White House


Obama’s Constitution-friendly Religion

Jeffrey T. Kuhner of the Edmund Burke Institute, who last year accused President Obama of having “black nationalist sympathies” (whatever those are) wrote a column for the Washington Times on February 23, which he entitled Obama’s pseudo-religion, arguing that the “President’s secular moves†are “out of step with Judeo-Christian culture.†His claim is that “Mr. Obama is…

Sarah Palin fares badly in latest poll

Republican Support for Sarah Palin Plunging in Polls

After a rough two years of Palinitis stained by winning Politifacts’ Lie of Year award among other ignoble distinctions, it appears that even Republicans are mournfully unclenching their stubborn fists from around Palin’s star bursts. A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted December 17-19 and it turns out that support for Ms Palin is nose-diving among Republicans.


Barack Obama, High Priest of Baal

When Republicans recently declined to meet with President Obama, it was a rejection of Old Testament proportions. The degree of concern over President Obama’s religion is truly astounding. How can any God-fearing Republican have any time at all for any liberal? It’s like inviting a Canaanite to dinner, or for the Republicans in this case, agreeing to meet with the high priest of Baal in his house.


Republicans Stall the START Treaty And Dream of More Deficit Spending

Republicans claim we need an anti-missile defense system [cue to them rubbing their hands greedily together in anticipation]. But isn’t the best way to get rid of a missile threat to get rid of the missiles themselves? Oh wait, a missile defense system is another way to spend money and ratchet up the U.S. deficit. Getting rid of missiles gives Republicans less to spend money on.


President Obama Screwed You. Wait, No He Didn’t

All the rage, all the buzz, is how Obama screwed us all and no one, and I mean no one, likes him anymore! Hey, Obama, you suck! Give us the permanent tax cuts or else, and do not give them to anyone else. We mean it! Cut to the quiet clarification in the afternoon that all of the hysteria was for naught. No need to kill ourselves yet. Oh, is it too late? Gee, sorry. It was for a good cause.

Obama Smears Proven False Again

Forbes Breitbarted the Birther Smear of Obama

It’s like watching dominoes fall these days, as one by one, conservative extremists are outted for lying to the public. Breitbart, O’Donnell, and now Dinesh D’Souza.You know Dinesh, the “intellectual” who wrote the scathingly inaccurate “Obama is an anti-Colonial Kenyan tribe reviving OTHER” Forbes’ cover story that Newt Gingrich embraced and repeated. Dinesh, he was just outted as having not fact-checked his ode to persecution and paranoia that Forbes published without fact-checking.


Fox Running Scared from Carter’s Fear Mongering Accusations

Former President Carter recently called out Fox News as being a source and propagator of paranoia against Obama, including birtherism and Christianism. Even though the Right loves to make fun of President Carter, Fox was scared enough by his accusations to attempt to debunk the former President via their old Breitbart fallback of misleadingly editing footage to cover their sins. Media Matters called them out on it.


About Last Night, Republicans….

And then yesterday, as the President got ready to announce the last combat troops were out of Iraq, and the nation could finally let out its war-weary breath on one front, Republicans had the nerve, the unmitigated gall, to warn the President of the United States to not take “credit” for Iraq. Instead of acknowledging these sacrifices over your mistake, instead of fighting for Veterans’ benefits, instead of finding one damn thing to be positive about, Republicans can not stop being ungrateful, petty, small-minded, empty-hearted partisan hacks.


Domestic Violence: The Ultimate Oppressor Of Liberty and Freedom

It’s sort of a dirty little secret that in America, an intimate partner killed approximately 33% of female murder victims and more than 600 women every day are sexually assaulted. And what about the “conservatives” who claim to oppose Islam over the way women are treated don’t seem to give a good hoot what goes on here, in their own country? Here, where women are supposed to be free.


Stuck in the 80s GOP Compares Obama to Clark Griswold

Well, let me fill you in, lest you be caught unawares at the water cooler by a colleague who begins to spew Fox Talking Points. The RNC had a blog post about President Obama taking “another†vacation. Another brilliantly relevant and accurate political criticism of the President naturally ensued. Glaring as it was in hypocrisy, Republicans took a shine to it. They figure between the racial division they’re drumming up on one hand, this little nod to the lazy Black man on the other will really finish Obama off and get them the House back this fall!


The Ghost of Vietnam Haunts the Left and Right Over Iraq

I don’t know about you, but for years, I’ve been secretly longing for that Time Life moment post World War II; the kiss of a returning soldier, the final exhale of an exhausted nation. I can’t say that I pictured a happy America, but I had imagined a unified America. But we aren’t going to get that moment, because there was a war in between WWII and Iraq. We’re scared. Not only have we’ve been lied to rather recently (WMD), but we’re battling with our national scars from our defeat in Vietnam.

