Tagged Fox News


Sarah Palin Tells President Obama to Humble Himself

Sarah Palin continued her desperate quest to inject herself into the Gulf oil leak story by appearing on FNC’s Hannity tonight to urge President Obama to, “humble himself,” and, “call those around you on a non -partisan basis that could give you the best advice.” Palin seemed to suggest that the black president needs to be more humble and rely on white advisers like her.


Fox News Threatens Sarah Palin Book Author Joe McGinniss

Fox News issued a warning and a thinly veiled threat to investigative journalist and author Joe McGinniss, who is writing a book about Sarah Palin, Alaska, and the oil industry. On Fox and Friends today, Steve Doocy said, “Mr. McGinniss if you’re watching right now, I would be very careful wearing hats out there because in the wrong hat, in the wrong light, could appear to be antlers.”


Golden Scam: Fox News Predicts that Gold Will Both go up by 30% and Down by 50%

Today Fox News provided more evidence for why the odious relationship between the right wing media and gold sellers deserves some serious investigation. Despite endless shilling from Glenn Beck, it seems that even Fox doesn’t know if gold is a safe investment. Over the course of two different programs Fox said that gold will collapsed but also promised a 30% increase. Way to play both sides, Fox News.


Fox News Echoes Rand Paul’s Claim that Racism and Discrimination Are Rights

FNC contributor John Stossel was on Fox News’ America Live today where he voiced his agreement with Kentucky GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul that part of the civil rights ought to be repealed so that businesses can discriminate based on race. Stossel said, “It’s time now to repeal that part of the law because private businesses ought to get to discriminate… it should be their right to be racist.”


Fox News’ Brit Hume Denies the size of the Gulf Oil Spill

Fox News is still in full spin mode when it comes to the Gulf oil spill. Since the explosion, the network has been touting the virtues of offshore drilling, while downplaying the damage from the Gulf spill. However, Fox News Sunday’s Brit Hume took it to new low today, when he doubted the size of the spill because the oil has not covered the coast yet. Hume asked, “Where is the oil?”


Glenn Beck Blames the Weather for His Ratings Plummet

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck first claimed that his ratings aren’t declining, but then blamed the weather for his loss of one million Fox News viewers. Beck’s excuse, “It’s called the spring and summer. It’s a cycle.” The problem is that Beck’s viewership numbers have been dropping since January, which is in the winter, when people are usually inside their homes watching television.


Sean Hannity Lies to Fox Viewers about Obama’s Response to Oil Spill

On his FNC program Hannity, Sean Hannity was doing his best to sell the oil spill in the Gulf as Obama’s Katrina, when he flat out lied to his audience and said, “The fact is they sat back for nine days and did absolutely nothing.” If by doing nothing Hannity meant deploying the Coast Guard within hours of the explosion, first for search and rescue then to contain the spill, then Obama did nothing.


Fox News Labels Shakira A Liar on AZ Immigration Law

Fox News went on the attack today against Colombian pop singer Shakira, because she was in Arizona yesterday speaking out against that state’s immigration law. This morning on Fox and Friends Brian Kilmeade said, “We know her hips don’t lie, but we aren’t so sure about her lips.” Because the singer dared to criticize a Fox News supported policy, she now joins LL Cool J on their enemies list.


Fox News’ Bill Kristol: Offshore Drilling is Safe until the Oil Rig Blows Up

Fox News contributor Bill Kristol was on Special Report with Bret Baier tonight defending off shore drilling, when he made perhaps the stupidest statement of all time. He said offshore drilling is quite safe, “and very environmentally clean, except where there is a disaster like this.” Essentially Kristol is saying that offshore drilling is safe, until the oil rig bursts into flames.


So Far Over 1 Million Viewers Have Dumped Glenn Beck In 2010

Things are not looking good for Glenn Beck and FNC. Not only have over 200 advertisers left Beck, and the network has been reduced to virtually giving away his ad time, but Fox News viewers are leaving his show in droves. Since January, Beck has lost 33% of his audience, or roughly 1.4 million daily viewers. The worst news for Beck is that this has been a steady erosion, and the viewers are not coming back.


Sarah Palin Accuses Obama of Using AZ Immigration Law to Incite People

Sarah Palin and her Misinformation Express turned up in the safe and comforting arms of Sean Hannity tonight, and Palin claimed that President Obama and the Democrats are using the new immigration law in Arizona to play politics and incite their base. Palin said, “It’s really to incite and energize some of Obama’s base hoping that they will show up at the polls in the midterm election in November.”


