
Sarah Palin fares badly in latest poll

Republican Support for Sarah Palin Plunging in Polls

After a rough two years of Palinitis stained by winning Politifacts’ Lie of Year award among other ignoble distinctions, it appears that even Republicans are mournfully unclenching their stubborn fists from around Palin’s star bursts. A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted December 17-19 and it turns out that support for Ms Palin is nose-diving among Republicans.

Feminism Barbie: "Why, yes, Ken! I just so happen to agree with you on everything!"

Shut Up Barbie: The New Feminism of the Far Left

Shut Up Barbie might remind you of Sarah Palin in her most immediate qualities: she, too, is sexy and cuddles up to big daddy for approval and attention but the super cool thing about Shut Up Barbie is that she isn’t ignorant! Yes, Shut Up Barbie comes with a book and she can talk well at parties. In other words, she’s the perfect companion for liberal men. She’s cute, she’s sassy, she’s smart, but she knows when to shut up.


Islam4UK and a Holy War of Words

Yes, I know it’s a surprise. Fundamentalist Christians hate Islam and well…fundamentalist Muslims hate Christianity. We have seen this dynamic at work in the United States since 2001 and with renewed vigor over the past two years. It’s as if a perpetual state of Jihad/Crusade exists in the minds of extremists at both ends, leaving…


Joe Scarborough Squeals Over Trickle-Down Con Man Chris Christie

“The day of reckoning is here!†Announces New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in a theatrical voice dripping with doom. Joe Scarborough loves him for it, squealing that Chris Christie makes him feel like a 14 year old girl at a Beatles concert. Nothing spells GOP recovery like a suffering American economy. And nothing says desperate party like pushing Chris Christie as the next great white hope.


Is Corporate America This Arrogant?

In a charity campaign aimed at helping school lunch programs in the U.S.A, GAP is promoting FEED USA bags. These bags cost between $19.50 and $39.50. For each bag you purchase, GAP donates $5 to school lunch programs in the United States. It sounds good until you realize that GAP decided to sell bags “Made in China” for just under $40.00 and donate $5 to FEED USA.

Exercising Freedom of Speech is Dangeorus in Alaska

Do You Love Your Freedoms? Sarah Palin Has Citizen Kicked Out for T-Shirt

Sarah Palin had a woman escorted out of her book signing today in Alaska. The woman’s crime was the t-shirt she wore which read “worst governor ever”. Ms Palin is often complaining about her own first amendment rights (translated to mean the Press can not criticize her or fact-check her without trampling on her first amendment rights) but seems to think less highly of other Americans’ rights.

Constitution? What constitution?

On GMA, Sarah Palin Hints at Her Plan to Transform America

During Ms Palin’s interview with GMA co-anchor Robin Roberts, Ms Palin responded to criticisms regarding her rather dismal current poll numbers were she to run against President Obama in 2012. Ms Palin’s response put to bed notions that she isn’t running as she extolled the virtues of “debating ideas†in competitive primaries.
This morning on Good Morning America, Ms Palin responded to criticisms regarding her rather dismal current poll numbers were she to run against President Obama in 2012. Anyone who is in doubt about Ms Palin running for President had best grab the smelling salts. She is and it’s uncertain if the GOP can stop her without alienating her Tea Party evangelical base.


Joe Scarborough Blasts Republicans For Throwing Baby Jesus Under the Bus

Joe Scarborough and the MSNBC Morning Joe crew blasted Senate Republicans today for invoking Baby Jesus and Christmas to cover up their complaints about maybe having to work on Christmas. Scarborough pointed out that millions of Americans, including the troops, will be working on Christmas, and he accused Senate Republicans of, “throwing Baby Jesus under the bus.”


Rush Limbaugh Reveals The GOP’s Horrible Secret: They Can’t Read

This morning on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh made a case for why the Republicans don’t want to vote on the START treaty. Apparently, none of them have had time to read it and Rush thinks they should be given special consideration for their reading impairment. DeMint has called to have all legislation read aloud to him on the Senate floor since he has been unable to complete the 17 page document on his own. Mr DeMint and his Republican buddies now advocate for a special ed version of the Senate in order to accommodate their choice to remain ignorant.

Debunking the Conservative Myth of American Exceptionalism

Many Republicans and Tea Party groups are of the misguided opinion that America has the right to do whatever it chooses in the world and that the choices it does make are perfect. Although America is a great country and one of the world’s super-powers, it does not always make the right decisions and is not exceptional. The phrase “American exceptionalism” is thrown around continuously by conservatives who believe that America is without fault, and it leads to discriminatory policies abroad and here at home. There are myriad reasons why America is not exceptional, and it boils down to one problem; conservatives.


Wikileaks and The Extreme Hypocrisy of Sarah Palin

The release of documents by Wikileaks has caused some embarrassing moments for American diplomats, and there are calls for the arrest of Julian Assange for treason and many on the right claim he is a traitor. One could excuse the harsh rhetoric from Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, and right if they had expressed the same outrage during the Bush era for the lies and deception used as a reason to invade Iraq and wage war on innocent Iraqis.


