Sarah Palin's Bitter Rage and Contempt

Taking a Stand against Sarah Palin’s Jealous Contempt For Barack Obama

For the last, oh my Gosh, almost TWO years since Palin hit the national scene, conservatives have been salivating over the Democrats’ alleged fear of Sarah Palin. Striking “fear” into their “enemies” is part of the entire worldview of these folks. Everything is seen as a war, a power structure of over and under, best exemplified by Palin’s selling herself as a hunter and someone who just got things done in Alaska (contrary to her actual record and her quitting of her job). While I reject this worldview, it’s important to note that their largest strategic failure is not their worldview, but their misinterpretation of the Left’s outrage over Palin.


D’oh: Glenn Beck Targets Homer Simpson

Glenn Beck has had so many jump the shark moments of late, but he may have topped them all today on his Fox News show when he managed to connect Homer Simpson to the decline of the American family. Beck claimed America was Father Knows Best, but the liberal ideology has turned us all into Homer Simpson.


The Party of No Sabotages Small Business

For years, Republicans have been selling themselves as the party of business, using Small Business as the banner from which to launch their tax cuts for huge corporations, think Joe the Plumber, but when push comes to shove as with today’s Senate vote on the small business jobs bill, The Party of No reveals that it is November calculus, not small businesses that really matter.

Foxonian Visual Lies Courtesy of a Desperate Drudge Report

The Drudge Report Trolls with Foxonian Visual Lies

While Right Wing screams about liberal media bias, and the scream even louder when they’re busted flat out lying to their audience (Acorn video, Sherrod video, etc), they continue their assault on reality via any means necessary. To this end, The Drudge Report felt compelled to use the Foxian trick of using imagery to lie for them yesterday when they attempted to lay blame for missing Iraq reconstruction money at Obama’s feet.


Rachel Maddow Dominates in the July Ratings

If you are looking for a reason why CNN was so eager to push Larry King out of his long running talk show and into cable news retirement, look no further than the July ratings where MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow defeated Larry King for the sixth straight month and for the seventeenth time in twenty four months, and her audience continues to grow.


Battling the Tea Party over the Language of Liberty

There is a battle being waged in America today over the meaning of liberty. The Tea Party has co-opted the language of liberty, but freedom for all does not interest them. They want freedom for the few at the expense of the many. Real choice, real liberty, is devalued by the limited menu offered by the Tea Party. They want to “take America back” but they don’t want to share it.


Sarah Palin Claims Babygate is a Media Conspiracy Against Her

Never one to let an opportunity to play the victim pass her by, Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page to blast the media for what she called, “A dark and demented conspiracy regarding my son, Trig.” According to Palin, this is why she doesn’t talk to anyone but the friendliest right wing media, and she refuses to do serious interviews because the media is out to get her.


Can Barack Obama Ever Be Enough to Satisfy Us?

From the time that Barack Obama campaigned for the Democratic Nomination for President to a year and a half into his Presidency, he has been hammered by the GOP, the media, big corporations, the Tea Party and even some Democrats for not being enough. Every day there is an attack on Obama for never being enough of something. Can we ever be satisfied?

Rachel Maddow and Barack Obama

Obama Uses Video of Rachel Maddow in His Netroots Nation Address

Barack Obama made a surprise video appearance at the Netroots Nation conference today, but the most interesting development to me is what else was in the video with Obama. After saying, “I hope you take a moment to consider what we have accomplished so far,” he cut to a video of Rachel Maddow running down and a list of his accomplishments, and somewhere Ed Schultz blew a blood vessel.


Rachel Maddow Takes On and Levels Bill O’Reilly

Last night Bill O’Reilly tried to take on Rachel Maddow criticism of Fox’s Shirley Sherrod story by boasting about FNC’s ratings. Maddow responded tonight by taking him apart, “You were trying to take the attention off me saying that your network Fox News continually crusades on flagrantly bogus stories designed to make White Americans fear Black Americans.”


Glenn Beck Transforms From Talk Show Host to Cult Leader

On his Fox News program today, Glenn Beck attacked the rest of the media and charged that they are engaged in actively promoting propaganda for Barack Obama. Beck’s latest media allegation is not just conservative spin, but he is also engaging in information control. Much like a cult leader, Beck wants to control information in order to keep his audience loyal to him.


David Vitter Gay Bashes Rachel Maddow

Sen. David Vitter, that prostitute frequenting, diaper wearing, family values touting Republican joked Rachel Maddow not looking like a woman on a local New Orleans radio show. Vitter later apologized, and Maddow classily accepted his apology, but this just furthers Vitter’s trend of anti-gay and anti-woman behavior.


