Yearly Archives: 2013


Cartoons of the Day – Oct. 11th, 2013

Political humorists, satirists and cartoonists are as old as politics itself. Sometimes a little humor can “illustrate” the seriousness of political hot button issues by making light of them. It’s our hope these “Cartoon of the Day” posts can help people understand exactly how childishly adults can behave by forcing us to see how stupid some politically driven motives really are.


Hate Spewing Family Research Council Asks, Why So Angry, Bro?

After years of conservatives demonizing liberalism and progressivism, atheists, Muslims, environmentalists, Pagans, moderate Christians, and, especially, members of the LGBT community, the Family Research Council is acting like they don’t understand why people are so angry. Senior Vice President Rob Schwarzwalder seems to be asking, “Why so angry, bro?” when he writes: So, the Left…


Cartoon of the Day – Oct. 10th, 2013

Political humorists, satirists and cartoonists are as old as politics itself. Sometimes a little humor can “illustrate” the seriousness of political hot button issues by making light of them. It’s our hope these “Cartoon of the Day” posts can help people understand exactly how childishly adults can behave by forcing us to see how stupid some politically driven motives really are.


SCOTUS Considers Putting Citizens United on Steroids

The first case the Supreme Court heard this term brought what’s left of campaign finance laws back for scrutiny by the same court that gave us corporations have civil rights and money is speech in Citizens United.  Citizens United, the Sequel, is brought to you by Sean McCutcheon, a businessman and Republican activist from Alabama. …


Cartoon of the Day – Oct. 9th, 2013

Click image to enlarge Political humorists, satirists and cartoonists are as old as politics itself. Sometimes a little humor can “illustrate” the seriousness of political hot button issues by making light of them. It’s our hope these “Cartoon of the Day” posts can help people understand exactly how childishly adults can behave by forcing us…


Cartoon of the Day – Oct. 8th, 2013

Political humorists, satirists and cartoonists are as old as politics itself. Sometimes a little humor can “illustrate” the seriousness of political hot button issues by making light of them. It’s our hope these “Cartoon of the Day” posts can help people understand exactly how childishly adults can behave by forcing us to see how stupid some politically driven motives really are.

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