Andrew Sullivan Accuses Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Fox News of Sedition

The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan was on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show today, and he said that the Beck, Palin, Limbaugh and Fox News are calling the government illegitimate, and are committing sedition. Sullivan said, “This is about the moment when America’s divides go right up to calling the government, not wrong, but illegitimate.” Let’s examine the law and see if the right wing is behaving seditiously.


The New John McCain Denies Ever Being a Maverick

How desperate is John McCain to hold off primary challenger J.D. Hayworth and hang on to his Senate seat? On Fox News Sunday today McCain denied that he ever was a maverick. Now McCain claims that he is not a maverick, but, “what I was saying was that I have considered myself a person who’s a fighter.” It is so mavericky to deny ever being a maverick.


The White House Calls Out More Fox News Bias

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was on CNN’s Reliable Sources today, where he took aim squarely at Fox News and their coverage of Obama’s nuclear polices. Gibbs said that instead of being a news organization, Fox News is, “feeding an audience that they know wants to see and hear a certain side of that argument.” It looks like the Obama/Fox News war is on again.


Glenn Beck Refers to the U.S. Military as Loiterers

While discussing his plan for America on his Fox News program today, Glenn Beck was trying to improve his libertarian credibility, when he insulted the U.S. military by proclaiming that progressives had turned them into, “the world’s loiterers,” so according to Beck the men and women in the military are loitering around the globe. Way to support the troops there, Glenn.

Fox Pathetically Tries to Spin Away Scott Brown Blowing off the Tea Party

Fox Tries to Spin Away Scott Brown Blowing off the Tea Party

While reporting on the Tea Party rally in Boston today for FNC’s America Live, Fox News reporter Molly Line tried to spin away the fact that Sen. Scott Brown decided to not to show up at the rally and associate with the Tea Party and Sarah Palin. Line said, “Tea Partiers gave him some credit actually for not coming here today.” Only at a rally led by Palin and Fox would Brown get credit for not showing up.


Breitbart Justifies Racist Tea Party Attacks by Blaming Black Congressmen

While trying to claim that the reports of the Tea Party’s racism are a giant Democratic conspiracy, Andrew Breitbart offered up a racist explanation for why Tea Partiers attacked the Black Congressional Caucus. Breitbart said, “The very act of the Black Congressional Caucus walking through the Tea Party people while holding all those videos was an act of provocation.” Those black congressmen should have known their place, eh Andy?


Rachel Maddow Exposes More Fox News Video Editing Fraud

On The Rachel Maddow Show tonight host Rachel Maddow took on Fox News and their selective editing of the California ACORN tapes. Maddow played both the Fox News edit of the tapes, and the full tapes. Maddow said, “If you watched the footage these guys released, if you followed the wall to wall coverage on Fox…If you are a member of Congress who voted to defund ACORN…You were had.”


Bill O’Reilly Tells Glenn Beck That It is Amazing He Hasn’t Been Fired Yet

On Friday’s The O’Reilly Factor, the love/hate feelings that Bill O’Reilly has for Glenn Beck flared up again, as O’Reilly told Beck, “So here’s Beck and he has been on the air for a year at Fox News Channel, it’s amazing that you haven’t been fired yet, a couple of close calls.” As usual Bill-O hid his dig at Beck with humor, but make no bones about it, Bill-O would not mind seeing Beck hit the bricks.


Sarah Palin Bombs With Her Real American Stories

The numbers are in for Sarah Palin’s first Real American Stories special on Fox News, and they aren’t good. Palin’s special was expected to pull in big numbers for Fox News, but instead did worse that the regular occupant of the 10 PM slot, On The Record with Greta Van Susteren. The viewers that did tune in didn’t stay long as the show lost viewers in every quarter hour. Sarah Palin delivered yet another bomb.

An Outraged Fox News Smears Bill Maher by Calling Him a Teabagger

An Outraged Fox News Smears Bill Maher by Calling Him a Teabagger

The crew over at FNC’s Fox and Friends program got their collective panties in a knot over Bill Maher’s recent appearance on The Tonight Show when he claimed that it the teabaggers’ protests helped to pass health care reform. Eric Bolling said that Maher offended the Tea Party by calling them teabaggers, and, “There was only one teabagger in the studio at that time, and it was Mr. Maher.”


Fox News Attacks LL Cool J for Exposing Sarah Palin Show Fraud

After LL Cool J called Fox News out for trying to sell Sarah Palin’s Real American Stories clip show as new programming, the network responded by claiming that LL does not want to inspire people and took at jab at his acting career. LL’s real motivation was not his concern about inspiration, but the idea that people were going to be fooling into watching an old clipped interview hosted by Palin.


