Articles by Sarah Jones

Listen to Sarah on the PoliticusUSA Pod on The Daily newsletter podcast here. Sarah has been credentialed to cover President Barack Obama, then VP Joe Biden, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and exclusively interviewed Speaker Nancy Pelosi multiple times and exclusively covered her first home appearance after the first impeachment of then President Donald Trump. Sarah is two-time Telly award winning video producer and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. Connect with Sarah on Post,  Mastodon @PoliticusSarah@Journa.Host, & Twitter.

Palin Pitchin' Her Patriarchal Feminism

Palin To Head to Jacksonville to Spread More Faux Feminist Propaganda

Sarah Palin joins her next endorsee, John Thrasher, St. Augustine, Florida state senator and chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, to headline a Jacksonville fundraiser on August 26. You can’t say Sarah doesn’t learn, because just like Glenn Beck every event is now a production! Just as Beck is no journalist, Palin is no politician. This is just another razzle dazzle show for the faithful!

Carly Fiorina Mama Grizzly with "Executive Experience"

Palin’s Mama Grizzly With a Skeleton in Her Closet

Running for US Senate in California, Republican Carly Fiorina has been touting her “executive†experience (thank you Sarah Palin) as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Her campaign bio makes her sound like she whipped that place into shape, managed a mega-merger with Compaq and helmed the “reinvention†of the company. But wait—behind the business leader façade of this Mama Grizzly pick we find some rather unpleasant facts. Carly was fired from Hewlett-Packard. How does that fit into “executive experience� Couple that with the fact Hewlett-Packard is giving substantially more money to Carly Fiornia’s opponent, liberal Democrat Barbara Boxer, and you have to wonder if the Republicans vetted their picks this year.


A Confused and Clueless Palin Doesn’t Know What a Stimulus Package is

Sarah Palin was on Fox News’ Freedom Watch yesterday with Andrew Napolitano (the “Judge”) to discuss the utter badness of Obama’s stimulus package (not to be confused or repudiated with his “cajones”, people—keep it clean, we leave the vulgar stuff to the Sister Sarah). So Sarah was tossin’ around those buzz words like “feds bribin’ the states” and she was feelin’ pretty good. Sarah loves being the attack dog and it looked like she was in her element…..Until The Judge asked her if she was upset about the Bush stimulus package and TARP. This is where poor Sarah teetered and fell right off her talking points into the great abyss of Things She Doesn’t Understand.


Obama Rebuts The GOP’s Social Security Privatization Fantasies

It’s the 75 anniversary of Social Security and so, naturally, Republican leaders and candidates want to take it away from us, being the modern day anarchists they are. Any government program that does not benefit the corporations needs to go. President Obama has sworn to honor and protect your Social Security benefits from the Republicans, whose candidates have made privatization a key part of their agenda.

Republican to Palin: Butt Out

Republican Representative Wishes Sarah Palin Would “Butt-Out” of Primaries

Before Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Karen Handel conceded today, Georgia Republican Representative Jack Kingston was on the radio show “America’s Morning News” with John McCaslin & Amy Holmes when he expressed his displeasure with Sarah Palin sticking her nose into Republican primaries all over the country, and said he thought Georgians would be “doin’ their own thing”. Kingston prefers Palin “butt out” of Georgia politics and urges Republicans to “rethink Palin as someone who shoots from the hip.”


Petty Palin Can’t Let Go of Her Mean Girl Ways

Sarah Palin is a petty, mean girl not fit for prime time. It doesn’t matter if she’s just a celebrity, even successful celebrities know better than to behave like this. But in Palin’s case it’s worse, because Palin is the person the Republican Party is seriously touting as their Presidential candidate in 2012. Over the weekend, Palin dipped a bedazzled toe into a nonsensical and stupid fight with Kathleen Gustafson, a schoolteacher.