America Tell Republicans To Stop Holding National Security Hostage

Mitch McConnell and his Republican brethren are holding legislation hostage until the Democrats give them tax cuts for the rich. They claimed that this pledge didn’t include the START treaty, and then like clockwork, they started denouncing the START treaty. Democrats are beginning to realize that negotiating with Republicans “is almost like negotiating with terrorists”.


Dismantling Democracy One Disenfranchised Voter at a Time

One of the main themes from conservatives is to follow the Constitution strictly, and in fact, every civil servant and politician takes an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States…so help them God. However, with God’s help or not, there are several Senators and Congressmen in the Republican Party who refuse to preserve and protect the Constitution; instead, they want to dismantle it to restrict the right to vote for the majority of Americans.


150,000 March in Dublin to Protest IMF/ECB Bailout and Austerity Budget

This week saw what has been described as the largest demonstration in the history of the Irish state, as an estimated 150,000 people marched through Dublin city centre to protest the Irish government’s draconian new austerity budget and the arrival of the IMF. They came from all over the country and from all walks of life, united in the belief that there is a better way to deal with Ireland’s economic woes. The march had been arranged by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.


Christine O’Donnell Tries to Revive Clinton V Obama Narrative for 2012

Christine O’Donnell showed up this morning on Good Morning America to talk about how weak our President has been on the current Wikileaks cable dump. She managed to be a good puppet Grizzly for her Mama Bear, suggesting that President Obama was incompetent and that she would vote for Hillary Clinton in 2012 primaries because “anybody is better than Obama.â€

Glenn Beck's Wanted List

Are Julian Assange and WikiLeaks Really The Bad Guys?

This morning, Glenn Beck assumes we should shut down WikiLeaks like we shut down the Prada infringers, in order to enjoin publication of the cables. In doing so, Beck skips over the tug of war between a transparent government and the protection of U.S. national security, the eternal tango between the need to limit power without rendering it impotent. As Lord Acton warned, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”


Oklahoma Judge Stands Up for the First Amendment

Oklahoma’s efforts to turn the state’s Muslim population into Untermensch (or “sub-humans”) in some sort of quasi-National Socialist racial hierarchy, with White Anglo-Saxon Protestants occupying the top rung as Herrenvolk (or “master race”) of the Volksgemeinschaft (or “national community”) have hit a snag. A federal judge did what a federal judge is supposed to do…


Welfare or Warfare: Keeping Defense Contractors Rich While America Crumbles

Republicans want to take the country back to the 1950s, and they want to cut taxes for the wealthy claiming it is good for the economy even though the Bush-era tax cuts have not created jobs or stimulated the economy. Republicans also oppose cutting defense spending that drains the economy and takes valuable resources that could rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and create jobs.


Barack Obama, High Priest of Baal

When Republicans recently declined to meet with President Obama, it was a rejection of Old Testament proportions. The degree of concern over President Obama’s religion is truly astounding. How can any God-fearing Republican have any time at all for any liberal? It’s like inviting a Canaanite to dinner, or for the Republicans in this case, agreeing to meet with the high priest of Baal in his house.

Celebrity Climber Sarah Palin Doesn't Represent Middle Class

Sarah Palin’s Heartland Delusions Go Down in Flames

Yesterday our country suffered the breath-taking blow of hearing Sarah Palin announce that she thinks she can beat President Obama when she runs for President. Today, new polling data shows that the majority of Americans do not think Sarah Palin represents the middle class. That would be those “real Americans” Palin is always dropping her “g”s to ingratiate herself with. Apparently they are not as gullible as Palin hoped. So, that would be a no, you can’t, Ms Palin, regarding beating President Obama in 2012.


Putting the Republican Messiah on Full Display in Sarah Palin’s Alaska

If ever you wondered if Sarah Palin was indeed the next coming of Christ, her reality TV show proves that not only does Palin own Alaska, but that she is your next Messiah. Special props for the brilliant Jesus propaganda where Palin is backlit angelically with her arms up to the Heavens and music by Christian rock band Third Day calls, “Follow me there!†over and over and over again.


In the Name of The Mother: Palinbots Rig DWTS for Bristol Palin

You Thought It Was Just DWTS, but It’s 2008 Redo for the “Country” Vote! Palin for President if Bristol wins. To this end, Conservatives 4 Palin is hosting a vote-a-thon love fest with hints and clues about how to cheat the vote, because nothing says American like robbing others of their place just so you can prove that your chosen one is the most beloved, even if you have to lie to make it so!


President Obama Screwed You. Wait, No He Didn’t

All the rage, all the buzz, is how Obama screwed us all and no one, and I mean no one, likes him anymore! Hey, Obama, you suck! Give us the permanent tax cuts or else, and do not give them to anyone else. We mean it! Cut to the quiet clarification in the afternoon that all of the hysteria was for naught. No need to kill ourselves yet. Oh, is it too late? Gee, sorry. It was for a good cause.


New Republican Strategy: Shoot Selves in Foot

These ideologically-motivated refusals are perhaps not such a bright idea when you stop to think about it. The problem being of course, that not many people stopped to do any thinking leading up to these midterms and Republicans seem to be doing less thinking than most. It all became about rage and ideology. Nobody was thinking in practical terms. So they all decided to have a group foot shoot instead.

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