According to Fox News the Left Invented Violent Dissent

In a desperate attempt to explain away the violent actions of the Tea Party, Fox News contributor Liz Trotta claimed the left wing invented violent dissent. No, really, Trotta said, “You know the left wing virtually invented violent dissent during the 1960’s.” In the bizzaro world of Fox News people like Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy invented violent dissent.

Media Employee Sarah Palin Blames the Media for Her Violent Rhetoric

Media Employee Sarah Palin Blames the Media for Her Violent Rhetoric

During her speech at the Tea Party Express rally in Searchlight, NV today, Fox News employee Sarah Palin blamed the media for her target list and her violent rhetoric. Palin said, “It’s a bunch of bunk what the media is trying to feed you. Don’t let them distract you from the debate.” Media criticisms aren’t nearly effective when they come from someone who makes their living on cable news.

Fox News and Dan Quayle Embrace the Violent Tea Party

Fox News and Dan Quayle Embrace the Tea Party Violence

Fox News is spending the day, amping up the tea party rage for the protest in Senate Majority leader Harry Reid’s hometown. Host Neal Cavuto spoke to former vice president Dan Quayle who said, “God bless these folks,” and he proclaimed them a, “not so silent majority.” When a movement’s intellectual leaders are Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin, it has some really big problems.


A Bitter Fox News Cuts Off Coverage of Obama Health Care Event

Some more of that Fox News fairness and balance was on display today as President Obama held an event on health care reform that was covered by all three cable networks, but only two thought that it was important enough to show the entire event to their viewers. Jon Scott of Fox News cut in and called the President’s event a pep rally and cut away to a press conference from John Boehner.

On Fox Megyn Kelly freaks over healthcare

Megyn Kelly Freaks Out On Fox News over Health Care Bill

Things have swung into full panic mode over health care on Fox News. Today a supposed lawyer, Megyn Kelly, freaked out on the air today and said, “What is happening? No one gets it…I don’t understand anything they are talking about when it comes to this potential law.” Maybe Kelly could understand it if Fox News would stop lying and confusing their viewers about deeming.

“Constitutional Expert†Sarah Palin Mangles the Slaughter Solution

“Constitutional Expert” Sarah Palin Mangles the Slaughter Solution

Everyone’s favorite quitter, Sarah Palin was on FNC’s Hannity tonight where she called the centuries old deem and pass legislative technique. Palin said, “The process that Pelosi is pushing right now is unconstitutional.” She then lied and said this bill would not have been passed by both houses of Congress. The problem is that the bill will, in fact, be identical. Once again, Palin mangled the Constitution, and the legislative process.


Fox News Helps President Obama Pass Healthcare

Tonight on FNC’s Special Report with Bret Baier, President Barack Obama effortlessly rolled through an at times combative interview with Baier, who tried to talk about special deals on the healthcare bill and emails from “the people” who oppose healthcare reform, but Obama was more than up to the task as he used Fox News to push his own healthcare reform message.


Glenn Beck Claims that America is not a Democratic Society

On the Monday edition of his Fox News program, Glenn Beck claimed that America is not a democratic society. While smearing the mother of a woman who died without healthcare, Beck said, “Well, we’re not a democratic society. I think that was the Soviet Union. I believe it is the democratic socialist republic in China as well.” Beck appears to be calling for the abolition of democracy in the United States of America.


Why The Eric Massa Interview Is the Beginning of the End for Glenn Beck

Today on his radio show Glenn Beck continued to react to the fact that he turned himself into a national laughingstock with his Fox News interview of former Rep. Eric Massa yesterday. Beck tried to place all of the blame on Massa for yesterday’s 60 minutes of train wreck television. The Massa interview could end up being a watershed in Beck’s career, because it was at this point his hubris and arrogance finally derailed his Fox News stardom.

Michelle Malkin Rips Glenn Beck on His Own Show for Featuring Eric Massa

More Righty on Righty Violence as Michelle Malkin Rips Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck hosted Michelle Malkin on his radio show today, presumably to discuss Eric Massa’s appearance today on Beck’s Fox News show, but he and Malkin got into a huge argument over why Beck is promoting and giving air time to Massa. Malkin asked Beck, “How much oxygen do you really want to give a guy who is trying to save his job?” Beck then questioned whether or not he and Malkin were on the same side.


Mitt Romney Blames Obama for 9/11 Truthers

Mitt Romney continued his 2012 presidential campaign launch disguised as book tour today on Fox News Sunday, where he claimed that Obama’s positions are lending support to international 9/11 truthers like Ahmadinejad. Romney said, “These sorts of voices should not receive any kind of support from the words of the President of United States.” Romney conveniently forgot that the truthers have been around since the days of George W. Bush.