Republicans Betray Theories of Regananomics

Reaganites: Reagan Would Never Support Extending the Bush Tax Cuts

Earth to the Republican Party: David Stockman, the architect of Reaganomics, declared on NPR that “Reagan would never support extending the Bush tax cuts.†Stockman took this assertion a step further in calling out the Republican leadership for perverting the notions of fiscal conservatism and betraying what the Party used to stand for. He laid his harshest blame on the Bush administration.


The Tea Party’s Support of Republicans’ Most Corrupt Bastards

The sixth tenet of the Tea Party is to end corruption and yet they’ve aligned themselves with the most corrupt party. Corruption spreads on both sides of the aisle. Of late, it’s made a happy home in the Republican Party simply because like mold, corruption takes root in the right environment. The modern day Republican Party is loath to hold its leaders accountable for violating ethics laws. The list of busted criminals and cheats currently in office is astounding.


Palin-Cowered Media Skewer Michelle Obama

While the poor Right is all over the place trying to find a meme to stick to Michelle Obama — one day a gangster Marxist the next Marie Antoinette (as the media called both Nancy Reagan and Hillary Clinton) — the main stream media gnaws away at any notion of feminine independence by criticizing her for leaving the President by himself on his birthday. Bad girl.


Palin’s Phantom Pipeline Steals $500 Million from Taxpayers

On August 27, 2008, Palin signed AGIA (Alaska Gasline Inducement Act) into law awarding TransCanada 500 million dollars and a license to build and operate the $26-billion pipeline to transport natural gas from the North Slope. A license. That’s all. The state will issued a license to Canadian energy company, TransCanada, and will pay it up to $500 million as an incentive to someday build this project. If the project isn’t built, the state could be beholden to TransCanada for treble damages.


The Looming Threat of Republican Destruction of This Economy

As the fall election nears, the buzz is that if the economy doesn’t recover, the Democrats will take a hard hit. Apparently the American people are too ignorant and lazy to remember exactly how we got into this mess in the first place, and will cast their reactionary votes of anger this fall against the “party in power†as if that makes any sense at all; thereby reelecting the clowns who not only are voting no on their own ideas in order to keep this economy a mess and help themselves politically, but also the very clowns who put their clown shoes on the gas pedal of recklessness that got us here.

Sarah Palin's Bitter Rage and Contempt

Taking a Stand against Sarah Palin’s Jealous Contempt For Barack Obama

For the last, oh my Gosh, almost TWO years since Palin hit the national scene, conservatives have been salivating over the Democrats’ alleged fear of Sarah Palin. Striking “fear” into their “enemies” is part of the entire worldview of these folks. Everything is seen as a war, a power structure of over and under, best exemplified by Palin’s selling herself as a hunter and someone who just got things done in Alaska (contrary to her actual record and her quitting of her job). While I reject this worldview, it’s important to note that their largest strategic failure is not their worldview, but their misinterpretation of the Left’s outrage over Palin.


The Party of No Sabotages Small Business

For years, Republicans have been selling themselves as the party of business, using Small Business as the banner from which to launch their tax cuts for huge corporations, think Joe the Plumber, but when push comes to shove as with today’s Senate vote on the small business jobs bill, The Party of No reveals that it is November calculus, not small businesses that really matter.

Foxonian Visual Lies Courtesy of a Desperate Drudge Report

The Drudge Report Trolls with Foxonian Visual Lies

While Right Wing screams about liberal media bias, and the scream even louder when they’re busted flat out lying to their audience (Acorn video, Sherrod video, etc), they continue their assault on reality via any means necessary. To this end, The Drudge Report felt compelled to use the Foxian trick of using imagery to lie for them yesterday when they attempted to lay blame for missing Iraq reconstruction money at Obama’s feet.