Republicans Betray Theories of Regananomics

Reaganites: Reagan Would Never Support Extending the Bush Tax Cuts

Earth to the Republican Party: David Stockman, the architect of Reaganomics, declared on NPR that “Reagan would never support extending the Bush tax cuts.†Stockman took this assertion a step further in calling out the Republican leadership for perverting the notions of fiscal conservatism and betraying what the Party used to stand for. He laid his harshest blame on the Bush administration.


Palin-Cowered Media Skewer Michelle Obama

While the poor Right is all over the place trying to find a meme to stick to Michelle Obama — one day a gangster Marxist the next Marie Antoinette (as the media called both Nancy Reagan and Hillary Clinton) — the main stream media gnaws away at any notion of feminine independence by criticizing her for leaving the President by himself on his birthday. Bad girl.

Sarah Palin's Bitter Rage and Contempt

Taking a Stand against Sarah Palin’s Jealous Contempt For Barack Obama

For the last, oh my Gosh, almost TWO years since Palin hit the national scene, conservatives have been salivating over the Democrats’ alleged fear of Sarah Palin. Striking “fear” into their “enemies” is part of the entire worldview of these folks. Everything is seen as a war, a power structure of over and under, best exemplified by Palin’s selling herself as a hunter and someone who just got things done in Alaska (contrary to her actual record and her quitting of her job). While I reject this worldview, it’s important to note that their largest strategic failure is not their worldview, but their misinterpretation of the Left’s outrage over Palin.


The Party of No Sabotages Small Business

For years, Republicans have been selling themselves as the party of business, using Small Business as the banner from which to launch their tax cuts for huge corporations, think Joe the Plumber, but when push comes to shove as with today’s Senate vote on the small business jobs bill, The Party of No reveals that it is November calculus, not small businesses that really matter.

Foxonian Visual Lies Courtesy of a Desperate Drudge Report

The Drudge Report Trolls with Foxonian Visual Lies

While Right Wing screams about liberal media bias, and the scream even louder when they’re busted flat out lying to their audience (Acorn video, Sherrod video, etc), they continue their assault on reality via any means necessary. To this end, The Drudge Report felt compelled to use the Foxian trick of using imagery to lie for them yesterday when they attempted to lay blame for missing Iraq reconstruction money at Obama’s feet.


White Republican Overseers Order Obama to Do His Job

Republicans who are loath to do their own jobs are thankfully not reticent to run around pointing fingers at Obama and demand, “Mr. President! Do your job!†This is said in what I can assure you is not a racist tone, because the only racism we need to worry about is reverse racism, as you would know if you were a rich white man who has suffered mightily trying to get someone to stop you and ask for your birth certificate.


Democrats Chip Away at 40 Years of Radical Pro-Business Legislation

A Senate committee on Wednesday voted to eliminate limits on liability that oil companies would face for damages stemming from offshore spills like the one in the Gulf of Mexico. The President signaled his support for higher or no caps on liability for oil companies earlier this month. While it may seem like this is just another meaningless vote, a closer examination reveals a huge paradigm shift under way, and it would be wise for voters to pay attention.

General McChyrstal: The Runaway General

Rachel Maddow Lasers in on McChrystal’s Counterinsurgency Doctrine

What may come as a surprise to the General is that his own actions are casting doubts regarding the General’s own counterinsurgency approach in Afghanistan, and I would take that a step further and suggest that it’s time that civilian political leadership take back control of our military strategy, rather than relying so heavily on professional military officers.

Change: Protecting the Environment Finally Gets Approval

Change Has Come: Environmental Protection Now Has Public Support

It seems that the worst environmental disaster in US history was all it took for Americans to get serious about protecting the environment. According to the latest Society for Human Resource Management/National Journal Congressional Connection survey, 56% of those asked said, that “protecting the environment” should be the more important priority for U.S. energy policy over “keeping energy prices low.”

Sarah Palin wanting to change the law

The White House Slams Palin’s Obama Oil Spill Allegations

Sarah Palin, the Drill Baby Drill poster girl and someone whose PAC contributions read like a who’s who in the oil business, had the gall this morning on Fox News Sunday to accuse Obama of not doing his job because he is in bed with big oil. Palin says she went after BP as Governor of Alaska and President Obama should, too, but White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs set Palin straight.

Oil Spill Tragedy

The Left Carrying Water for the GOP: Why isn’t Obama Fixing the Oil Spill?!?

Everywhere I go, Liberals are griping about the President, carrying water for the GOP again. Liberals want Obama to “FIX†the BP spill. He should have “taken overâ€, he should have “done moreâ€. Beware the lazy intellectualism of the pseudo elite liberal, because it’s much more cool to reproach scornfully from above than it is to tell the nerdy truth. The nerdy truth is that the law prevents the government from just taking over. The nerdy truth is this sucks and there is no way to fix it now.

Hillary Clinton Feminist Extraordinaire

While Sarah Palin Exploits Hillary Clinton Empowers

Last night, though, we were treated to an interview with Hillary Clinton on CBS’s “60 Minutes”. Clinton hardly dominates the media since becoming Secretary of State, so seeing her was a stark contrast to the daily Palin saturation of the news. Watching Hillary was healing, uplifting and encouraging. Hillary is the anti-Palin, and she’s out there kicking ass for us every day.


