Tagged Rachel Maddow


Rachel Maddow Tells the Left to Reward Obama for His DADT Victory

Rachel Maddow was on MSNBC providing analysis of the Senate’s vote to repeal DADT, when she pointed out that today’s vote is a huge victory President Obama, and one that the base should reward him for. Maddow said, “This was a difficult promise to keep, not just a promise kept, it was one that was hard to keep that cost a lot of political capital and a lot of work, and this is the President’s victory and his base will reward him for it.”


Rachel Maddow Explains How Republicans Broke the Senate

On her MSNBC program Rachel Maddow recently sat America down and tried to explain to them how Republicans have managed to break the US Senate by abusing the filibuster. Maddow said, “Since they lost the Senate they have turned it into a stronghold for their own party by using power the senate minority is usually entrusted not to abuse. They’ve used that power to break the institution.”


Rachel Maddow Exposes the Phony Republican Earmark Ban

On her MSNBC program last night Rachel Maddow took on one of the great myths of American politics that banning earmarks is the same as cutting spending. Maddow called the Republican position on the earmark ban what it really is. According to Maddow the Republican earmark ban is an, “epic quest to seem fiscally responsible without actually being fiscally responsible.”


Rachel Maddow Explains Why Keith Olbermann was Suspended

On her MSNBC program tonight, Rachel Maddow explained that Keith Olbermann was suspended for breaking a rule that forbids hosts from making political donations without prior approval, but she urged that Olbermann be put back on the air. She thought Olbermann should be held to the rule, but “I also personally believe that the point has been made and we should have Keith back hosting Countdown.”


Rachel Maddow Meets Joe Miller and Doesn’t End Up Handcuffed

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was in Alaska tonight covering the state’s three way US Senate race and unlike his fellow Tea Partier Christine O’Donnell; Joe Miller actually talked to her. Even better for Maddow, Miller’s security not only didn’t handcuff her, she didn’t get arrested. That’s probably the best thing that can be said about the strange and uncomfortable interaction between Maddow and Miller.


Rachel Maddow Explains How the Media Misdiagnosed the 2010 Election

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was on Meet The Press today, where she explained how the media got the 2010 election narrative about Democrats staying home all wrong. Maddow said, I think that the initial diagnosis that Democrats don’t care… that they weren’t going to be able to get off their hands and actually get out to the polls this year has turned out to be a little bit of, a little bit wrong.”


Has Rachel Maddow Become MSNBC’s #1 Show?

While looking through the past couple of weeks of prime time cable news ratings, I noticed something interesting. Keith Olbermann’s Countdown is no longer the dominate show on the network. Olbermann’s program is being challenged for in house supremacy by The Rachel Maddow Show. Maddow has been running neck and neck with or defeating Countdown on a regular basis.


Rachel Maddow Urges Democrats to Grow a Pair

On her program tonight, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow urged Democrats to get their act together and stop campaigning in fear. Maddow argued that Democrats can win based on their accomplishments, “Imagine what it would look like if they started to campaign on the actual accomplishments they accomplished.” In short, Democrats need to grow a pair.


Rachel Maddow and UAW Workers Tell GOP Hypocrite to Go Home

Last night, Rachel Maddow applied her razor-like intellect to expose the inherent hypocrisy in the modern GOP, hiding beneath a thin veneer of cowardly double-talk. One of her examples was Bob Corker, R-TN. Corker fought to kill the US auto industry. He filibustered the auto bailout, holding it hostage until he could be promised that the auto workers would be paid less and ultimately voted no on it.


Rachel Maddow and Joe Biden Urge Progressives to Get Energized

Vice President Joe Biden gave one of his best interviews since he has been in the White House on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC program, where he expressed why progressives need to get energized about this election, “Our progressive base, you have, you should not stay home. It, you better get energized. Because the consequences are serious for the outcome of the things we care most about.”

Rachel Maddow and Barack Obama

Obama Uses Video of Rachel Maddow in His Netroots Nation Address

Barack Obama made a surprise video appearance at the Netroots Nation conference today, but the most interesting development to me is what else was in the video with Obama. After saying, “I hope you take a moment to consider what we have accomplished so far,” he cut to a video of Rachel Maddow running down and a list of his accomplishments, and somewhere Ed Schultz blew a blood vessel.


Rachel Maddow Takes On and Levels Bill O’Reilly

Last night Bill O’Reilly tried to take on Rachel Maddow criticism of Fox’s Shirley Sherrod story by boasting about FNC’s ratings. Maddow responded tonight by taking him apart, “You were trying to take the attention off me saying that your network Fox News continually crusades on flagrantly bogus stories designed to make White Americans fear Black Americans.”


David Vitter Gay Bashes Rachel Maddow

Sen. David Vitter, that prostitute frequenting, diaper wearing, family values touting Republican joked Rachel Maddow not looking like a woman on a local New Orleans radio show. Vitter later apologized, and Maddow classily accepted his apology, but this just furthers Vitter’s trend of anti-gay and anti-woman behavior.


Rachel Maddow Hammers the Myth of the Fiscally Responsible GOP

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was on Meet The Press today where she pointed out that the Republican Party is asking voters to make a fatally flawed choice in November, if they insist on portraying themselves as the fiscally responsible party. Maddow said, “If Republicans want to run as this fiscally responsible party, it’s neat, but it’s novel. It’s not how they’ve actually governed.”


Rachel Maddow Explains Sarah Palin’s 2010 Gift to Democrats

On her MSNBC show tonight Rachel Maddow explained how Sarah Palin gave a giant gift to the Democratic Party over the weekend by Arizona’s immigration law, “Sarah Palin’s ecstatic endorsement of Arizona’s papers please law and the governor who signed it is a very exciting moment for Democrats.” Maddow explained that the GOP has been tripping itself up with immigration politics for 150 years.


Rachel Maddow Exposes More Fox News Video Editing Fraud

On The Rachel Maddow Show tonight host Rachel Maddow took on Fox News and their selective editing of the California ACORN tapes. Maddow played both the Fox News edit of the tapes, and the full tapes. Maddow said, “If you watched the footage these guys released, if you followed the wall to wall coverage on Fox…If you are a member of Congress who voted to defund ACORN…You were had.”

Rachel Maddow Orrin Hatch Lies About Healthcare

Rachel Maddow and Orrin Hatch Continue Their Feud on Twitter

Last night on her MSNBC program, Rachel Maddow went after the Senate Republicans’ hypocrisy and lies against healthcare reform, but she specifically targeted Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT). Maddow characterized Hatch’s recent op-ed in The Washington Post as containing, “blatant, outright, laugh out loud falsehoods.”Hatch responded by Twittering to complain about how Maddow ran him down and he called it a badge of honor.

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