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Glenn Beck Defends Julian Assange From Sex By Surprise Charge

Today on Glenn Beck’s radio show he and his friends were discussing the Assange situation. It turns out that Sex by Surprise is a GOOD thing! Sure, it may or may not involve continuing sex after a condom breaks even as the woman asks you to stop, but we can’t let the Nanny state tell us what to do! Turns out, nothing says pro-family like a little Sex by Surprise!

Palin in Scarborough's Crosshairs

Joe Scarborough Exposes Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck’s Fake Palin Support

It turns out that Joe Scarborough’s criticism of Sarah Palin in a column for Politico today was just the tip of the iceberg. On his MSNBC program Morning Joe, Scarborough exposed the truth about the right and Sarah Palin. Talk radio hosts and Republican leaders privately say they don’t want her, but they are afraid to take her on. Scarborough basically accused the talk show hosts, who defend Palin for 3 hours a day on the air but don’t really support her, of lying.


Meet the New Enemies of Glenn Beck: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert

Poor Glenn Beck just can’t let go of his jealousy of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Today on his Fox News program, Beck went on the attack against Stewart and Colbert by claiming that they keep people in denial. He said, “What better way to keep people sheep then making sure that people get their news from a comedian?….Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, that’s not news. That’s a monologue. That’s jokes.”


Jimmy Carter Takes A Stand Against Glenn Beck and Fox News

Former President Jimmy Carter was on CNN’s Reliable Sources today where he took aim at both Fox News and Glenn Beck for what he described as deliberately distorting the news. Carter said,”The talk shows with Glenn Beck and others on Fox News, I think, have deliberately distorted the news.” Here is the video courtesy of…


Glenn Beck Jumps On the Jon Stewart Bandwagon

On his Fox News program today Glenn Beck claimed that while Jon Stewart’s rally had been co-opted by the left, he still wished him luck with rally and then jumped on the Jon Stewart bandwagon by saying, “Jon we disagree on a great many things, but I don’t think we disagree of the type of people that we need to be as individual Americans.”


Sarah Palin Praises Glenn Beck for Educating Americans about History

Yesterday, Media Matters called on Sarah Palin to speak out against Glenn Beck’s violent rhetoric. Palin responded today by calling into Beck’s radio show to praise him for educating Americans about our history, you know the same kind of education that led Byron Williams to get into a shootout with police and a plot to assassinate employees of the Tides Foundation.


Sarah Palin is Glenn Beck’s Most Dangerous Disciple

Bryon Williams the man who is sitting in a California jail currently accused of four counts attempted murder after a freeway shootout with police had even bigger plans, he wanted to assassinate member of the Tides Foundation, and he considers Glenn Beck his schoolteacher. Do you know who else said in a speech that they consider Glenn Beck and his chalkboard a teacher? Sarah Palin.


Fear of a Beck Planet: Imagine a Black Glenn Beck

Welcome to another world, where Fox News hires an African American female, Glenda Beck, to spend an hour talking about her paranoid fantasies on the air. Lots of nut jobs go crazy and a few even kill people, claiming to have been inspired by Glenda, but Fox and indeed, the US law enforcement, stand by Glenda’s right to free speech. Naturally.


Glenn Beck Teabags Star Wars

On his radio show today Glenn Beck and his crew claimed that the perfect movie for these teabagging times is Star Wars. Beck managed to turn Star Wars in into a Tea Party epic. Beck said, “Wow, is it a appropriate story for today. My gosh, the Republic is going down. The Empire is starting.”


Glenn Beck Admits On the Air that He Hates America

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck not only admitted that he hates America, but he laid out the rationale for why it is okay for the Right to hate America too, “No, we’re not always great. Sometimes we really suck beyond imagination, and we have had out and out evil presidents,” so when a president is evil, it is okay to hate America.


The White House Gives Glenn Beck A Big STFU

At his daily press briefing today White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about Glenn Beck’s attacks on Obama’s Christianity. Gibbs said, “People are entitled to their own opinion as ill informed as it may be, but they’re not entitled to their own facts. The president is a committed mainstream Christian.”