Even Fox News isn't Safe for Sharron Angle

Fox News Hangs Sharron Angle Out To Dry

Fox News Network, the champion if not creator of the Tea Party, hung Tea Party “rape can be made into lemonade†nut job Sharron Angle (R-NV) out to dry earlier this week. Perhaps Fox is miffed over losing their favorite, the chicken lady, to run against that evil of humanity, Harry Reid and so felt compelled to use poor Sharron Angle to demonstrate their “balance†by annihilating her on Cavuto’s “Your Worldâ€

Scott Brown Delivers Death Blow to Campaign Finance Reform

Scott Brown Rejects Both Democracy and the Disclose Act

By refusing to vote for the Disclosure Act, Brown is ensuring that our elections can be bought by special interests and big corporate powers without any fingerprints. Meaning that groups like, um, FreedomWorks can influence elections masquerading as grassroots movements, when in fact, they are funded by very interested corporate parties. FreedomWorks, doubling as a grass roots movement for the Tea Party, gave quite a pretty penny to old Scooter.

Scott Brown Turns His Back on Partisan Rhetoric

Scott Brown Teabags the Tea Party

Elected as a Tea Party candidate, Scott Brown has signaled that he will support President Obama’s major financial overhaul bill which passed the House on June 30 and will come up for a vote in the Senate this week. Brown’s vote would be number 59, as in 59 of the now needed 60 to pass a bill….crossing Party lines to help the people? Close to treason, if you ask me.

Mel Gibson, Autoritarian Misogynist Racist Bigot

Mel Gibson and the Danger of Playing Politics with Jesus

Not content to leave it at abuse of his girl-friend, Mel’s rant is peppered with racist remarks reminiscent of his other anti-Semitic rant. Sigh. Mel is also, too, being investigated by the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department in connection with domestic violence charges. I fear this means he may soon run for office on the Republican ticket, as abusing one’s partner is all the rage right now among the GOP

Conservative Assault on Women's Rights

GOP Uses Mama Grizzlies to Attack Women’s Rights

This week’s winners of the Patriarchy Award: Sharron Angle and David Vitter. Sharron Angle announced that she’s against abortion even when a girl is raped by her own father, and indeed, the Mama Grizzly Conservative suggests that said rape victims make “lemonade out of lemonsâ€. But hold on to your outrage, my friends, because the compassionate conservatives also bring us David Vitter, who appointed a man who was found GUILTY of stabbing his girlfriend to be in charge of women’s issues.

Stanislaus Shredded Documents Photo: John Myers

Alicia Lewis: Victim of the Sarah Palin Attack Machine Speaks Out

An exclusive interview with Alicia Lewis, who found herself the unwitting victim of the Sarah Palin attack machine during the Palin Stanislaus speech shakedown. In the course of following a lead about documents which were being disposed of suspiciously, Ms. Lewis stumbled into the middle of another Palin drama and found herself being labeled a dumpster diver and “political operative” by Sarah Palin during Palin’s national speech last weekend.


Glenn Beck Manipulates History to Attack Women’s Rights

Glenn Beck celebrated “Founders’ Friday Women’s Day†today. Yes, you know this isn’t going to a good place. Beck, apparently having ran through all of the modern era villains, reached back to the last century to find his latest victim, “one of the most horrible women in American history”, named Margaret Sanger who was a……NURSE! Shudder. A nurse who cared about unplanned and unwelcome pregnancies, a “champion of women’s rights†— clearly a threat to the modern conservative.


White Republican Overseers Order Obama to Do His Job

Republicans who are loath to do their own jobs are thankfully not reticent to run around pointing fingers at Obama and demand, “Mr. President! Do your job!†This is said in what I can assure you is not a racist tone, because the only racism we need to worry about is reverse racism, as you would know if you were a rich white man who has suffered mightily trying to get someone to stop you and ask for your birth certificate.


Democrats Chip Away at 40 Years of Radical Pro-Business Legislation

A Senate committee on Wednesday voted to eliminate limits on liability that oil companies would face for damages stemming from offshore spills like the one in the Gulf of Mexico. The President signaled his support for higher or no caps on liability for oil companies earlier this month. While it may seem like this is just another meaningless vote, a closer examination reveals a huge paradigm shift under way, and it would be wise for voters to pay attention.


