Kevin McCarthy Nearly Blows A Blood Vessel Trying To Deny Biden Credit For Taking Out al-Qaeda Leader
Kevin McCarthy tied himself into knots and went to extreme lengths to deny Biden credit for taking out the leader of al-Qaeda.
Kevin McCarthy tied himself into knots and went to extreme lengths to deny Biden credit for taking out the leader of al-Qaeda.
As President Biden was overseeing the US military operation taking out al-Qaeda’s leader, Donald Trump was raking in Saudi cash at his club.
15 years of war on terror and the only folks to seize a federal building are a bunch of white guys with guns and no clue what it’s all about
Hillary Clinton accused him, and now it’s happened: a terrorist group is using Donald Trump in a recruitment video
The RNC would have you believe only Republicans can keep you safe, but the facts dating back to 2001 show the opposite to be true
The Islamic State grew out of Al Qaeda in Iraq, and of course, Al Qaeda was not IN Iraq until after Bush’s invasion, making Santorum a liar
In this book, Daniel Byman explores global jihadism from its beginnings in 1979 to today, from the mujaheddin to the menacing Islamic State
Having a discussion will not change the disastrous consequences of Bush and company’s crimes, bring back the three-quarters of a million dead Iraqi civilians or thousands of American soldiers, it may inform Americans of the intent of Republicans defending the invasion and occupation.
But there really was an offensive video, and it did actually offend Muslims, and it did actually play a role in the attack that left four Americans dead
As Jeb has reminded us, Dubya is our problem, not his. Or Gohmert’s. Or the Republican Party’s, it seems
It is true, George W. Bush is hapless, but he is also an idiot for not recognizing his own failures as president and in fact actually regards himself as a raging success.
The President put violent extremism into context when he said of the Chapel Hill shootings, “Many Muslim Americans are worried and afraid. We stand with you.”
What will #OpCharlieHebdo mean for ISIL? Given the hacktivist group’s record so far, ISIL might want to refer back to the KKK for an answer
If the Republicans win the White House in 2016, any new troop commitment to Iraq would be celebrated by Fox News rather than condemned.
Clark outlines the challenges facing us, which together, he argues, “are exactly the grounds over which a national strategy must be unfurled.”
Of course the Americans putting Goebbels’s propaganda tactics into practice are Fox News, neo-conservatives, Republicans, and their religious right sycophants, and their big lie is that the greatest threat to this nation is every person who adheres to the Muslim faith.
Led by Fox News (again), the mainstream media’s reaction to Obama’s admission of American intel failures has become the latest Benghazi hoax
The suspicion that Republicans are far more horrified by a black president than Islamic terrorists is borne out by the rhetoric
During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) criticized Congress for leaving Washington on a lengthy recess without having a debate or vote on a new authorization for use of military force (AUMF) to be used in regards to the conflict with ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
It is unlikely any American over the age of three or four will forget 911, but it is highly likely the majority of Americans will forget the long-lasting devastation an incompetent Republican administration’s response wrought on the nation.
In a classic case of not knowing one’s audience, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Tea Party leader and potential 2016 Presidential candidate, was soundly booed off stage while delivering a speech at an Arab Christian conference in Washington, D.C. Wednesday night.
All Megyn Kelly had to do is re-write history, ignoring the fact that Bush followed up his warning by signing SOFA, agreeing to withdraw US troops from Iraq
There is a well-known phrase in the Christian bible that “you reap what you sow.” America is now reaping what it sowed by invading innocent Muslim nations and brutalizing innocent civilians for well over a decade.
The American people will have to decide if they are more tired of war or of the terrorists of ISIL
On Wednesday, President Obama met with Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry, along with other political and religious leaders in Texas, to discuss the ongoing crisis concerning migrant children from Central America being detained at the border. Perry then ran to Fox News.
Just when you thought you have seen everything, this pops up. A church is leading their flock to Jesus by bribing, I mean raffling off two Black Rain AR-15 semi-auto in Joplin, Missouri.
PolitiFact finds Fox News “false” for claiming that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was “released by Obama in 2009.” He was released under Bush, according to the DOD.
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is known for going out of his way to make blatantly offensive and outlandish comments in order to bring attention to himself. He stayed true to his reputation on Wednesday.
Dick Cheney, along with his daughter Liz, penned an unbelievable piece of retcon tripe for the Wall Street Journal where they claimed that Obama lost the war that was already won, while at the same time positioning Dick Cheney as a hero.