Glenn Beck Claims that Barack Obama is a Birther

We all know that logic isn’t a strong suit for Glenn Beck, but on his radio show today while trying to defend Mitch McConnell’s pandering to the Obama is a Muslim movement, Beck managed to claim that Barack Obama is the biggest birther of all, “You know who the biggest birther is? Barack Obama.”


Sarah Palin Glenn Beck And The Conservative Hero Myth

The conservative demand for heroes is more intense than ever. There can never be enough dead heroes, Reagan, McCarthy and others, and living heroes seem even more in demand to judge by the quality of those being put forward, like Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, and by his own reckoning, Glenn Beck.


Glenn Beck: The Mormon Wolf Preying on the Evangelical Sheep

Glenn Beck is a Mormon in evangelical clothing who has co-opted the Christian narrative for his own purposes. He is preaching what he obviously does not, and cannot believe given his Mormonism. Are mainstream Christians aware of this disconnect between Beck and his message? This has been noticed by some on the Religious Right. Some, but not enough.


Terror Tactician Glenn Beck Calls All Progressives Terrorists

On his Fox News show today, Glenn Beck claimed that all progressives are terrorists, “Many of these people are nothing more than terrorists, economic terrorists, free speech terrorists, religious terrorists, racial terrorists. They are attempting to silence you through terror. They have not gone to a flight school or strapped bombs to their chest, but they are terrorists just the same.”


D’oh: Glenn Beck Targets Homer Simpson

Glenn Beck has had so many jump the shark moments of late, but he may have topped them all today on his Fox News show when he managed to connect Homer Simpson to the decline of the American family. Beck claimed America was Father Knows Best, but the liberal ideology has turned us all into Homer Simpson.


Glenn Beck Attacks Ed Schultz for Being an Advocate Not a Journalist

The hypocrisy meter nearly exploded today when on his radio show Glenn Beck attacked MSNBC’s Ed Schultz for engaging in political advocacy instead of journalism. Beck claimed that nobody is watching Ed Schultz because he supports Obama, “Maybe people aren’t watching you because, ‘you busted your ass for Obama.’ That’s not journalism. That’s advocacy.”


Glenn Beck Transforms From Talk Show Host to Cult Leader

On his Fox News program today, Glenn Beck attacked the rest of the media and charged that they are engaged in actively promoting propaganda for Barack Obama. Beck’s latest media allegation is not just conservative spin, but he is also engaging in information control. Much like a cult leader, Beck wants to control information in order to keep his audience loyal to him.


How Glenn Beck Warped Extreme Liberal Thomas Paine into a Teabagger

Glenn Beck dislikes government. He also dislikes social programs – such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. Those who advocate such programs are, for Beck, “cockroaches.” Beck, a radical conservative, thinks he channels Paine, an interesting feat considering Paine was a radical liberal, who is considered the real father of Social Security.


Glenn Beck Accuses the NAACP of Racism

On his Fox News program today, Glenn Beck accused the NAACP of using racism as a tactic for political gain. Beck said, “Racism is now being used as a tactic for political gain. The NAACP is now trying to intimidate Tea Partiers passing a resolution to condemn ‘the racist elements in the Party.'” Beck lecturing about racism is like an arsonist discussing fire safety.


Glenn Beck Praises God for the Existence of Fox News

Glenn Beck opened his Fox News program tonight by diving straight into the echo chamber of propaganda by praising Fox News for covering their own manufactured story about the DOJ and the New Black Panthers. Beck even went as far as to thank God for the existence of Fox News, “No one in the media seems to care a lot, thank God that there’s Fox.”


Glenn Beck Manipulates History to Attack Women’s Rights

Glenn Beck celebrated “Founders’ Friday Women’s Day†today. Yes, you know this isn’t going to a good place. Beck, apparently having ran through all of the modern era villains, reached back to the last century to find his latest victim, “one of the most horrible women in American history”, named Margaret Sanger who was a……NURSE! Shudder. A nurse who cared about unplanned and unwelcome pregnancies, a “champion of women’s rights†— clearly a threat to the modern conservative.