Obama Hate Masks the GOP’s Shakedown of the American People

Losing the 2008 presidential election has sent the Right Wing over the edge, as their sense of presidential entitlement has been violated, and they are angry. They are angry because the government is no longer engaging as what they see as its divine role of corporate greed enablement, and to show their scorn they have decided to shakedown the American people by refusing to let the business of the country be conducted. The GOP is not just the party of GOBP, but also the party of ME.


Sarah Palin’s 2012 Hopes Go Up In Smoke After She Endorses Marijuana

Real former governor Mike Huckabee (R-AK) took the gloves off when he showed a clip of half-term governor Sarah Palin endorsing pot from Fox News’ Freedom Watch Show. Palin got carried away with her free-wheelin’ AIP secessionist style, because saying pot is OK if you do it in your own home is a major political gaffe of epic proportions for any politician, let alone a law and order conservative.

General McChyrstal: The Runaway General

Rachel Maddow Lasers in on McChrystal’s Counterinsurgency Doctrine

What may come as a surprise to the General is that his own actions are casting doubts regarding the General’s own counterinsurgency approach in Afghanistan, and I would take that a step further and suggest that it’s time that civilian political leadership take back control of our military strategy, rather than relying so heavily on professional military officers.

Change: Protecting the Environment Finally Gets Approval

Change Has Come: Environmental Protection Now Has Public Support

It seems that the worst environmental disaster in US history was all it took for Americans to get serious about protecting the environment. According to the latest Society for Human Resource Management/National Journal Congressional Connection survey, 56% of those asked said, that “protecting the environment” should be the more important priority for U.S. energy policy over “keeping energy prices low.”


Sarah Palin Embraces Corporate Welfare Socialist Tea Partier Clint Didier

In typical teabagging style, the Palin endorsed candidate (you can just fill in Clown Show Tea Bagger or Pretend Conservative, whichever you feel fits best but in this case, it’s a toss up) Clint Didier (Republican running for US Senate in Washington) was for farm subsidies before he was against them. And by for, I mean he took the money for himself, before he decided government money was evil and harmful to others and makes them dependent on the federal government.


Kevin Costner’s Oil Clean up Machine Provides Hope for the Gulf

Kevin Costner, he of liberal Hollywood elite status, may be riding to the rescue of the deliberately careless drilling in the Gulf that lead to Deepwater Horizon’s tragic oil spill. Costner co-founded Ocean Therapy Solutions, which is now partnering with BP to deploy the machine that separates oil from water, known as CINC, in the Gulf. CINC uses centrifuge technology to clean up oil spills.


Hackee Becomes Hacker as Palin has Johnston Computer Hacked

In the world of Sarah Palin, accusations are confessions and should always be taken thusly. Palin’s outrage over the email hacker was simply one finger pointed outward while four more pointed back at herself. Palin has not only hacked a colleague’s computer, but was also a party to harassing Levi Johnston’s sister into getting rid of online photos during the campaign. But Palin’s harassment of the Johnston family apparently did not end there. It seems that in 2008, Sarah Palin and the McCain campaign had Mercede Johnston’s computer wiped clean of all photos.

Amnesty International Fights Violence Against Women

Progressive Women Must Unite in Support of International Violence Against Women Act

The World Health Organization just released appalling statistics on domestic violence against women. The ten country study included: Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, Japan, Peru, Namibia, Samoa, Serbia and Montenegro, Thailand and the United Republic of Tanzania. The report concludes that violence against women is widespread. Amnesty International is urging Americans to support the International Violence Against Women Act in response to these horrifying statistics.

Sarah Palin Smugging Up Her Endorsement of Tea Party fav Haley

Sarah Palin and Nikki Haley’s Right Wing Persecution Complex

Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page to defend yet another persecuted Christian (aka, Tea Party favorite) in South Carolina, Nikki Haley. Haley is the front-runner in the Republican primary for Governor of South Carolina and she has been accused of having an affair with a staffer by said staffer who recently announced the affair on his blog. In reality, this isn’t persecution, this is politics.