Bill O’Reilly Compares Obama and Heathcare to George W. Bush and Iraq

On his FNC program The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly engaged in full blown fear mongering tonight as he compared President Obama’s attempts to pass healthcare reform with George W. Bush’s belief that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the United States. Only in the fractured realm of Fox News could a healthcare bill be equated with an unjust war that has killed thousands of people.


Fox Propaganda Alert: Beck and O’Reilly Debate the Meaning of Progressivism

Tonight during his regular segment with Glenn Beck on FNC’s The O’Reilly Factor host Bill O’Reilly tried to drag Beck into his feud with Rush Limbaugh over whether or not Obama is a Socialist. Beck claimed that Progressivism is like Marxism without the revolution, while O’Reilly claimed that Progressives just want to “Take your stuff.”Once again Fox News offers its views only the finest in narrow minded propaganda.

Beck Calls His Audience Fat, Lazy, and Stupid

Glenn Beck Calls his Audience Fat, Stupid, and Lazy

On his FNC program tonight, Glenn Beck apparently came out in favor of childhood obesity, because he attacked First Lady Michele Obama for her initiative against childhood obesity. Beck said, “Do you really think Michele Obama is worried about your child’s BMI?” Beck also went on to defend his audience’s right to be fat, stupid and lazy.

Fox News Treats Sarah Palin Like Lap Candy

FNC’s Chris Wallace was on Don Imus’ show this morning promoting the debut of Sarah Palin on Fox News Sunday. Imus asked Wallace if Palin was going to sit on his lap. He replied, “One can only hope.” Fox News is the only network where a woman can go from being a sitting governor to giving lap dances.

Glenn Beck Calls Obama America’s Slavemaster

On his FNC program today Glenn Beck launched into another one of his Marxist control rants when he couldn’t resist a little bit of that old time racism, “The most effective way to become the slavemaster and make them come to you is to make them come to you for employment.” According to Beck, Obama is America’s slavemaster.

Kerry: Dick Cheney Doesn’t Respect the Constitution

Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) were on ABC’s This Week today where Kerry unloaded on former vice president Dick Cheney after Cheney blasted the decision to investigate CIA interrogation abuses. Kerry said, “Dick Cheney has shown through the years, frankly, a disrespect for the Constitution, for sharing of information with Congress…”

Obama Knocks Down Enemies List Conspiracy Theory

At his town hall meeting in New Hampshire today, President Barack Obama addressed the right wing myth that the White House healthcare website is creating an enemies list. Obama said, “Can I just say this is another example of how the media just ends up completely distorting what’s taking place.” By the media he means, Fox News.

McCain Calls for Action against Iran

2008 Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) once again demonstrated his itchy trigger finger today by calling for US action against Iran due to the dubious outcome of their recent presidential election. While appearing on Fox News, McCain said, “It really is a sham that they’ve pulled off, and I hope that we will act.”

Republicans Keep Repeating the Big Bailout Lie

Today on Fox News Sunday, Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) tried to blame President Obama for the bank bailouts last fall. The Rev. Pat Robertson and Dick Cheney have also recently made the same claim, but by their definition of socialism, if Obama is a Socialist, so is George W. Bush, but this little fact hasn’t stopped the GOP from revising bailout history.

Glenn Beck Compares Obama and GM to Hitler and Volkswagon

On his Fox News show today, host Glenn Beck and guest Jonah Goldberg compared GM bankruptcy to the Nazi government’s creation of Volkswagon. Goldberg made the claim that GM’s bankruptcy is all part of Obama’s central plan. The option he advocated was to allow the automakers to fail, which would have turned the recession into a depression, but Beck and company didn’t consider that.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich Blasts AIG

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) confronted AIG CEO Edward Liddy during his House testimony today about a lawsuit involving many Ohio public employees’ pension fund, which lost $96 million to AIG fraud. The lawsuit has been dragging on since 2004, and Kucinich demanded answers.

Fox News Uses Doctored Video to Smear Al Gore

Laura Ingraham was guest hosting The O’Reilly Factor last night, and she went on the attack against Al Gore. She claimed that Gore’s climate change position has been very profitable for him. To make her point, Ingraham used doctored video of Gore’s recent congressional testimony that omitted Gore saying that he donates all of his profits back to the cause.

Obama Mocks Fox News and the Tea Bag Protests

At a town hall meeting in Arnold, MO, President Obama took a not so veiled shot at Fox News and the tea bag protests. Obama talked about a certain news channel where he isn’t very popular and people waving tea bags around. Obama said that these people are playing games and pretending that the problem is the Recovery Act.

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