Yearly Archives: 2009

Liberal and Conservative Myths about Health Care Reform

The one reality about the healthcare reform debate is that both the liberal and the conservative arguments contain their share of myths. From the right we are told that malpractice lawsuits cause the enormous increases in heathcare costs, and from the left we are told that cost increase due to health insurance company bureaucracies, but neither of these claims are true.

John McCain Stands by Sarah Palin on Death Panels

On ABC’s This Week, Sen. John McCain defended Sarah Palin’s claim that healthcare reform would result in death panels. McCain argued that reform could lead to death panels, “So what does, what does that lead to? Doesn’t that lead to a possibility, at least opens the door to a possibility of rationing and decisions made such are made in other countries?”

Verizon Wireless Stops Advertising on Glenn Beck

According to Credo Action, Verizon Wireless has become the latest advertiser to dump Glenn Beck. In an email, the group confirmed that the nation’s largest wireless telecommunications network has stopped advertising on Beck’s Fox News program. Even a week of vacation has not completely slowed the steam of the Beck advertiser defections.

Growing Progressively More Frustrated With Obama

I hate to say this, but I’m getting a little frustrated with my President. And I’m damned frustrated with my Congress. While I think President Obama’s wonderful nature and willingness to compromise are charming qualities, I think it essential for him to stand firm when it comes to REAL healthcare reform in our country

Bill O’Reilly Starts a Feud with Jon Stewart

On his FNC show The O’Reilly Factor last night, host Bill O’Reilly went after Jon Stewart when The Daily Show host used a segment Wednesday night to illustrate FNC’s ever changing opinion of protesters to make the claim that FNC has gone liberal. This joke set O’Reilly on the attack as he went on to claim that Stewart was playing to his liberal audience.

The Moral Imperative of Full Coverage for All Americans

Rev. Wallis also said we need to stop the hate at the Town Halls, and pointedly mentioned that lying about the plan is not right either. He quoted the bible, “I am my brother’s keeperâ€, and translated that to mean that we have a moral imperative to do the right thing, which is to take care of our fellow Americans, otherwise known as “all God’s Childrenâ€. Gee, this is the first I’ve heard that all of us count as God’s Children. This is news. Good news. Even the cities? I suppose so, because the Reverend didn’t try to divide American by region the way Republican haters like Palin and Bachmann have done.

A Look at the Issues That the U.S. Health Care System is Facing

I worked in Health Care Administration for 11 years. In those years I saw the advent of Pre-Certification, HMO’s, PPO’s, PHO’s, and self-funded programs. All were intended to restrain the rising cost of health care. All were ‘private sector’/market-driven solutions. None worked. In this three part series, I will examine, the current system, the false solutions being offered, and make my own health care reform recommendations.

The Republicans are Coming, and They Want Your Medicare

Apparently, the Republican Clown Show is making decisions for us right now, even though we are in the majority. Sarah Palin’s infamous “death panel†lie has infected the dialogue and Newt grabbed her torch of cynical dishonesty. Newt, as you know, needs no help doing or saying whatever is most politically expedient for him. From there it spread to Grassley and then invaded the majority of the Republican representatives. They now won’t commit to whether or not they think Obama wants to kill grandma.

Fringe Group Attacks MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow

The Western Journalism Center, a right wing group that is most famous for push Vince Foster conspiracy theories, has put out a You Tube video calling Rachel Maddow a liar, because she correctly pointed out on Meet the Press that never ran an ad that compared George W. Bush to Hitler. The problem is that they are wrong. MoveOn never ran the ad.

Wal-Mart and 7 Other Advertisers Drop Glenn Beck announced today that the nation’s largest retailer Wal-Mart has pulled its ads from Glenn Beck’s Fox News program. Seven other companies joined the retail giant, including Best Buy and CVS have stopped advertising on Beck’s program. This now means that 20 advertisers have left Glenn Beck since he called Obama a racist.

