Tagged Fox News


Country Legend Merle Haggard Calls Out The Lies Of Fox News

In an interview with Rolling Stone about receiving the Kennedy Center Honor for lifetime achievement, outlaw country legend Merle Haggard reflected on meeting President Obama. He blasted “the media,” for making up and spreading lies about Obama, “It was also nice to meet Obama and find him very different from the media makeout. It’s really almost criminal what they do with our President.” It is obvious that Haggard was talking about Fox News.


Lady Liberty Weeps as Sarah Palin Labels Obama a Threat to Democracy

Palin can’t manager her own Sarah PAC finances without running into trouble with each filing, she drove Alaska into debt and she left Wasilla in 20 million dollars of long term debt here she is on FNC’s Hannity tonight, telling us about how President Obama is going to ruin our democracy because of what the “fedsâ€, a.k.a the Fed is doing. File this away under “I refudiate your abuse of the English languageâ€.


A Fox News Fairy Tale: Sarah Palin Will Clean Obama’s Clock in 2012

Yet another example of how Fox News is revving up their Republican campaign machine for Sarah Palin occurred on Hannity last night when Sean Hannity claimed that, “I think Gov. Palin, if they keep up with this radical agenda will clean Obama’s clock.” That’s a nice fairy tale for Sean Hannity to spin, but let’s take a look at what will really happen if Barack Obama meets up with Sarah Palin in 2012.


TLC Morphs into Fox News While Visiting Sarah Palin’s Alaska

Joe McGinniss is now suing Sarah the pedophile hunter, or rather, the network promoting Sarah’s public image as a 2012 candidate, TLC, a subsidiary of the Discovery Channel for invasion of privacy and is demanding to be removed from the reality show over due to “unauthorized videotaped images of Mr. McGinniss which were obtained without his knowledge or consent.” Who can miss the irony of “discovery” in this context? Discovery will be had if TLC doesn’t back down after infringing upon Joe’s privacy rights.


Fox News Accuses NPR of Offensive and Biased Coverage

Today on Fox and Friends Fox News continued the right wing attack on NPR, as they now claimed that George Soros got Juan Williams fired because he recently donated $1.8 million to NPR. Steve Doocy claimed that, “NPR has a bone to pick and an axe to grind with Fox News.” Brian Kilmeade accused NPR of, “a history of biased and offensive coverage.”

Nixon/Murdoch "I am not a crook!"

The Culture of Lawlessness in Rupert Murdoch’s Newsrooms

Scotland Yard’s evidence indicated that hundreds of celebrities, government officials, soccer stars, etc had been targets of Murdoch’s News of the World cell phone hackers. Scotland Yard looked the other way as Murdoch hacked into phones of both private citizens and the Royal Family, and again as Murdoch’s editor was installed as communications aide to Tory PM Cameron.


Fox News Personally Attacks Jon Stewart

On Fox News Watch today, Fox contributor Jim Pinkerton upped the ante and personally attacked Jon Stewart as a demagogue. Pinkerton compared Stewart to Lonesome Rhodes by saying, “Five words A Face In The Crowd, the 1950’s movie starring Andy Griffith…about a talk show host who then thought he was a political and a demagogue.”


Fox News Finds Hidden Messages in Obama’s Iraq Speech

On Fox and Friends this morning the panel claimed that President Obama’s Iraq speech contained hidden messages about a second stimulus and cap and trade, and that using the term “middle class” was a buzz word. Eric Bolling said, “We must jump start industries, sounds to me like stimulus, and end our dependence on foreign oil, sounds to me like cap and trade.”


Bill O’Reilly Admits that Fox News is Biased Against Liberals

In his column today, Bill O’Reilly did something that every other Fox News personality has refused to do. He admitted that FNC is biased, not only are they biased, but they are biased against liberals. I know. I know. Pick yourself up off the floor because O’Reilly wrote, “The anti-liberal Fox News Channel and the Wall Street Journal, whose editorial page is conservative, are both doing very well.”


The Hackery and Mendacity of a FOX News Legal Propagandist

We should not expect much out of FOX when it comes to reporting the news. Sure, it can be argued that there is no news that is undistorted by spin, but there is spin and there is propaganda, and there is outright fiction. If you are going to step before a camera and say something, it should at least be made clear to the watcher if what you’re saying is fact or fiction. Peter J. Johnson, Jr., graduate of Columbia College and Columbia University’s School of Law and has served them as a legal propagandist since 1997.