Sarah Palin wanting to change the law

The White House Slams Palin’s Obama Oil Spill Allegations

Sarah Palin, the Drill Baby Drill poster girl and someone whose PAC contributions read like a who’s who in the oil business, had the gall this morning on Fox News Sunday to accuse Obama of not doing his job because he is in bed with big oil. Palin says she went after BP as Governor of Alaska and President Obama should, too, but White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs set Palin straight.

Oil Spill Tragedy

The Left Carrying Water for the GOP: Why isn’t Obama Fixing the Oil Spill?!?

Everywhere I go, Liberals are griping about the President, carrying water for the GOP again. Liberals want Obama to “FIX†the BP spill. He should have “taken overâ€, he should have “done moreâ€. Beware the lazy intellectualism of the pseudo elite liberal, because it’s much more cool to reproach scornfully from above than it is to tell the nerdy truth. The nerdy truth is that the law prevents the government from just taking over. The nerdy truth is this sucks and there is no way to fix it now.

Palinization of Rand Paul

The Palinization of Rand Paul

After a humiliating stint on the Rachel Maddow show wherein Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul demonstrated a special talent in the art of the duck and dodge, Paul continued to Palinize himself the next day — wrapping himself in indignation, in order to mask his own deep inadequacy and lack of preparation for the important office he seeks.


Arizona Strikes Out with Threat to Cut Off Power to Los Angeles

Arizona swung wildly at Los Angeles after the City of Angels signed a resolution to boycott Arizona over the Papers Please law. Wounded by the perceived threat to their dwindling tourism business (due to similar boycotts around the country), Arizona punched back yesterday with a threat befitting an impotent schoolyard bully. Because, you know, instead of taking another look at the law, the thing to do is escalate the authoritarian power grab at the very root of the trouble.

Mock and Scorn

Palin and the GOP Disguise Mock and Scorn as Public Policy

In the last few years, the far right has brought this nation teetering to the utter brink of moral bankruptcy by selling mock and scorn as workable public policy. We see this in their leaders (Sarah Palin) and followers (the Teabaggers), whose team jersey is contemptuous wanton violence — their faces screwed up into a rictus of wrath, lips snarled in ridicule as they arrogantly spew the hubristic litter of Fox News talking points.


Reckless Palin Endangers a Girls Basketball Team with Her Call to Go Rogue

Sarah Palin, who has replaced Jesse Jackson as America’s foremost political ambulance chaser wasted no time in exploiting the fates of an Illinois girls high school basketball team who will not be going to Arizona for a tournament due to the state’s immigration policy. Palin urged the teenage girls to “go rogue†and go to the tournament on their own if the school won’t give permission.


Dick Cheney’s Deregulation to Blame for “Obama’s Katrina”

The evidence is in: Halliburton, Dick Cheney, secret energy task force meetings and massive Republican deregulation has once again led to tragedy. The April 20, 2010. Gulf oils spill is yet another story of careless, reckless deregulation and corruption under the Bush administration which has led to loss of life, destruction of wildlife and the environment, loss of income, and more. The full impact of the oil sill is still unknown.

Michael Savage Judges Women's Looks

The Bullies on the Right Stoop to Sexism to Oppose Kagan

The Right Wing is revealing both the dearth of their values as well as the utter emptiness in their opposition to Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan by focusing on her looks. This is on par with the Republican Party’s oppression of women platform, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise, and yet the fact that they are so graceless as to come out with the hideously appalling criticisms they did is still shocking.

Hillary Clinton Feminist Extraordinaire

While Sarah Palin Exploits Hillary Clinton Empowers

Last night, though, we were treated to an interview with Hillary Clinton on CBS’s “60 Minutes”. Clinton hardly dominates the media since becoming Secretary of State, so seeing her was a stark contrast to the daily Palin saturation of the news. Watching Hillary was healing, uplifting and encouraging. Hillary is the anti-Palin, and she’s out there kicking ass for us every day.

Palin's Secessionist Theocracy aka: Real America

Sarah Palin Claims America is Based on the Bible Not the Constitution

The never-ending saga of Sarah Palin’s infringement upon our national discourse took a turn for the worse (as if that were possible) last night. Palin appeared on “The O’Rielly Factor”, during which she doubled down on her theocratic vision of America by claiming that the Founders intended for our laws to be based on the bible and the ten commandments. So, in this chapter of fact-checking Sarah Palin, we debunk Palin’s Secessionist Theocracy (aka: Real America) theory.