Joe the Plumber Wants To Beat Up Nancy Pelosi

Joe the Plumber was at the RightOnline blogger conference in Pittsburgh last weekend where he lamented the progress that doesn’t allow him to beat Nancy Pelosi for suggesting that it was un-American for protesters to disrupt town halls. Joe said that in the “good old day” he could take Pelosi behind the wood shed and beat the tar out of her.

Rachel Maddow is Becoming MSNBC’s Biggest Star

On Meet the Press today, it wasn’t Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann, or Chris Matthews that was giving the progressive perspective on health care, but it was Rachel Maddow, who has seen her ratings soar as the nation debates health care reform. Maddow’s show has been rivaling Olbermann’s program as the top draw on MSNBC, and she could become the network’s biggest star.

Gun Opponents Target Obama

Today as President Obama and his family toured Yellowstone National Park, gun control advocates criticized the president for signing a bill that will allow guns to be carried into the national parks. As some on the left fume, it is becoming clear that this president has no interest in taking away anyone’s guns.

GOP Strategist Debunks Latest Palin Death Panel Claim

On CNN today GOP strategist Karen Hanretty debunked Sarah Palin’s latest claim about a death panel provision in the healthcare bill. She said, “Obviously, there is nothing in the bill that says death panel. I think that is some heated rhetoric.” Hanretty is now one of the few Republicans to go on TV and tell the truth about the death panel claim.

Glenn Beck Loses 4 More Advertisers

The group has announced that four more advertisers have pledged to pull their ads from Glenn Beck’s Fox News Channel program. ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice products), Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, and RadioShack will now join LexisNexis-owned, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, SC Johnson and GEICO as former advertisers.

Beck States Only God Can Provide a Right to Healthcare

On his radio show today Glenn Beck invoked Jesus and God in his argument against universal healthcare. He said, “God doesn’t give healthcare. Man provides healthcare, so how can it be a right? If you are endowed by your creator with certain inalienable rights, how can a God given right be healthcare?” But is the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness also in the Declaration of Independence?

Last Year Sarah Palin Wanted to Kill Grandma Too

As Sarah Palin continues to refuse to back off of her claim that healthcare reform would create death panels, something interesting has emerged from her time as Alaska governor. Last year as governor, Palin endorsed end of life counseling in a Healthcare Decision Days Proclamation. Palin was for death panels before she was against them.

Obama Knocks Down Enemies List Conspiracy Theory

At his town hall meeting in New Hampshire today, President Barack Obama addressed the right wing myth that the White House healthcare website is creating an enemies list. Obama said, “Can I just say this is another example of how the media just ends up completely distorting what’s taking place.” By the media he means, Fox News.

Sarah Palin’s Death Panel: A Conservative’s Confession

In the case of Sarah Palin’s accusation against Obama, I guess I’m gonna have to go with all three (stupid, lying, and lazy), with a strong emphasis on #2, because during her administration, the state so mismanaged Medicaid that over 250 people died waiting for the program. Hundreds more did not receive treatment. Over eight lawsuits were filed against the state division, bringing the attention of the state auditors, who notified Alaskan officials on June 26 that the entire program was being shut down due to mismanagement. In fact, the Supreme court ruled last year that the state had improperly cut off or reduced services to more than 1,000 needy people.

Lou Dobbs Calls Keith Olbermann a Psychotic Punk

On his radio show today Lou Dobbs kept up the attack on MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann by claiming that Olbermann attacked his family. He called Olbermann a “psychotic punk,” who happened to have parlayed an act into a gig on MSNBC. He also accused MSNBC parent company General Electric of working for the Democratic National Committee.

Palin Accused in Federal Court of Attempted Bribery

Ex-governor Sarah Palin stands accused of the federal crime of attempted bribery in addition to violating the Alaskan constitution, in connection to a lawsuit previously filed against Palin. The Plaintiffs, who filed the amendment to their original lawsuit in federal court on Aug 3, 2009, allege that Palin offered state funds and support of legislation to third parties in exchange for those parties convincing Plaintiffs to drop their original lawsuit in federal or state court.

