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Republican ‘Cancel Culture’ Hits New Low With Attacks Against D.C. Police

Sometimes we have to give republican pundits and lawmakers credit. They’re really good at herding their right-wing hate media flock away from the issues. Seeing how effective their principal currency of fear, outrage, and xenophobia (FOX) is on their audience, they have manufactured a system designed to repackage irrelevant”fluff” into “need-to-know” national security stories the “biased…

Trump Insults Auto workers at Ford factory

Opinion: Trump’s Lies about Healthcare Workers Profiting Off Of COVID Deaths Exemplify His Assault On Workers

While reports from Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Moody’s all link a Biden presidency to a healthier economy and more powerful recovery, Donald Trump continues to peddle lies that the economy will collapse under Biden, stoking fears that people’s 401Ks will evaporate.  He persists in these lies despite inheriting an economic recovery from Biden…


Opinion: Giving Thanks, A Privileged Immigrant’s Perspective

If you’re enjoying a Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends, that in itself is something to be thankful for.  There are many people who won’t be spending the day that way.  Some of them will be working, providing service to people getting the forgotten “must-haves†for their Thanksgiving dinner.  There are children who will be…


Opinion: Children Cannot Consent

Children cannot give consent to so many things under the law. Whether it’s when someone rapes children, when children get medical treatment, or when children escape violence, their stories are framed as if they can give consent. We see this with the Jeffrey Epstein case, with medical deferments of deportation, and with asylum cases. This…


Tweets tell story of souring Trump, Cohen relationship

President Donald Trump and his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, have both used Twitter to spar with enemies over the last decade. Cohen, 52, is due to report to federal prison in New York state on Monday to begin serving a three-year sentence for crimes including illegal hush payments to women on Trump’s behalf.

hannity interview trump

New Poll Provides Evidence That Fox News Is A Danger to America

The Daily Beast published a new poll this morning that appears to prove the existence of a frightening “Fox News Bubble.†It shows that nearly eight in 10 Republicans — 78 percent — who watch the right-wing news network believe Donald Trump is the most successful president in history. The poll also shows that Republicans…


North Korea Slams Democrats, Threatens U.S. Before Trump Summit

North Korean state media on Sunday broadcast an editorial blaming Democrats and U.S. intelligence officials for undermining this week’s planned summit between President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.  They also issued a veiled threat, saying the U.S. could face “security threats” if criticism of the summit continued. The state news agency KCNA accused…


On Holiday Weekend, 10% of TSA Workers Called In Sick

Trump’s shutdown is nearly five weeks old, and as millions of Americans are going without pay, a potential crisis is hitting America’s airports. Millions of people traveled over the just-concluded holiday weekend, and it was reported that the percentage of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport screeners missing work has hit 10 percent. The TSA workers…


It’s Time To Publicly Shame Trump And The Russia Scandal Liars

The following is an editorial by PoliticusUSA‘s co-publisher Sarah Jones. The day before a judge admonished Trump‘s former National Security Adviser for selling out his country, suggesting that Flynn committed treason, former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone admitted to spreading lies on Alex Jones’ conspiracy oriented InfoWars. Stone made the admission during the settlement of…


House Progressive Leader Joins Caravan in Tijuana

The chairman of the House Progressive Caucus, Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington, went to Tijuana, Mexico and joined the caravan of migrants who traveled from Central America. The congresswoman arrived in Tijuana on Friday after saying that she was going there because she wanted to see first-hand the conditions asylum seekers face at the…


Trump Has Destroyed the GOP Coalition With His White Nationalism

The organization formerly known as The Republican Party does not exist anymore. Donald Trump has destroyed it. With his appeal to racism, white supremacists and white nationalism he has transformed the Grand Old Party. It is no longer a conservative organization of affluent and educated voters. It is now a party of angry white people…


Trump Blames The Media For The Violence That He Caused

President Trump tweeted Thursday that the “mainstream media†is to blame for the anger and incivility in the country’s political discourse. As his words were posted on social media, packages sent by a likely serial bomber continued to target Trump’s critics. “A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is…


After Criticism, Sarah Sanders Blames CNN For Bombings

Tensions are running high between CNN and the White House. On Wednesday CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker issued a strong statement denouncing the White House after the outlet’s New York headquarters was evacuated due to receiving a bomb in the mail. “There is a total and complete lack of understanding at the White House about…


Angry Trump Mob Pranked Into Protesting a Fake Antifa Event

A Facebook prank in North Carolina has proved that Trump supporters are terrified of the anti-fascist group Antifa. On Saturday several dozen right-wing, pro-Trump protesters gathered at a North Carolina Outdoors store due to a rumored violent Antifa event that was going to take place there. They brought their Confederate flags and pro-Trump regalia, and…


Trump Gets Caught Obstructing Justice, Gives FBI Free Rein

Ever since it was announced that the FBI would do a further investigation of Brett Kavanaugh it has been difficult to figure out the exact scope of that investigation. And the events that unfolded last night made the situation even more confusing. It started yesterday afternoon with an NBC News story saying that Trump had…


Blame Game: GOP Candidates Panic Due to Trump’s Unpopularity

With about seven weeks until election day on November 6th, Republicans are in full panic mode. Almost every recent poll shows the president’s unpopularity falling to record low levels, while at the same time congressional generic ballots show Republicans facing a bloodbath in the midterms. Almost every GOP leader, pollster or candidate has expressed fears…


Cohen Says He Was There When Trump Planned Trump Tower Meeting

Last night Lanny Davis made an announcement that sent shockwaves throughout Trump World: Michael Cohen was with Donald Trump when they met with Don Jr. to plan the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives, and he’s willing to talk to Mueller about it. Davis confirmed during an appearance on CNN that Michael Cohen…


Russian Oligarch Tweets Threat to Trump Over ‘Russiaphobia’

Artem Klyushin, a Russian billionaire who serves as a government advisor to the Russian President Vladimir Putin, tweeted a veiled threat to President Donald Trump on Thursday. ‘Russian oligarch tweets threat to Trump: This ‘will be his last term’ if he doesn’t ‘extinguish Russophobia’ Russian oligarch tweets threat to Trump: This ‘will be his last…


Over 70 Newspapers Join Forces to Protect Freedom of the Press From Trump

Donald Trump called the news media “the enemy of the American people†just one month after taking office. In the following year, according to CNN, he used the phrases “fake news,†“fake stories,†“fake media†or “fake polls†— over 400 times. And now a major newspaper has organized a coordinated response from editorial boards…


Like Pruitt, Interior Chief Ryan Zinke Is Plagued With Scandal

Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt resigned after his actions led to 18 different federal investigations, and Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior, is close behind with a dozen investigations of his own. “Scandals Pile Up For Interior Chief Ryan Zinke† Scandals Pile Up For Interior Chief Ryan Zinke [CLICK=HERE] — (@Newslink7com) July…


Trump Blames Obama For His Policy Of Keeping Children In Cages

Whenever President Trump needs a distraction from real news he starts tweeting about his favorite topics: Barack Obama, Democrats, and the Russia investigation “witch hunt.”  So that’s what he did Saturday morning as part of a tweetstorm where he combined his normal lunacy with his typical self-promotion. And none of it made much sense. For…

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