The Diabolical Plot Behind Trump Cabinet’s Weekly Prayer and Bible Lessons
She thinks biblically, She doesn’t need time to figure out how to vote because she sees the world through a scriptural lens. “We need more like her in office.”
She thinks biblically, She doesn’t need time to figure out how to vote because she sees the world through a scriptural lens. “We need more like her in office.”
*The following is an opinion column by R Muse* Over the course of the last several years no small number of pundits and commentators have trumpeted the demise of the religious right and their masters at the Vatican. As the recent election appeared to look bleak for Trump, and by extension the Republican Party…
Using taxpayer-funded federal aid is a critical part of Liberty University’s business model to create a “uniquely Republican” education program
Ohio Governor John Kasich made that “religious extremist duty” mandatory in Ohio. Kasich issued a statement through a spokesman informing Ohio schools that if they fail to align with Christian organizations, they will lose funding.
It is astonishing, but the extremist Christian fundamentalists are basing their punitive power on the religious freedom guarantee in the First Amendment; with Supreme Court approval.
It is no great shock, then, that the religious right, staunch supporters of corrupt Republicans, are blatantly violating the law right up till Election Day and daring anyone to stop them because they know no-one will.
Although the religious right has effectively, through the Catholic Supreme Court, eliminated the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment and wiped out religious freedom of non-evangelicals, women, and non-believers, they are still convinced they are facing an existential threat from the federal government.
Whether most Americans realize it or not, they have been spectators, victims, and often combatants in a sectarian religious war that one side appealed to, and won, the support of a religious male cabal with the ultimate weapon of mass destruction; the U.S. Constitution.
There is a relatively large contingent of disgruntled citizens who seriously hate this country with a passion, and yet instead of fleeing America for their concept of Utopia, are Hell-bent on transforming America into a land Europeans emigrating to America sought to escape.
Americans who value their freedoms, religious or otherwise, would do well to avoid the pitfalls of staying silent for fear of offending extremists because that silence has produced precisely what is plaguing this nation.
The Kansas House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a piece of legislation crafted to legalize anti-gay segregation under the guise of “religious liberty”
The fanatical Christian-right is targeting Girl Scout USA’s annual cookie sales for a boycott because the group listed Wendy Davis as an incredible woman of the year.
The Supreme Court is likely not done facilitating theocratic tyranny or disabusing the people from their 1st and 14th Amendment rights if right wing extremists have their way.
Right wing Christians define their right to practice religion as forcing compliance of their beliefs on the rest of the population, and the religious right is counting on the judiciary to achieve their goals.
“I’m really scary,” Barton declared. “I am very scary for people who have a secular worldview.”
Rafael’s straw man is “if they can convince you that you came from a monkey, it’s much easier to convince you that God does not exist.”
If Americans wondered what drove the man who masterminded the $24 billion government shutdown all they need to know is that Ted Cruz did not fall far from his father’s evangelical tree.
Conservative Christian business owners are appealing to other conservative Christians on the Supreme Court to grant them religious immunity from adhering to a federal law.
The latest attempt by the religious right to circumvent the Constitution involves claiming that prohibiting teachers from teaching the bible as science infringes on their academic freedom.
Republicans typically oppose women’s equality as a matter of course, their non-stop attacks on Planned Parenthood are based on their allegiance to evangelical Christians.
There are those who say the mood of the nation toward gays and women’s rights are changing for the better, yet the far right is forging ahead to restrict their rights.
In addition to the mandatory attendance requirements at events sponsored by, and performed on, military campuses everywhere – there are commanders and Pentagon level top brass that intentionally use our presence overseas as a federally funded missionary project.
Conservatives are dreaming of a ‘white’ Christmas, and that is all Christmas really is to them: a means to an end that has no role for Jesus
This effort is dedicated to exposing extremist politicians and their funding sources that are immersed in ultra conservative Christian Dominionist politics.
America’s worst nightmare is a Romney presidency bolstered by conservative Christians in Congress and a bible-based Supreme Court.
Leah’s List™ is in part a reaction to Citizens United, and exposes businesses that are using their income to finance ultra-conservative politics.
Voters in Missouri took a major step towards granting Christians the right to dominate public meetings, discriminate against non-Christians.
After underwhelming Houston, Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, The Response is bringing its brand of extremist Christianity to Kansas City just before Election Day
Although this Pulpit Freedom Sunday has been going on for three years, the event has taken on new dimensions with the Republican majority in the House of Representatives embracing an extreme agenda.
