Monthly Archives: September 2016


Matt Lauer Got Forum Hosting Gig Because Donald Trump Is Afraid Of Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow was not allowed to participate in NBC’s candidate forum on veterans’ issues because Donald Trump would have objected to her involvement. CNN reported on why NBC and MSNBC heavyweights were shunned for Lauer: Others within NBC were considered as potential moderators. A source said Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, and Rachel Maddow all came…

U.S. Senate Democratic takeover

Spiritual Ancestry: Regarding Immigrants and Refugees With Compassion

These ancient stories sound remarkably contemporary. With attentive interpretive grace we can hear the message in them for today. These living words echo through the ages with a continued call to compassion, love, and justice. As they tell of our own spiritual ancestry, they call us to remember our history and God’s liberating love from captivity in an oppressive regime of tyrannical productivity. And in Jesus we see God’s own identification with those fleeing for life and safety.

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