Fox News Opposes the Egg Recall and Food Safety

Just when you think Fox News may have found one issue that the network can agree with President Obama on, in this case the need for more regulation and food inspections to prevent things like the current national egg recall due to salmonella infection, along comes Neil Cavuto and guest Charles Payne to explain to us why big business should be allowed to poison our food.


The Faux Hotties of FOX News

A Christian watchdog group complained in 2007 that they “see shorter skirts on the women of Fox News than…on the prostitutes being arrested on cop shows.” The thighs and breasts remain. The Family Values network? No, more of a fund-raising network now – and sex sells.


40 Religious Leaders Denounce Sarah Palin and Fox’s Hate Speech

Forty different Catholic, evangelical, mainline Protestant, Jewish and Muslim leaders and scholars came together to release a statement condemning the hate language of Fox News, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich as it relates to the so called Ground Zero mosque, “Fear-mongering and hateful rhetoric only undermine treasured values at the heart of diverse faith traditions and our nation’s highest ideals.”


Jon Stewart Is More Accurate than Fox News on Anchor Babies

After taking a brief break from race baiting due to being slapped down by Shirley Sherrod, Fox News has moved on to an easier target, babies, specifically the so called anchor babies. Fox News ratcheted up the rhetoric today by referring to the 14th Amendment as the, “anchor baby amendment.” Lucky for us, Jon Stewart has taken on the lunacy of the right wing anchor baby campaign.


D’oh: Glenn Beck Targets Homer Simpson

Glenn Beck has had so many jump the shark moments of late, but he may have topped them all today on his Fox News show when he managed to connect Homer Simpson to the decline of the American family. Beck claimed America was Father Knows Best, but the liberal ideology has turned us all into Homer Simpson.


Rachel Maddow Takes On and Levels Bill O’Reilly

Last night Bill O’Reilly tried to take on Rachel Maddow criticism of Fox’s Shirley Sherrod story by boasting about FNC’s ratings. Maddow responded tonight by taking him apart, “You were trying to take the attention off me saying that your network Fox News continually crusades on flagrantly bogus stories designed to make White Americans fear Black Americans.”


Glenn Beck Transforms From Talk Show Host to Cult Leader

On his Fox News program today, Glenn Beck attacked the rest of the media and charged that they are engaged in actively promoting propaganda for Barack Obama. Beck’s latest media allegation is not just conservative spin, but he is also engaging in information control. Much like a cult leader, Beck wants to control information in order to keep his audience loyal to him.


Glenn Beck Praises God for the Existence of Fox News

Glenn Beck opened his Fox News program tonight by diving straight into the echo chamber of propaganda by praising Fox News for covering their own manufactured story about the DOJ and the New Black Panthers. Beck even went as far as to thank God for the existence of Fox News, “No one in the media seems to care a lot, thank God that there’s Fox.”


Glenn Beck Rewrites History and Defends Slavery

It was another wild and wacky trip through revisionist Right Wing history with Glenn Beck today as Glenn decided to spend the day defending slavery. On the radio he claimed that race relations aka slavery was fine until it became politicized before the Civil War, and he followed this up with a claim on his TV show that there were no racial relations issues in colonial America.


Fox News Claims that Obama has Nationalized BP

Since the creation of the victims fund was announced last week, Fox News has been going ballistic with claims that President Obama bullied BP and abused his power. These claims went to whole new level today when on FNC’s Journal Report, John Fund referred to the $20 billion put up by BP as a new model for how a company is, “nationalized.”


Fox News Claims Obama Put a Gun to BP’s Head

Fox News ratcheted up their pro-BP rhetoric today when the Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore went on their On The Record program and claimed that President Obama put a gun to BP’s head, “The federal government, that is to say the Obama administration put a gun to BP’s head and said either go along with this agreement, or the future of this company will be very much in jeopardy.”


Sarah Palin Claims that She Knows How to Fix the BP Oil Leak

Sarah Palin turned up on The O’Reilly Factor tonight and claimed that she knows how to stop the Gulf oil leak. Palin claimed that we should rely on foreign countries to fix the oil leak, “What the federal government should have done was accept the assistance of foreign countries, of entrepreneurial Americans who have solutions…who can’t even get a phone call returned.”

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