Limbaugh Accuses Obama of Inciting the Town Hall Violence

On his radio show today Rush Limbaugh made the claim that President Barack Obama is inciting the violent protests against healthcare reform. Limbaugh said, “No incidents of violence until Obama’s people showed up…He is out there inciting violence.” Wait, so the people at these town halls who are screaming that Obama is a socialist were sent there by Obama. Wow.

Lou Dobbs Goes to War with MSNBC

On his radio show today Lou Dobbs declared MSNBC the attack dogs for the White House. He claimed that MSNBC has manufactured a story against him. Dobbs said, “These people over at MSNBC have moved so far to the left they will do almost anything to hold in the good graces of the Obama White House.” So, the White House and MSNBC are out to get Lou Dobbs?

Glenn Beck gets too radical for Advertisers

If Fox News and Glenn Beck were wondering how far he could take his radical right wing routine, they got their answer as three major advertisers have deserted Beck’s program after he called President Obama a racist. Progressive Insurance, Procter & Gamble, and have all dropped Beck. Since the TV business runs on ad money, will this impact Beck’s show?

Glenn Beck Begs His Viewers Not to Turn Violent

The violence brewing in video clips of the astroturffing tea baggers hell bent on making sure no intelligent debate can take place in Town Hall meetings regarding Healthcare has thrown even the unflappable, calm, rational ex-clown, Glenn Beck, into a tizzy of fear. Glenn Beck has begged his viewers not to turn violent.

Republican Lynch Mobs Try to Destroy Healthcare Reform

A leaked memo reveals what’s behind the crazies claiming they “don’t want no socialized medicine” at recent Town Halls. Republicans are coordinating an assault and harassment campaign of Democratic leaders’ Town Hall meetings in an effort to kill Health Care Reform and fool lawmakers into believing there is wide-spread opposition to the notion of human beings in a civilized nation being given access to health care.

Palin’s Lawyer Threatens Kindergarten Teacher

Why so angry, Sarah? It seems an Alaskan blogger, Gryphen, who writes at The Immoral Minority and the Alaska Report broke a story Saturday morning that the Palins’ marriage was in “spitsville” due to affairs on “both sides”. In response, Palin’s lawyer shook his fist at Gryphen, and threatened that if he did not take down his blog report by 3 PM, he will be served papers at the kindergarten where he works!

The Mississippi River Bridge Was Falling Down, Falling Down, Falling Down

Two years ago, yesterday, in Minneapolis the I-35 W Mississippi River Bridge (known officially as Bridge 9340) like the London Bridge in the Nursery Rhyme came falling down during the peak of rush hour, 6:05 PM, CDT. Many of those who are fond of chanting that we are the greatest country in the world, we’re number one, haven’t paid attention to the changes in our infrastructure in the last 50 to 60 years.

Cantor Blames Liberals for Birthers; Republican Clown Show Continues

So, there you have it. It’s the evil liberals’ fault that the birthers have made such a fuss. It certainly had nothing to do with the many Republican senators who refused to sign a bill celebrating HI as a state, which just so happened to mention that President Obama was born there. Naw. Republicans are really mad at HI and just don’t want to acknowledge the state. Just cuz. Stop asking questions.

Jon Stewart Earns the Wrath of Rush Limbaugh

Jon Stewart has now earned the wrath of Rush Limbaugh for getting Bill Kristol to admit on The Daily Show that government run healthcare works. Limbaugh said that Stewart is a sell out for using the military as healthcare example, because liberals like Stewart hate the military. Ugh, so now Rush is going after Jon Stewart.

The Palin Plunge

The Thrilla from Wasilla who just a year ago was touted as the country’s most beloved Governor (a statistic that had NOTHING to do with her socialistic program of sending thousands of dollars from the oil companies to each Alaskan citizen) is no longer a contender…..

Obama Rocks the Stock Market

Remember earlier this year when President Obama took office and suddenly the stock market plunge of October, 2008 was his fault? Each little or large market dip; a trust-worthy reflection of the job performance of our new POTUS? Sure, we can judge him on Jan 21, 2009 as a bad President, just look at the stock market! Well, look at the market now.

