Tagged Sarah Palin

Joe Scarborough Personally Attacks Jon Stewart

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, host Joe Scarborough attack Jon Stewart for claiming that MSNBC crew sold themselves out by being sponsored by Starbucks, and pimping their coffee during their show. Scarborough said that Stewart is the angriest guy that he has ever met. He compared Stewart to Bill O’Reilly. Scarborough also claimed that Stewart has a Napoleonic complex.

Jon Stewart Slams Sean Hannity

On The Daily Show last night Jon Stewart mocked FNC’s Sean Hannity for editing a clip of Obama’s speech in Cairo last week in order to claim that Obama was giving a voice to the 9/11 sympathizers. Stewart nailed Hannity for only showing half of Obama’s sentence. Check out the video.

Gingrich Labels Sotomayor a Radical, Not a Racist

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was on CBS’ Face the Nation today, and he continued to back of the failed Republican talking point that Obama Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. Gingrich said, “It’s clear that what she said was racist, and it’s clear — or as somebody wrote recently, “racialist” if you prefer.”

Bill O’Reilly Apologizes to CNN…Sort of

After taking a verbal beat down from Rick Sanchez on CNN for his completely false claim that only Anderson Cooper covered the recent murder of Army recruiter William Long, host Bill O’Reilly sort of apologized to CNN tonight for his mistake. It is a sort of apology because he called Sanchez snide, and promised to have more about CNN’s coverage on his Monday show.

Karl Rove Blames Obama for Guantanamo Bay

After President Obama stated that he had inherited the legal mess of what to do with the GITMO detainees, Karl Rove went on the Brian and the Judge show yesterday and claimed that this was all Obama’s fault, even though it was the Bush administration’s opening of the facility that caused the problem in the first place.

Ed Schultz Debates Ron Paul on The Ed Show

After Ed Schultz put Rep. Ron Paul in the Psycho Talk segment of his MSNBC show last week, because Paul wants limited federal spending on only constitutionally mandated programs, Rep. Paul came on his show tonight to defend his point, and engage in a passionate debate on the issues. Check this fun piece of video.

Liz Cheney Defends Dear Old Dad on Authorizing Torture

Former Deputy Sec. of State Liz Cheney was on ABC’s This Week today, and she defended her father Dick Cheney against a report this week that he wanted a detainee waterboarded to prove an Iraq/al-Qaeda connection. Cheney said that her dad would never substitute his own judgment for that of the CIA. Need she be reminded that her father once tried to declare his office a separate branch of the government?

Ed Schultz Takes On Ron Paul

On the “Psycho Talk” segment of his MSNBC show tonight, Ed Schultz turned his attention to Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) who has suggested that the United States government should cut all funding that isn’t in the Constitution. Schultz pointed out that eliminating Departments like Education and Agriculture, would mean getting rid of food standards and safety.


Glenn Beck Compares the Obama Administration to the Holocaust

On his Fox News show today Glenn Beck gave his studio audience a lecture about history by comparing the Obama administration to the Nazis and the bankers, auto industry executives, and AIG to the Jews. He stated that the American people won’t pay attention until the Obama administration comes for them. I think his comparison is insulting to Jews and memories of the Holocaust.

More Homophobia from Joe the Plumber

Joe the Plumber is back today. In an interview with Toledo, Ohio’s ABC 13, Joe the Plumber said that the sight of men kissing each other throws him off. Joe also bemoaned the fact that his book didn’t sell well, and said that he believes that he can stretch out his 15 minutes of fame for one more year.

Dr. Rand Paul Announces 2010 Senate Exploratory Committee on The Rachel Maddow Show

Tonight on The Rachel Maddow Show, Rep. Ron Paul’s son, Dr. Rand Paul announced tonight that he has formed an exploratory committee to investigate running for Senate in the state of Kentucky. Dr. Rand Paul shares many of his father’s views, and also argues that the Republican Party needs to embrace civil rights and liberties. This means he won’t be popular with the base of the GOP.

