Tagged John Cornyn


John Cornyn Criticized After Complaining That Biden Treats Immigrants “Humanely”

Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) is being criticized after complaining that President Joe Biden and his administration treat immigrants “humanely” amid a nationwide conversation about border security. “Bill Clinton ran for re-election on a platform that said, ‘We cannot tolerate illegal immigration and we must stop it,’” Cornyn said, recalling the former president’s platform. Bill Clinton…


Washington Post Columnist Criticizes Senator John Cornyn for Sexist Comments

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin says Senator John Cornyn (R-Tex.) made sexist comments that portrayed “women as civilizers, cunningly trying to domesticate their spouses” after he was asked to elaborate on his relationship with President Donald Trump. Cornyn described his relationship as “maybe like a lot of women who get married and think they’re going…


How the Ground Zero Mosque Could Cost the GOP the 2010 Election

Like bugs to light, Republicans are attracted to 9/11 fear mongering, and with the flap over the proposed mosque and community center two blocks from Ground Zero, the man in charge of the GOP’s efforts to retake the Senate, Sen. John Cornyn suggested that the GOP is ready to make 9/11 an issue again this November, but by playing the politics of fear, the GOP could ensure failure in November.

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