GOP Uses SECRET HOLD To Obstruct Record Number of Nominees

A dark storm is brewing over the Senate as Republicans obstruct Presidential nominees in record numbers, abusing secret hold and laundering holds in an attempt to outrun Senate rules. The Republicans’ unprecedented use of secret holds has almost brought government to a standstill, and yet they’ve avoided all accountability for their actions by hiding under the cloak of anonymity. Senator Claire McCaskill tried to force them to own up to their holds this week.


How Thomas Jefferson Warned Us About Sarah Palin

The press fawned over Sarah Palin when she arrived at last night’s Time 100 Gala, stepping over themselves to get a photo of the gal who refused to speak to them until they show “deference” to her as she was campaigning to be Vice President of America and has not yet held a press conference or taken unscreened questions from the press. Palin quoted Thomas Jefferson, whose prophetic quotes suggest he saw Palin coming.


Glenn Beck Mocks Rachel Maddow for Using Big Words

On his radio show today Glenn Beck mocked MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow for using the term paleoconservative on her MSNBC program this week. Since Beck doesn’t know what the term means he said, “What the hell is a paleoconservative, a dinosaur?” He then told progressives to stop making up terms. Actually, the term was coined by a conservative 30 years ago, and Beck once again demonstrated his illiteracy.


The Gulf Coast Oil Spill: Dick Cheney’s Katrina

This is the story of rampant deregulation in a never-ending ode to Profit as King, as propagated by the Bush/Cheney administration across all sectors of our economy, which didn’t end with Wall Street or mortgage lending or Enron. Indeed, the deregulation scandals extend now to off-shore drilling in the form of the missing Valve, a remote shut-off device called an acoustic switch. Dick Cheney may have had his hand in the Department of Interior’s decision not to mandate the valve for off-shore oil rigs.


“Liberal Elite” Washington Post Advances Fox’s Miranda Lies

The Washington Post, that “liberal elite” paper, is following in Fox’s footsteps by regurgitating false Miranda information, suggesting that Miranda rights are optional and should not be employed with suspected terrorists, even if said suspect is an American citizen. Fox News has long advanced the claim that reading Abdulmutallab Miranda rights compromised the government’s ability to get information. This, of course, was not an issue for Fox when the Bush administration handled the suspected terrorists the exact same way. When they’re not trying to terrorize Americans into voting for them, the Right is trying to terrorize Americans into giving away all of their freedoms.


Right Wing Tries To Socialize Oil Companies with “Obama’s Katrina”

In calling the BP oil spill “Obama’s Katrina”; conservatives infer that the President did not act fast enough. However, not only has this meme been debunked, but it goes to the central hypocrisy of the current conservative moment, whose only consistent value is to oppose Obama in order to destroy his Presidency. Conservatives are attempting to foist all responsibility for the clean up of the private sector caused oil spill onto the President. In fact, the conservative effort to label this as Obama’s Katrina represents the Conservative endorsement of socialism.

GOP Circus

A Weekly Round Up of the Republican Wing Nut Circus May 2, 2010

A weekly round up of the Republican Wing Nut Circus: This week, Republicans were freaked out over good news about the economy (say it ain’t so, Joe!) so in their ever impressive attempt to “take back their country”, they did what all Real Americans do — they focused on animals. Yes, from suggesting we barter chickens for healthcare to comparing illegal immigrants to dogs,it’s been a wild GOP ride this week. Please no comments on the disturbing Freudian slips of the party of Repression and Regression. This is tough enough.