The mainstream media loves to talk about right wing extremism in Europe while ignoring our own, who are more a threat to us than al Qaeda
How would the neocons respond if President Obama told them they were solely in charge of coming up with solutions to the problems in Iraq? Could they even handle it? Or are they more interested in complaining from the peanut gallery?
Graham is doing his best to take up the slack and perpetuate racial animus toward people of color; particularly the person of color occupying the Oval Office.
Five years into the drone campaign, there have been 2,400. killed, yet in Iraq, the ICCC offers a figure of 43,099 civilian casualties alone from from April 28, 2005 to August 22, 2008
On Sunday afternoon, Democratic Congressional candidate James Kimber, who is running against Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) in California’s 50th District, contacted me to express his disgust with the tactics that Republicans are using to undermine the President.
Religious Right leaders don’t understand the spirit or the exact words of the Constitution, which they continually confuse with the spirit and words of the Bible they also don’t understand.
Real journalists’ assessment of criticism of the reporter on the ground proves that Fox News’ hosts do not understand what real journalists do because they are not journalists; they are GOP hacks.
The Republicans insist that because pretty much any Islamic terrorist you care to name is al Qaeda that al Qaeda was behind the Benghazi attack
Darrell Issa who has had the same information the New York Times reported for over a year and sat on his ass wasting taxpayer time and money pursuing Barack Obama.
The Times has stated that al Qaeda was not behind the spontaneous” – not planned – Benghazi attack, setting right wing heads a-spinning
it was not Obama who invaded Iraq on a fabricated pretext and with an army designed to fight not an insurgency but World War III.
A lot has been written and broadcast about the National Security Agencies’ surveillance of allies. In fact, the “allies” knew all about it.
You heard it right. John McCain, responding to an attack by Louie Gohmert (R-TX), said Gohmert is not what you call an intelligent man. This is not news to liberals but McCain himself is known, from time to time, to be a little slow on the uptake. I wrote the other day about the brewing…
Michele Bachmann, digging deep, claims Obama is supporting Al Qaeda, proving that we are in the End Times
“We’re taking our toys – and yours – and going home!” Tea party Republicans have opted out of the United States. They have ceased to participate in our democracy. Where political power is supposed to derive from the people, the tea party derives its power from corporations. It speaks for corporations, it acts for corporations….
It is safe to say most Americans expect Islamic extremists to launch terror attacks against innocent American citizens, but it is likely few expect a devastating attack from members of Congress.
The hearings on Syria did not answer every reasonable question about a possible U.S. punitive strike, but they exposed some questions as unreasonable.
Donald Rumsfeld conveniently forgets the past and repeats the GOP’s favorite meme, that Obama has lost credibility and America’s confidence
Sixty-six Americans were killed in mass shootings by non-Muslims in 2012 alone, twice as many fatalities as from Muslim-American terrorism in all 11 years since 9/11
The theme of Liz Cheney’s fantasy screed was that Republicans had to start fighting back against President Obama or else freedom will be a distant memory.
What is curious is the support many on the left have given Rand Paul despite his well-known, and well-publicized, stance on issues that are repulsive to progressives and even right-leaning centrists.
Cheney claims the President’s national security team choices put the nation at risk because they do not support Bush-Cheney policies that did increase the risks to America; his logic defies reason.
This spring, Afghan forces will take the lead for security across the entire country. By next year, our war with Afghanistan will finally be over.
Republicans will do anything to block Chuck Hagel’s appointment as Defense Secretary, including praising Obama’s sanctions against Iran.
Reality is the ultimate enemy of Republican ideology, so Tom Tancredo picks up his vorpal blade and shows himself asylum-ready
Reagan/Bush national security expert Richard Clark indicts Mitt Romney’s criticisms of Obama over Libya, saying Romney poses novice questions.
David Gregory twice asserted an inaccurate Obama quote while advancing a Republican argument against President Obama’s foreign policy today on Meet the Press.
Conservative group Let Freedom Ring is airing a new ad that borrows from the Glenn Beck chalkboard approach to logic in suggesting Obama is cozy with the Muslim Brotherhood.
It’s 9/11, so right on schedule here comes the Republican Party with a story about how Obama has made America less safe. Only this time, the American people aren’t listening.
President Obama marks the 11th anniversary of 9/11 by remembering the innocent lives lost, and honoring the first responders and men and women in uniform who have served and sacrificed to keep our country safe.