Glenn Beck Rewrites History and Defends Slavery

It was another wild and wacky trip through revisionist Right Wing history with Glenn Beck today as Glenn decided to spend the day defending slavery. On the radio he claimed that race relations aka slavery was fine until it became politicized before the Civil War, and he followed this up with a claim on his TV show that there were no racial relations issues in colonial America.


All American Coca-Cola Shuns a Toxic Glenn Beck

Ah, the sweet fizz of justice on a Friday morning. Yes, Coca-Cola, that all-American – dare I say REAL American?! – beverage company has decided that it is not right for their image to advertise on Glenn Beck. This is most upsetting for those who have been sneering at sane people everywhere that Glenn Beck is an entertainer for god’s sake, you over sensitive Lefty!


Glenn Beck Touts Sarah Palin as the Savior of the Gulf Oil Spill

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck came up with a solution to the Gulf oil spill. He thinks that Sarah Palin should use her oil industry expertise hold an oil spill summit where she and her team would come up with ideas fix the leak. Beck said that Palin has, “the connections and the knowledge to put a team together and say Mr. President, this is what we do.”


The Ratings prove that Glenn Beck is Losing His War On the World Cup

Since the World Cup began Glenn Beck has been at war with soccer. First, Beck claimed that America hates the World Cup, and then he equated the World Cup with the bubonic plague, so why does Beck hate the World Cup? The answer is in the ratings. Almost 3 million Americans are tuning into the World Cup compared to the 1.7 million who watch Beck sinking show.


Another Week Another New All Time Viewership Low for Glenn Beck

Since we last checked on the viewership totals for Glenn Beck’s Fox News show viewers have continued to flee his program. Last Friday, Beck hit a new all time low of 1.743 million viewers. The new twist of Beck’s plummet is that he is now being in the ratings by such Fox News heavyweights as Bret Baier and Greta Van Susteren. Even Shep Smith beat him once.


Glenn Beck Calls MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann a Washed Up Alcoholic Loser

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck went on a personal rant about Keith Olbermann after the MSNBC host vocally criticized Tea Party candidate Rick Barber’s Armies Unite ad, last night on Countdown. Beck said to Olbermann, “You two faced no talent, soon to be washed up, alcoholic, throw yourself off a ledge of a building because you’re that kind of a guy.”


Glenn Beck Proclaims that America Hates Obama and the World Cup

On his radio show today Glenn Beck ranted against the World Cup because he proclaimed the World Cup is just like Barack Obama. Beck said, “I believe that everything you need to know about Barack Obama’s policies can be explained in the World Cup…Congratulations to Barack Obama and his polices that will have as much success as the World Cup in America.”


Glenn Beck Calls on the Tea Party to Indoctrinate Children

Remember when Glenn Beck got all outraged last September and claimed that President Obama was indoctrinating children with his back to school speech last September? Well, on his radio show today, Beck explained why the right must indoctrinate their children, “We must view our children as clay pots. We must look at them as the place to put our scared documents into them.”


Panic Time at Fox News as Glenn Beck loses 50% of his Viewers

Glenn Beck has been in denial about his ratings slide for weeks now. First, he claimed that there is no ratings decline for his Fox News show, and then he claimed that the weather was to blame for his 33% drop in viewership. However by attracting only 1.7 million viewers on Friday, Beck hit a new all time low which is now 50% off of his peak audience of 3.4 million.


Glenn Beck Invokes MLK in Support of Racist Arizona Education Ban

On his radio show today Glenn Beck continued to urinate all over the meaning and legacy of Martin Luther King, by claiming that King would support a new Arizona education policy that bans courses that are designed for students of a particular ethnic group, and prohibits teachers with a heavy accent from teaching English. Beck said, “This I believe Martin Luther King would be for.”


Glenn Beck Claims Progressives Are the Most Racist People in US History

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck confuse the progressive movement of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries with the modern definition of progressive, so that that he could make the case that progressives are the most racist people who have ever lived in America, “The most racist people ever to live. The most racist people to ever live in America were the progressives.”