Obama Shines While Jabbing Birthers and Palin at WH Correspondents Dinner

President Barack Obama outdid Leno tonight at the 2010 White House Correspondents Dinner, aka #Nerdprom. There were lots of jokes about his approval ratings, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney and Rahm Emanuel. However his best material was reserved for the birthers and Sarah Palin. For the birthers he joked that his popularity still remains high in his, “home country,†and he jabbed at Palin with a comment about, “socialized media.â€


Once Upon A Time Republicans and Democrats Agreed On Illegal Immigration

Ironically, in 2006, all of the players you now see polarized had agreed to an immigration reform bill co-sponsored by Democrat Ted Kennedy and Republican John McCain. Said bill is now way too sane for McCain to put his name to, as he is busy selling his soul to the radical right and taking his friend Lindsey Graham down with him. Anything to keep his seat. Country First. Yada yada.


AZ Gov. Jan Brewer Politicizes Border Violence in Arizona

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is using drug related border violence to justify a draconian and perhaps unconstitutional law, but the two have nothing to do with one another. In fact, in the video the reporter says, “he (Officer Pinal) was tracking the five suspects as they transported marijuana and other drugs…” So if Brewer wanted to deal with this issue, she should have written a law dealing with drug trafficking and undocumented fire arms, not people who “look undocumented”. Hey, I’m just assuming she’d want to narrow the field down to the dangerous folks if her argument is the threat of violence.

Palin Secrets

Babygate: Fox News Reports that Bristol Palin had a Son in Sept 2008

Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol both testified at the email hacking trial of David Kernall, which found him guilty of 2 out of 4 charges. The trial lasted just two days. In reporting the verdict this evening, Fox revealed, “Bristol Palin said she was distressed to find pictures of her newborn son in the public eye after her mother’s e-mail was hacked.” But Bristol’s baby supposedly wasn’t born until December of 2009.


Spill, Baby Spill: Explosion Gives Environmentalists Regulation Firepower

The “Drill Baby Drill” proponents are eerily silent as the oil spill in the Gulf, which could become one of the worst recent environmental disasters of this nation, threatens hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife. The massive explosion and subsequent oil spill of a rig in the Gulf of Mexico may lead to reinstating the expired moratoriums on off-shore drilling as well as new regulations, which oil giant BP says it is expecting.


The Truth is Out: Palin’s VP Debate Answers Were Scripted

The false narrative continues as Steve Schmidt (aka, the Bullet) reveals Palin’s debate answers were memorized and scripted. What’s the difference between a Palin debate and a movie? Not much apparently. Sure, American politicians sell a cult of personality, but must it be so disingenuous as to include main characters like W and Palin? Can’t the GOP find someone who can read? Aren’t candidates supposed to have some ideas, something they stand for and shouldn’t they be able to discuss that topic without memorizing answers?


Sarah Palin Encourages Franklin Graham to Spread the Holy War Against Muslims

Unwilling to let any chance for more publicity via her specialty of moral poutrage sprinkled over Dim-Sum pass her by, Sarah Palin takes to her facebook page to decry the Pentagon’s decision yesterday to dis-invite Franklin Graham from National Prayer Day. In doing so, Palin demonstrates yet again how little she thinks/knows of the law, inviting satire as the only possible rebuttal available to all reading citizens.


Teabagger No More: Brown Endorses Romney over Palin for 2012

Scott Brown (R-MA) appeared on NBC-TV’s “Today” show this morning. Brown made his break with the Tea Party final by announcing he would support Mitt Romney over Tea Party darling Sarah Palin, dashing the hopes of many Tea Partiers who had fantasies of a Palin/Brown ticket in 2012. The support of the Tea Party and Sarah Palin’s endorsement are assumed to be responsible for getting Brown his seat in the special election in January of this year.


Palin Fans Unleash Political Terrorism on Senator

Lest you think that the Palin 2008 rallies of hate were an anomaly, Palin fans are now attacking Senator Yee, who called for an investigation of Stanislaus State after University administrators refused to supply Palin’s speaking contract, claiming they didn’t have it. The rage, hatred, bigotry and violence that Palin fans have put on display here has a goal: to silence the Senator. In other words, this is political terrorism.


