of saying things that weren’t true. The Democratic National Committee responded by telling Rove that if he wants to see arrogance, he should look in the mirror.

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