Articles by Jason Miciak

@JasonMiciak believes a day without learning is a day not lived. He is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is a Canadian-born dual citizen who spent his teen and college years in the Pacific Northwest and has since lived in seven states. He now enjoys life as a single dad of a young girl, writing from the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He loves crafting his flower pots, cooking, and currently studies philosophy of science, religion, and non-math principles behind quantum mechanics and cosmology. Please feel free to contact with any concerns.


Rick Wilson Breaks Down The Country’s Increasing Vulnerability To Russian-Style Fascism

The most outrageous and horrifying aspect of all of this is that I believe that some of the most powerful Republicans know exactly what’s happening and believe that a more “Russian-type” of government in the U.S., where minority rule would be consolidated around money and entrenched power is the best long term plan and are convinced a more “Putin-like” government is best for the United States.


Fox Reports Trump Encouraged Vaccine and Booster: Incredibly, Host Says It Actually Doesn’t Matter

There is nothing Trump could do right now to redeem himself with respect to COVID. His refusal to take the disease seriously, despite knowing better (overestimating, according to Woodward), the half-baked “shutdown” that lasted a little over two weeks (“I want the beautiful churches open for Easter…”), and the vanity that prevented him from wearing…

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