Glenn Beck Mocks Rachel Maddow for Using Big Words

On his radio show today Glenn Beck mocked MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow for using the term paleoconservative on her MSNBC program this week. Since Beck doesn’t know what the term means he said, “What the hell is a paleoconservative, a dinosaur?” He then told progressives to stop making up terms. Actually, the term was coined by a conservative 30 years ago, and Beck once again demonstrated his illiteracy.


Glenn Beck Claims that He Boosts Jon Stewart’s Ratings

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck displayed how much fame has gone to his head, while name dropping some celebrities and the fact that he was at the Time 100 Most Influential People banquet last night, Beck said, “It’s like Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart’s not thinking yeah get that guy off the air. I’m good for him and his ratings.” Beck keeps selling himself on the idea that the ship isn’t sinking.


Glenn Beck Blames the Weather for His Ratings Plummet

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck first claimed that his ratings aren’t declining, but then blamed the weather for his loss of one million Fox News viewers. Beck’s excuse, “It’s called the spring and summer. It’s a cycle.” The problem is that Beck’s viewership numbers have been dropping since January, which is in the winter, when people are usually inside their homes watching television.


Glenn Beck the Mormon Blames Progressives for Perverting Religion

In a desperate attempt to lure Fox News viewers back that have abandoned him Glenn Beck launched Founding Fathers Friday today, but instead of talking about the Founding Fathers, Beck announced that the progressives, led by Woodrow Wilson have perverted religion. Beck said, “They got into our faith and religion. They perverted it. They controlled it.”


So Far Over 1 Million Viewers Have Dumped Glenn Beck In 2010

Things are not looking good for Glenn Beck and FNC. Not only have over 200 advertisers left Beck, and the network has been reduced to virtually giving away his ad time, but Fox News viewers are leaving his show in droves. Since January, Beck has lost 33% of his audience, or roughly 1.4 million daily viewers. The worst news for Beck is that this has been a steady erosion, and the viewers are not coming back.


Director James Cameron Calls Out Glenn Beck

Director James Cameron was on MSNBC’s Hardball today and when he was asked by host Chris Matthews about the power Glenn Beck, he delivered an ominous warning, “Guys like Beck and the others, I think they are very dangerous to this country.” Some on the Left like Cameron are starting to wake up and realize that Beck, Limbaugh, and the others need to be taken seriously as more than entertainers.


Andrew Sullivan Accuses Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Fox News of Sedition

The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan was on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show today, and he said that the Beck, Palin, Limbaugh and Fox News are calling the government illegitimate, and are committing sedition. Sullivan said, “This is about the moment when America’s divides go right up to calling the government, not wrong, but illegitimate.” Let’s examine the law and see if the right wing is behaving seditiously.

Glenn Beck Claims that He is Martin Luther King and his 9/12 Project is Civil Rights

Glenn Beck Claims He is Leading a Civil Rights Movement like MLK

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck continued to warp the legacy of the civil rights movement in the United States by claiming that his 9/12 Project and the angry white Tea Party are the next phase of the civil rights movement. Beck read the civil rights movement commitment card to audience, then said, “It looks to me like the next phase of the 9/12 Project.”

Theocrat Glenn Beck Claims to be Carrying out God’s Plan

Glenn Beck Loses it and Claims to be Carrying out God’s Plan

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck finally seems to have gone off the cliff as he not only claimed that God has given him a plan, but also he is carrying out God’s will and anger. Beck told his listeners that they it is God’s will that they get behind him and follow him. He said, “When we were starting the TV show there are things that I did that I wouldn’t do now because I had to be more of an entertainer.”


Glenn Beck Refers to the U.S. Military as Loiterers

While discussing his plan for America on his Fox News program today, Glenn Beck was trying to improve his libertarian credibility, when he insulted the U.S. military by proclaiming that progressives had turned them into, “the world’s loiterers,” so according to Beck the men and women in the military are loitering around the globe. Way to support the troops there, Glenn.

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