Kristol Admits that Republicans Were Wrong to Blame Obama for the Stock Market

Could it really be that someone on Fox News admitted that they were wrong about President Barack Obama driving down the stock market? On Fox News Sunday, Bill Kristol admitted that he was wrong to blame Obama for the 20% drop in the stock market during the first month of his term. This was a popular GOP talking point that has been debunked by the market’s surge over the past month.

GOP: Hate Crimes Laws Increase Attacks on the Rest of the Public

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is not only against the Matthew Sheppard Act, but last night on Fox News he argued that hate crimes legislation creates “sacred cows” that force an attacker to their attention to other members of the general public. He warned that hate crimes laws, “put the victimizer’s focus on someone else.” Does this mean that it is more acceptable for a black, gay, or disabled person to be attacked?

Has the Media Overhyped the Swine Flu?

On CNN’s Reliable Sources this morning there was an interesting discussion about the media’s role in spreading panic about the swine flu. Mark Feldstein formerly of CNN, and currently of George Washington University pointed out that the news networks have a “vested economic interest in promoting fear.”

Fox Beats Obama News Conference with Lie to Me

There was much criticism of the Fox broadcast network for deciding not to show President Obama’s press conference last night, but Fox’s airing of Lie to Me beat the press conference, and was the #1 rated broadcast program at 8 PM. By the way, Obama showed his displeasure with Fox, but not giving Fox News a question last night.

The Surreal Video of Sarah Palin on American Chopper

On Thursday night, Gov. Sarah Palin will keep her face in the public’s mind with an appearance on American Chopper on TLC. Of course, Palin touted the value of having OCC build a chopper to commemorate Alaska’s 50 anniversary of statehood, and OCC’s patriotism. Paul Teutel chatting with Sarah Palin is just a little surreal. Check out the video.

Rachel Maddow Talks about Her Ratings

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has done a couple of interviews lately, where she discussed her post-election ratings slide. Maddow has dropped from 1.9 million viewers during the election to a current average of 1.1 million. The question is, with Democratic viewers now satisfied, can progressive talk continue to grow?

The Morning After Tea Bagging

The morning after brought nothing but more rage for Tea Baggers; They are the “silent majority” and America will hear them roar!!! Here’s their beef (aka, what they meant to tell us yesterday): They’re really mad at all taxes! Oh, and also NBC. NBC is now the devil.

A Crash Course in Fascism for Glenn Beck and Fox News

Fox News anchors Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity declare themselves to be capitalists, but I have news for them, Rupert Murdoch is the capitalist, they are the lackeys. Capitalists control the means of production and use them, without conscience, to do whatever they please, so before they decry the fascism of Barack Obama, maybe they should look at what fascism really is.

Prime Time Troubles for CNN

As if things weren’t bad enough for CNN in primetime, so far in the month of April, the network that was once the cable news industry leader is now in last place It now trailing its sister station Headline News, and Larry King has been defeated by Rachel Maddow on 6 of 10 week nights.

Should MSNBC Be Worried About The Ed Show?

It has only been a week, but after a strong debut on Monday, Ed Schultz’s The Ed Show on MSNBC settled back into drawing the same number of viewers that the previous program had in that slot. Not even a special prime time edition of the program drew well. Does this mean that MSNBC needs to be worried about The Ed Show?

The Ed Show Gives MSNBC a Ratings Hike

The early ratings are in for Ed Schultz’s The Ed Show on MSNBC, and they have provided a boost to MSNBC’s 6 pm (ET) hour. It is too soon to tell if his show will be a hit or a miss, and the show definitely could use some tweaking, but Schultz is definitely off to a good start.

MSNBC’s Scarborough: Obama has Never Earned a Paycheck

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough upped the anti-Obama rhetoric on his Morning Joe show today, by saying that President Obama has never earned a profit making paycheck in his life, yet he is running Wall St. and the auto industry, but Scarborough and Obama have both made a living practicing law and in politics, so has Scarborough also never earned a paycheck?

The Curious World of Bill O’Reilly

Bill O’Reilly gave an interview to The Hollywood Reporter where he continued his feud with NBC/MSNBC by calling MSNBC a hateful product that only exists to make money, unlike FNC where O’Reilly once described the disappearance of Laci Peterson as good for ratings. It a strange world Bill O’Reilly lives in, a very strange world.

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