Citizens may think the ultra right tea party has all the power in the U.S. In truth, they have almost none. A few people control America.
When the Founding Fathers devised how America would function they knew the danger of allowing religion to govern the country, but Republicans are ignoring the Founders’ warnings.
Republicans have enlisted religious fanatics to forward their dangerous agenda by instilling fear that Democrats are waging a war on religious freedom.
Just when it seems the discussion has been overrun by insane religious zealots, Pastor Howard Bess offers us an enlightened and modern religious perspective on marriage.
You get the idea that if we banned the word Satan we’d all be a lot happier but that fundamentalists wouldn’t have anything to talk about
Ralph Reed wants to play Kingmaker like he did in 1994 and he has Mitt Romney lined up to slobber over his ring this year in Washington, DC
Republicans are supporting government that dictates to Americans who they can love, when women have children, and giving employers and clergy rights of making healthcare decisions.
In a single moment the President has made history by endorsing same sex marriage and simultaneously became an instant target by the extreme religious parasites bent on “Reclaiming America”.
When right wing prayer warriors issue death fatwas, does spelling count? If so – several of us are safe.
Monotheism is built not just on the rejection but the ejection of the constructed other. If we live in the end times they are the end times of religious liberty
Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney’s longstanding friendship with Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu last week, yet this important information received virtually no mention in the mainstream media.
The GOP wants us to believe that we must all collectively and individually do as their God wants or suffer the consequences, but how to know what God wants when the Bible was written and what we are supposed to believe decided by fallible humans?
The conservative justices want to kill the ACA. If they do, it will mark the beginning of the end for anything meaningful to emerge as long as Republicans have a majority in any branch of government.
Republican women claim to be against abortions, but statistics don’t support this hypocritical stance. It’s possible that conservative women have just as many abortions as liberal women.
Rick Santorum attended an event in Louisiana where renowned hate-monger Dennis Terry unleashed a vitriolic hate-fest aimed at gays, Muslims, Liberals, and Buddhists.
Republicans don’t want to take back our country; they want to take our country back, back to a time before the United States, before the Constitution to the unworkable Articles of Confederation, to pre-Constitutional religious intolerance and oppression of minorities and of women.
The grim calculus of conservatism’s so-called rights of conscience is this: I don’t believe so you can’t… Their religious freedoms are your slave chains.
Laurens County Republicans of South Carolina are so steeped in Dominionist Tea that they boldly put their extremism in writing detailing their 28 Points of Republicanism. Even though this signed pledge has been deemed illegal that will not deter them from using this as a litmus test for potential political candidates. After all, why not?…
The new dominionist fantasy is the threat of Islam in Michigan where 3 percent of the population will somehow turn it into Michiganistan
Mr. Rick Santorum was on ABC’s This Week today during which he announced that he doesn’t believe in the absolute separation of church and state.
Rick Santorum accuses Dutch doctors of euthanizing patients involuntarily. He basis information on a radical Website and distorts truth.
GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is pulling Dominionist leaders and their mega-millionaire backers out of the brush and into the light.
Komen’s ever-changing reason for withdrawing breast exam funding informed that their real goal was helping eliminate Planned Parenthood at the behest of evangelicals.
The mainstream media’s reluctance to talk about religion and politics with regard to America’s problems and possible solutions is troubling
In an Aliens vs Predators type moment, Seven Mountain Dominionist Lance Wallnau wants to bring “kingdom principles” to Satan’s Wall Street
Ralph Reed, who was so instrumental in the Religious Right’s takeover of the GOP, now wants you to believe that the Evangelical vote is a myth
On DOMA, defunding Planned Parenthood, and personhood, Republicans made a decision to put the Bible ahead of the Constitution.
With the Iowa Caucus upon us we can see that the GOP has become trapped by its own extreme narrative, depriving any victor of national appeal
The pros and cons of abortion aside, Dobson seems to miss one of the original purposes of the Constitution, which was to protect the American people from “excesses of democracy” of local legislatures, which tended to run roughshod over the rights of the minority.
Christian and Islamic extremists drink from the same wellspring of authoritarianism – the desire to impose authority, to force submission to dogma, and to compel obedience. Choice is not an option. Submission precludes choice.
The idea of divine right died out a long time ago, when god fled the political scene, only to be resurrected in the New World and in a new century with George W. Bush’s claim that God – not the American people – chose him to lead America. Then there is the Bush crusade against terrorism, and yet nobody epitomizes the spirit of the past better than former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin.