

Matt Lauer Got Forum Hosting Gig Because Donald Trump Is Afraid Of Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow was not allowed to participate in NBC’s candidate forum on veterans’ issues because Donald Trump would have objected to her involvement. CNN reported on why NBC and MSNBC heavyweights were shunned for Lauer: Others within NBC were considered as potential moderators. A source said Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, and Rachel Maddow all came…


Friday Fox Follies – Atheists In A Fox Hole

According to a new Poll: Fox News Most Trusted Source for ‘News or Commentary’, a finding that makes intelligent people shake their heads. Yet, the same poll has Donald Trump leading all other GOP contenders, which speaks to the innate stupidity of those polled. However, according to the cheeky reportage at AdWeek: ‘Undecided’ Toppled as…


Friday Fox Follies – Truth Trumps Trash

Every week Friday Fox Follies documents 7 days worth of Fox “News” shenanigans, tomfoolery, and pettyfoggery. As The Phony War on Christmas season is almost upon us, FFF noticed that Fox “News” is also engaged in phony wars on The President; Women; The Democrat [sic] Party; The Supreme Court; Hillary Clinton; The Blacks; The Gays; The First Amendment; Working People; and, as always, the Truth.


Friday Fox Follies – Islamophobia On Parade

As the country marks the anniversary of the attack on 9/11 with somber memorials — vowing to NEVER FORGET — this is a very good time to remind people how Fox “News” was the Bush Administration’s biggest cheerleader for taking the country to war against Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the downing of the World Trade Center.


Friday Fox Follies – Fibs, Frankenstein, and Fabulosity

There was a great synchronicity in the Cable Tee Vee Firmament this week. As Jon Stewart stopped climbing Bullsh*t Mountain, an avalanche called Donald J. Trump proved — once and for all — that “Fair and Balanced” is nothing but an empty slogan covering for all the other lies Fox “News” tells. Adding to the schadenfreude on the Left? Trump is the Frankenstein monster built in the birther boardroom of the Fox “News” Channel.

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