Bill O’Reilly Humiliates Sarah Palin on Fox News

Last updated on February 8th, 2013 at 11:26 am

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Sarah Palin made another rash appearance on Bill O’Reilly’s The Factor Friday night, wherein he grilled her about immigration reform. The half-term governor left the FNC program angry and humiliated as O’Reilly exposed Palin’s limited knowledge for the Fox crowd to see.

Palin Struggles to Answer O'Reilly

Palin Struggles to Answer O'Reilly

Word on the street is that if the Republicans don’t want Sarah Palin to run for President, they’re going to let Fox News and Conservative papers go after her. Uh hum. I’m assuming if they were going to let the fur fly, they’d do it on the on the No. 1 cable news show at 8 p.m. for 10 consecutive years . Uh huh. That guy doesn’t think much of herself anyway, so this is all coming together.

First, Bill-O primed the pump on June 8th by having a panel on to discuss Palin’s obvious campaign ad, “Mama Grizzlies”:

CARLSON: But I believe this is a precursor to her running for president.


O’REILLY: It’s a powerful voting block if she can do it.

HOOVER: Here’s the thing. You mentioned independents. The problem is that independents broke against Sarah Palin in the 2008 election.

O’REILLY: Right.

HOOVER: She was a very polarizing figure. Most people know already how they feel about Sarah Palin. So I think this is going to galvanize her supporters. I don’t know if it will win over new people.

CARLSON: A lot of independents thought they loved Barack Obama, too, and guess where they are now.

O’REILLY: I don’t know if they will rally around Sarah Palin. Nobody would know unless they take a poll, which would be an interesting thing for us to do.

Uh huh. So, he establishes that she wants to run and that he should do a poll. Knowing how fair and balanced they are over there, he has to lead his viewers to the right conclusion. So…..

Cut to Friday night, June 9, I give you Bill O’Reilly, grilling the half-term governor on a segment he cynically called: “If Sarah Palin were President”. I can assure you, this did not go well.

O’Reilly pressed Sarah on how she would solve the immigration problem, and she answered with, “whatever it takes.” This did not amuse Bill-O who, gasp, actually wanted her to offer a policy solution, and that is where things got testy, because O’Reilly kept pushing , and Palin got angry, and revealed that her solution is to to provide steps for immigration reform, “at some point,” and “keep it simple.” Her answer was a non-answer with no specifics, and a whole lot of anger.

I just can’t transcribe this people, so you’re going to have to watch. I gave Palinese up for the Summer. At any rate, it isn’t all in the words. Bill-O assaults the half-term governor, leaving her bleeding on the floor like he does the rest of his guests. No special treatment here. Keep an ear out for Bill-O’s “this is where it gets complicated, governor” scolding. This is just cruel. They know she’s not up to these interviews. Where are her people???? He also tells her that he is afraid of her “Mama Grizzlies”. Sigh.

And after this, he has another “panel” on with Leslie Marshall and Dana Perino (please, God, make it stop) to discuss Palin’s failure to answer, her “lack of specifics”. They pretty much finished the half-termer off, after Perino got in her pro-Bush stuff and Marshall got lambasted for thinking that Obama wanted to secure our borders (I guess he doesn’t want to secure our borders….? And I guess O’Reilly doesn’t realize that Obama ordered 1200 National Guard reserves to the border in addition tothousands to the Gulf, however they are sitting idle as Bobby Jindal (R-LA) et al wait to formulate a plan?).

Ouch, ouch, ouch.

If you were the Republican Party, and you knew that Sarah Palin’s approval ratings were in Joe the Plumber’s toilet, would you want her to steal the Primary with her Merry Band of Tea Partiers? Uh huh. I thought not.

H/T to Politicususa reader

Updated to backtrack the President’s ordering of the National Guard to the border states and to the Gulf.

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