Barack Obama Rocks Change for LGBT Community

Today we can celebrate Hopey ordering the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a rule that would prevent hospitals who participate in Medicare and Medicaid programs (the majority of hospitals) from denying visitation privileges to gay and lesbian partners, among other groups who suffer discrimination under the current prevailing policy of “relative-only” visitation.


Palin’s Latest Scandal: Bendy Straws, Lear Jets and Shredded Documents

It kinda looks like she quit to line her pockets. So, I guess it wasn’t all about “progressin’ Alaska”. But ya’ know, money isn’t everything. A girl’s gotta have values, also too. And helpin’ us understand HRH’s “common sense conservative values” is her contract with the California State University, Stanislaus Foundation, where Palin is scheduled to “speak” at a June 25 gala hosted by the foundation to mark the university’s 50th anniversary.
You probably guessed by now that there’s more to this story, as hypocrisy, cover-ups and scandal are just par for the course for the Conservative darling.


The WikiLeaks Video and Progressive Responsibility in Unnecessary Wars

I protested the Iraq war, way before it was cool to do so, and the Wikileaks Video of “Collateral Murder†demonstrates why I opposed the invasion, but I also spent a week embedded with training soldiers, as they took on the exhaustive task of preparing for battle. Those on the left who criticize miss the point as their self-righteous reaction is a simplistic denial of their own complicity in allowing this war to be fought.


Weekly Round Up of Republican Wing Nut Circus April 10, 2010

It’s hard to keep up with the Republicans these days. They’re a regular three-ring circus being lead around by leaders like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck — two out of three of whom we know didn’t finish college. We haven’t seen Palin’s degree from the 5th or 6th college she attended, but recklessly, we are taking her word that she graduated. Personally, I’m still waiting to see her high school diploma, but that’s just me. At any rate, with leaders like this, it’s no wonder that the Republicans are going up in flames.


Palin Flops with Bombed Out Wine and Spirit Crowd

Sarah pimped for the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America convention today. The convention runs April 6-8 at Caesars Palace on the Las Vegas Strip. The strip? Did anyone call Steele! Oh, I kid. I kid. This is all legal and family-ish. Except for the booze and evangelical thing, but as the Republicans have been trying so hard to demonstrate, no one is perfect. Thing is, I guess no one gave her any palm notes before she spoke, cuz the ex-candidate-for-something-turned-reality-TV-bomb apparently thought she was at a political rally.


The Republican Siren Song of Sedition

Throughout my life I’ve never hated someone’s message so much that I wanted to shut him or her down by force. My liberal parents taught me that those folks had a right to freedom of speech. Freedom of speech. This is our right as American citizens. Part of my job as a citizen is to tolerate ideas with which I do not agree, so long as they do not infringe on the rights and safety of others. This is a concept that Republicans no longer understand.


Alaskans Adamantly Rebuke Palin’s Denial of Stoking Violence

Sarah Palin’s ties with the AIP (which itself has strong ties with white supremacists groups, the same groups the Secret Service blamed for the death threats against candidate Obama) should have been a warning about what kind of person she was, but the media were charmed by her folksy mom image. And while Americans finally decided she was unqualified to be Vice President, they never got a glimpse of the real Sarah. The real Sarah is a dangerous extremist. And she has the past to prove it.


Poutraged Eric Cantor Blames Democrats for Tea Party Violence

Righteous Eric Cantor claimed yesterday that his office was the target of gun violence. I wondered at the time the teabaggers may have shot at his office, seeing as they are now furious with Republicans for allowing a “Marxist Socialist Nazi†to “take over†the healthcare sector. But whose fault is that? They wouldn’t be so angry if Republicans hadn’t been lying to them for so long. So how would that have made the violence equal, if in fact, he had been targeted by the teabaggers? You lay down with dogs….Just to be sure, I checked Palin’s target map and I didn’t see Eric name on there anywhere. And then I remembered how Republicans love to play victim as soon as the heat gets turned up on them. Unfortunately for Cantor, the police don’t concur with his version of events. So much for Cantor’s desperate attempt to take cover for being a bully by hopping on the victim bus.

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