Glenn Beck Accuses the NAACP of Racism

On his Fox News program today, Glenn Beck accused the NAACP of using racism as a tactic for political gain. Beck said, “Racism is now being used as a tactic for political gain. The NAACP is now trying to intimidate Tea Partiers passing a resolution to condemn ‘the racist elements in the Party.'” Beck lecturing about racism is like an arsonist discussing fire safety.


2012 Poll: Obama Leads Palin 55%-34%

A new Time poll released today found that while voters are skeptical about President Barack Obama’s policies, his personal popularity remains solidly high. When matched up with the most visible and vocal of his GOP critics, Sarah Palin, Obama routs the former half term governor, 55%-34%.

Even Fox News isn't Safe for Sharron Angle

Fox News Hangs Sharron Angle Out To Dry

Fox News Network, the champion if not creator of the Tea Party, hung Tea Party “rape can be made into lemonade†nut job Sharron Angle (R-NV) out to dry earlier this week. Perhaps Fox is miffed over losing their favorite, the chicken lady, to run against that evil of humanity, Harry Reid and so felt compelled to use poor Sharron Angle to demonstrate their “balance†by annihilating her on Cavuto’s “Your Worldâ€

Scott Brown Delivers Death Blow to Campaign Finance Reform

Scott Brown Rejects Both Democracy and the Disclose Act

By refusing to vote for the Disclosure Act, Brown is ensuring that our elections can be bought by special interests and big corporate powers without any fingerprints. Meaning that groups like, um, FreedomWorks can influence elections masquerading as grassroots movements, when in fact, they are funded by very interested corporate parties. FreedomWorks, doubling as a grass roots movement for the Tea Party, gave quite a pretty penny to old Scooter.

Scott Brown Turns His Back on Partisan Rhetoric

Scott Brown Teabags the Tea Party

Elected as a Tea Party candidate, Scott Brown has signaled that he will support President Obama’s major financial overhaul bill which passed the House on June 30 and will come up for a vote in the Senate this week. Brown’s vote would be number 59, as in 59 of the now needed 60 to pass a bill….crossing Party lines to help the people? Close to treason, if you ask me.


Rachel Maddow Hammers the Myth of the Fiscally Responsible GOP

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was on Meet The Press today where she pointed out that the Republican Party is asking voters to make a fatally flawed choice in November, if they insist on portraying themselves as the fiscally responsible party. Maddow said, “If Republicans want to run as this fiscally responsible party, it’s neat, but it’s novel. It’s not how they’ve actually governed.”

Mel Gibson, Autoritarian Misogynist Racist Bigot

Mel Gibson and the Danger of Playing Politics with Jesus

Not content to leave it at abuse of his girl-friend, Mel’s rant is peppered with racist remarks reminiscent of his other anti-Semitic rant. Sigh. Mel is also, too, being investigated by the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department in connection with domestic violence charges. I fear this means he may soon run for office on the Republican ticket, as abusing one’s partner is all the rage right now among the GOP

Conservative Assault on Women's Rights

GOP Uses Mama Grizzlies to Attack Women’s Rights

This week’s winners of the Patriarchy Award: Sharron Angle and David Vitter. Sharron Angle announced that she’s against abortion even when a girl is raped by her own father, and indeed, the Mama Grizzly Conservative suggests that said rape victims make “lemonade out of lemonsâ€. But hold on to your outrage, my friends, because the compassionate conservatives also bring us David Vitter, who appointed a man who was found GUILTY of stabbing his girlfriend to be in charge of women’s issues.


Obama Hits Republicans for Lying About His Tax Cuts

In a speech about the economy at Smith Electric Vehicles in Kansas City, MO, President Obama set out not only to highlight jobs being created in the green energy sector, but he also jabbed at Republicans for distorting his record on tax cuts. Obama said, “We immediately cut taxes, that’s right. You wouldn’t know it from listening to folks, but we cut taxes for working families…”


Glenn Beck Praises God for the Existence of Fox News

Glenn Beck opened his Fox News program tonight by diving straight into the echo chamber of propaganda by praising Fox News for covering their own manufactured story about the DOJ and the New Black Panthers. Beck even went as far as to thank God for the existence of Fox News, “No one in the media seems to care a lot, thank God that there’s Fox.”


Barack Obama and Sarah Palin: A Contrast in Freedom

This 4th of July long weekend provides us with a chance to examine our freedom, and how our leaders view freedom, specifically Barack Obama and self styled shadow president Sarah Palin. Examining Palin and Obama side by side paints an interesting contrast. In 2010, Obama put out a statement praising the, “enduring spirit of America,” while in 2009 Palin took to Twitter to and threatened to sue the entire Internet.