CNN’s Lou Dobbs Calls MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow a Lunatic

After MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow mocked CNN’s Lou Dobbs for calling her the, “tea bagger queen” yesterday on her show, Dobbs fired back today on his show. He referred to Maddow as, “a lunatic among the lily livered, limp minded, lefty lemmings.” Dobbs, who has “questions” about Obama’s citizenship, thinks Maddow is mentally unstable. That’s a laugh.

Pat Buchanan Outs Sarah Palin on Hardball

Pat Buchanan figured it was just another day on “Hardball†with Chris Matthews, defending the brilliance and relevance of the apple of his eye…oops, I mean, the apple of his party, Sarah Palin. But this particular time Pat opened his mouth, Freud reared his mind over tongue theory, and now the ball is a rollin’.

Glenn Beck Tries to Scare Whites by Labeling Obama a Racist

Glenn Beck showed up on FNC’s Fox and Friends today to declare that President Barack Obama is a guy who has exposed himself as a guy who has a deep seated hatred for white people and white culture. Beck said, “I am not saying he doesn’t like white people…I believe this guy is a racist.” In the end, this is just more race based politics from Beck, FNC, and the GOP.

Senate Judiciary Approves Sotomayor

I don’t know about you, but I’m just sittin’ here imagining the horrors that will be bestowed upon this great nation when empathy is brought to the bench. And not just empathy, my fellow real Americans, but empathy with a point of view, other than rich white man (or Other masquerading as such).

Michele “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann Caters to the Birthers…sort of

They were literally seconds from accomplishing the vote, so they could move to more important things. Things like Republican Thadeus McCotter’s bill to force President Obama to apologize (down on your knees, boy!) — clearly a much better use of their time; Michigan must be so proud — when at the very last second, Republican Rep. Michele “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann tried to be a “good Republican” (oxymoron or just moron?) who would save the birthers by blocking the vote! Go, Michelle!!

GOP’s Sen. Inhofe Claims that Using Oil and Gas Doesn’t Create Pollution

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) took to the Senate floor today to make a statement that even by his lofty standards was out there. Inhofe claimed that using oil and gasoline doesn’t create pollution. The senator said, “Their argument there is “Well, we don’t want to use oil and gas because we think it pollutes” — which it doesn’t.” I guess Exxon bought his common sense along with his vote.

Palin’s Farewell Speech; Logorrhea Alert, Level Red

Now she’s gone. You, evil media and pajama bloggers, won’t have Palin to kick around anymore! In her official capacity as first governor ever to quit for no reason (“the reasons are “obvious†ya’ know), Palin delivered an aborted-term speech dangerously full of verbal diarrhea. Did ya’ miss her “Farewell Alaska, I’m leavin’ Ya Because I love ya’ Speech�

Southern Poverty Law Center Calls for CNN’s Lou Dobbs to be taken off the Air

The president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, J. Richard Cohen wrote a letter to CNN president Jonathon Klein calling for Lou Dobbs to be taken of the air for spreading racist conspiracy theories about Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Cohen wrote, “Respectable news organizations should not employ reporters willing to peddle racist conspiracy theories and false propaganda.”

Beck: Healthcare Reform Would Allow People to Sue Doritos

On his FNC show yesterday, Glenn Beck made the claim that Obama’s goal is to create a new America to settle old racial scores. Beck focused on the Office of Minority Health. He said, “Let’s say minorities eat more Doritos, so it there’s more heart disease. Wouldn’t this lead to more lawsuits and litigation against Doritos?” Beck is worried about Doritos instead of healthcare, enough said.

Beware! Glenn Beck is Armed at the Movies

On his Fox News Channel program today, Glenn Beck lamented the defeat of an amendment that would have allowed people with concealed carry gun permits to carry their guns across state lines. Beck went into his love of guns and said, “I went to the movie this weekend with a gun. And surprise, surprise, I didn’t kill anybody!”

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