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Sarah Palin Unveils 2012 Strategy: Insane Racism Redux

Sarah Palin was on Fox News’ Hannity last night lecturing Obama on how he needs to stop trying to take this county back to pre-Civil War times when people weren’t equal to work hard. We all know slaves never worked hard, and were glad when their long fight to gain equal standing to work hard…


Rush Limbaugh Claims That His Obama Hate is not Racism

Rush Limbaugh took a moment on his radio show to as he put it, “clear something up once and for all.” He said, “I, Rush Limbaugh, am not a racist,” which is interesting because I don’t know many non-racists who feel the need to discuss the Obamas’ slave blood, or more importantly feel the urge to differentiate between Obama’s black half and white half, as Limbaugh did.


Glenn Beck Accuses the NAACP of Racism

On his Fox News program today, Glenn Beck accused the NAACP of using racism as a tactic for political gain. Beck said, “Racism is now being used as a tactic for political gain. The NAACP is now trying to intimidate Tea Partiers passing a resolution to condemn ‘the racist elements in the Party.'” Beck lecturing about racism is like an arsonist discussing fire safety.


Fox News Echoes Rand Paul’s Claim that Racism and Discrimination Are Rights

FNC contributor John Stossel was on Fox News’ America Live today where he voiced his agreement with Kentucky GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul that part of the civil rights ought to be repealed so that businesses can discriminate based on race. Stossel said, “It’s time now to repeal that part of the law because private businesses ought to get to discriminate… it should be their right to be racist.”

Rush Limbaugh Accuses Barack Obama of Promoting Racism

On his radio show today Rush Limbaugh upped his race baiting rhetoric by claiming that Barack Obama is promoting racism, “He is promoting this, just as he is ACORN, just as he is Van Jones. He is racism.”Of course, in Limbaugh’s mind Obama is promoting racism by being black. The racism in the GOP is not an Obama conspiracy.

Jimmy Carter Speaks out about the Right’s Racism towards Obama

In a piece on the NBC Nightly News former president Jimmy Carter stated the obvious. Many of the people who hate President Barack Obama the deepest hate him because he is black. Carter said, “I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man.”

Bill Maher Takes on Reverse Racism and the Sotomayor Hearings

Comedian Bill Maher was on MSNBC’s Hardball tonight, where he offered his unique take on the Sonia Sotomayor hearings, “All these white people, especially white men who are so incensed about reverse racism and Sotomayor because the problem for too long is Puerto Rican women have had their boot on the neck of white men.” Check out the video.

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