Stanislaus Shredded Documents Photo: John Myers

Alicia Lewis: Victim of the Sarah Palin Attack Machine Speaks Out

An exclusive interview with Alicia Lewis, who found herself the unwitting victim of the Sarah Palin attack machine during the Palin Stanislaus speech shakedown. In the course of following a lead about documents which were being disposed of suspiciously, Ms. Lewis stumbled into the middle of another Palin drama and found herself being labeled a dumpster diver and “political operative” by Sarah Palin during Palin’s national speech last weekend.


Glenn Beck Manipulates History to Attack Women’s Rights

Glenn Beck celebrated “Founders’ Friday Women’s Day†today. Yes, you know this isn’t going to a good place. Beck, apparently having ran through all of the modern era villains, reached back to the last century to find his latest victim, “one of the most horrible women in American history”, named Margaret Sanger who was a……NURSE! Shudder. A nurse who cared about unplanned and unwelcome pregnancies, a “champion of women’s rights†— clearly a threat to the modern conservative.


White Republican Overseers Order Obama to Do His Job

Republicans who are loath to do their own jobs are thankfully not reticent to run around pointing fingers at Obama and demand, “Mr. President! Do your job!†This is said in what I can assure you is not a racist tone, because the only racism we need to worry about is reverse racism, as you would know if you were a rich white man who has suffered mightily trying to get someone to stop you and ask for your birth certificate.


Obama Slams Republicans for Blocking Unemployment Benefits

During his town hall meeting in Racine, WI, President Barack Obama used the bully pulpit to bludgeon the Republican Senators in Congress who blocked an extension of benefits for jobless Americans, “So their prescription for every challenge is pretty much the same basically cut taxes for the wealthy, cut rules for corporations, and cut working folks loose to fend for themselves.”


Democrats Chip Away at 40 Years of Radical Pro-Business Legislation

A Senate committee on Wednesday voted to eliminate limits on liability that oil companies would face for damages stemming from offshore spills like the one in the Gulf of Mexico. The President signaled his support for higher or no caps on liability for oil companies earlier this month. While it may seem like this is just another meaningless vote, a closer examination reveals a huge paradigm shift under way, and it would be wise for voters to pay attention.


Glenn Beck Rewrites History and Defends Slavery

It was another wild and wacky trip through revisionist Right Wing history with Glenn Beck today as Glenn decided to spend the day defending slavery. On the radio he claimed that race relations aka slavery was fine until it became politicized before the Civil War, and he followed this up with a claim on his TV show that there were no racial relations issues in colonial America.


Obama Hate Masks the GOP’s Shakedown of the American People

Losing the 2008 presidential election has sent the Right Wing over the edge, as their sense of presidential entitlement has been violated, and they are angry. They are angry because the government is no longer engaging as what they see as its divine role of corporate greed enablement, and to show their scorn they have decided to shakedown the American people by refusing to let the business of the country be conducted. The GOP is not just the party of GOBP, but also the party of ME.


Sarah Palin’s 2012 Hopes Go Up In Smoke After She Endorses Marijuana

Real former governor Mike Huckabee (R-AK) took the gloves off when he showed a clip of half-term governor Sarah Palin endorsing pot from Fox News’ Freedom Watch Show. Palin got carried away with her free-wheelin’ AIP secessionist style, because saying pot is OK if you do it in your own home is a major political gaffe of epic proportions for any politician, let alone a law and order conservative.

General McChyrstal: The Runaway General

Rachel Maddow Lasers in on McChrystal’s Counterinsurgency Doctrine

What may come as a surprise to the General is that his own actions are casting doubts regarding the General’s own counterinsurgency approach in Afghanistan, and I would take that a step further and suggest that it’s time that civilian political leadership take back control of our military strategy, rather than relying so heavily on professional military officers.


Fox News Claims that Obama has Nationalized BP

Since the creation of the victims fund was announced last week, Fox News has been going ballistic with claims that President Obama bullied BP and abused his power. These claims went to whole new level today when on FNC’s Journal Report, John Fund referred to the $20 billion put up by BP as a new model for how a company is, “nationalized.”


Fox News Claims Obama Put a Gun to BP’s Head

Fox News ratcheted up their pro-BP rhetoric today when the Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore went on their On The Record program and claimed that President Obama put a gun to BP’s head, “The federal government, that is to say the Obama administration put a gun to BP’s head and said either go along with this agreement, or the future of this company will be very much in jeopardy.”

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