GOP Uses SECRET HOLD To Obstruct Record Number of Nominees

A dark storm is brewing over the Senate as Republicans obstruct Presidential nominees in record numbers, abusing secret hold and laundering holds in an attempt to outrun Senate rules. The Republicans’ unprecedented use of secret holds has almost brought government to a standstill, and yet they’ve avoided all accountability for their actions by hiding under the cloak of anonymity. Senator Claire McCaskill tried to force them to own up to their holds this week.


The Gulf Coast Oil Spill: Dick Cheney’s Katrina

This is the story of rampant deregulation in a never-ending ode to Profit as King, as propagated by the Bush/Cheney administration across all sectors of our economy, which didn’t end with Wall Street or mortgage lending or Enron. Indeed, the deregulation scandals extend now to off-shore drilling in the form of the missing Valve, a remote shut-off device called an acoustic switch. Dick Cheney may have had his hand in the Department of Interior’s decision not to mandate the valve for off-shore oil rigs.


“Liberal Elite” Washington Post Advances Fox’s Miranda Lies

The Washington Post, that “liberal elite” paper, is following in Fox’s footsteps by regurgitating false Miranda information, suggesting that Miranda rights are optional and should not be employed with suspected terrorists, even if said suspect is an American citizen. Fox News has long advanced the claim that reading Abdulmutallab Miranda rights compromised the government’s ability to get information. This, of course, was not an issue for Fox when the Bush administration handled the suspected terrorists the exact same way. When they’re not trying to terrorize Americans into voting for them, the Right is trying to terrorize Americans into giving away all of their freedoms.


Obama Shines While Jabbing Birthers and Palin at WH Correspondents Dinner

President Barack Obama outdid Leno tonight at the 2010 White House Correspondents Dinner, aka #Nerdprom. There were lots of jokes about his approval ratings, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney and Rahm Emanuel. However his best material was reserved for the birthers and Sarah Palin. For the birthers he joked that his popularity still remains high in his, “home country,†and he jabbed at Palin with a comment about, “socialized media.â€


Once Upon A Time Republicans and Democrats Agreed On Illegal Immigration

Ironically, in 2006, all of the players you now see polarized had agreed to an immigration reform bill co-sponsored by Democrat Ted Kennedy and Republican John McCain. Said bill is now way too sane for McCain to put his name to, as he is busy selling his soul to the radical right and taking his friend Lindsey Graham down with him. Anything to keep his seat. Country First. Yada yada.


AZ Gov. Jan Brewer Politicizes Border Violence in Arizona

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is using drug related border violence to justify a draconian and perhaps unconstitutional law, but the two have nothing to do with one another. In fact, in the video the reporter says, “he (Officer Pinal) was tracking the five suspects as they transported marijuana and other drugs…” So if Brewer wanted to deal with this issue, she should have written a law dealing with drug trafficking and undocumented fire arms, not people who “look undocumented”. Hey, I’m just assuming she’d want to narrow the field down to the dangerous folks if her argument is the threat of violence.


Spill, Baby Spill: Explosion Gives Environmentalists Regulation Firepower

The “Drill Baby Drill” proponents are eerily silent as the oil spill in the Gulf, which could become one of the worst recent environmental disasters of this nation, threatens hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife. The massive explosion and subsequent oil spill of a rig in the Gulf of Mexico may lead to reinstating the expired moratoriums on off-shore drilling as well as new regulations, which oil giant BP says it is expecting.


The Truth is Out: Palin’s VP Debate Answers Were Scripted

The false narrative continues as Steve Schmidt (aka, the Bullet) reveals Palin’s debate answers were memorized and scripted. What’s the difference between a Palin debate and a movie? Not much apparently. Sure, American politicians sell a cult of personality, but must it be so disingenuous as to include main characters like W and Palin? Can’t the GOP find someone who can read? Aren’t candidates supposed to have some ideas, something they stand for and shouldn’t they be able to discuss that topic without memorizing answers?


Sarah Palin Encourages Franklin Graham to Spread the Holy War Against Muslims

Unwilling to let any chance for more publicity via her specialty of moral poutrage sprinkled over Dim-Sum pass her by, Sarah Palin takes to her facebook page to decry the Pentagon’s decision yesterday to dis-invite Franklin Graham from National Prayer Day. In doing so, Palin demonstrates yet again how little she thinks/knows of the law, inviting satire as the only possible rebuttal available to all reading citizens.


How Obama’s Nuclear Weapons Strategy Will Save the World

After the historic Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty signed the previous week between the United States and Russia, the seemingly logical next step was to get as many nations together as possible to be on the same page. The threat of nuclear weapons getting into the wrong hands like al Qaeda or rogue nations like North Korea or Iran, who are currently developing nuclear weapons, should be of grave concern to the entire world.

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