Russia Scandal


London court rules UK spy behind Trump dossier must give evidence in U.S. libel trial

LONDON (Reuters) – Former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled a “dossier” of allegations linking U.S. President Donald Trump to Russia, must give a deposition in a U.S. libel case, lawyers for the Russian businessman involved said on Friday. Businessman Aleksej Gubarev is suing the Buzzfeed website, which published the dossier in January last year,…


It’s Official: FBI Says Russia Attacking U.S. Power Grid, Water Supply, Airports and Nuclear Plants

Hackers from Russia have apparently been assaulting the electric grid, water processing plants, air transportation facilities, nuclear power plants and other targets throughout the United States, according to new warnings from the FBI. U.S. government officials said Thursday that these Russian hackers have been engaging in what they called “rolling attacks†on some of the…


Tom Steyer To File 200 FOIA Requests To Get Trump And Kushner Business Info

Tom Steyer’s Need To Impeach organization will be filing 200 Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) to get information on Donald Trump and Jared Kushner’s businesses. In a release provided to PoliticusUSA, Need To Impeach announced: The FOIA requests include inquiries about the following: Information about the Securities and Exchange Commission’s investigation into Apollo Management that…


U.S. lawmakers: Trump administration risks losing the information war

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Influential Republican U.S. lawmakers joined Democrats to urge President Donald Trump on Thursday to take action – including spending millions of dollars allocated by Congress and staffing a key “information warfare” unit – to stop Russian efforts to undermine American national security in cyberspace. The New York Times reported on March 4…


U.S. hits Russians with sanctions for election meddling, cyber attacks

By Steve Holland and Doina Chiacu WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States slapped sanctions on 19 Russian individuals and five groups, including Moscow’s intelligence services, for meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and malicious cyber attacks, the Treasury Department said on Thursday. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said there would be additional sanctions against Russian government…

Republican Russia cover-up

House Republicans Were Just Accused Of A Massive Russia Cover-Up For Trump

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee engaged in a Russia collusion cover-up for Trump. Video: Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) just accused House Republicans of a massive Russia cover-up for Trump. #Russia — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) March 14, 2018 Rep. Swalwell was asked if…


PA-18 Results Have The White House Freaking Out About A Doomsday Democratic Russia Investigation

The White House is freaked out that the PA-18 special election results signal a doomsday scenario for Trump where Democrats are going to win back the House and revive the Russia investigation. Video: The PA-18 special election results have the White House freaking out about a Democratic-run House Russia investigation. #PA18 — Sarah…


Read The Democrats 22 Page Status Update On The Russia Investigation

House Intelligence Committee Democrats have released a 22-page status update of the Russia investigation that includes a list of witnesses, texts, and documents that have not been subpoenaed. Read the full document below: [pdf-embedder url=””] Rep Adam Schiff said at a press conference unveiling the document, “Schiff said, “We are releasing this evening a 22-page…

Adam Schiff Trump Money Laundering

Relentless Adam Schiff Is Coming After Trump Money Laundering

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said on The Rachel Maddow that if Democrats win back the House and an investigation remains necessary, the Russia probe will be back. Video: Adam Schiff is coming after the Trump Organization for money laundering if Democrats take back the House. — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) March 13, 2018…

Mueller Reportedly Putting Off Filing Obstruction Of Justice Charges Until After Interviewing Trump

According to a Bloomberg report published Monday, Mueller might be temporarily putting aside his obstruction of justice investigation regarding President Trump’s attempts to stop the ongoing Russia probe in favor of looking into other pressing issues. Sources told the news outlet that Mueller has nearly wrapped up the obstruction of justice case, but he’s wary…


Nunberg Admits That Russia Probe Isn’t A “Witch Hunt,” Says Putin Is Taking Advantage Of Trump

Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg backtracked on earlier comments he made about the ongoing Russia investigation being a “witch hunt.” In an ABC News interview on Saturday, his first after spending over five hours testifying before a grand jury about his knowledge of the Trump campaign’s communication with Russians earlier the same day, he admitted…

Michael Avenatti Stormy Daniels' Lawyer

Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Just Nailed Donald Trump

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti asked one question that has Trump dead to rights. If Michael Cohen wasn’t working for Trump, why is Trump’s name all over the hush money documents prepared by Cohen? Video: Stormy Daniels' lawyer asks the one question that blows up Trump's cover-up #TheBeat — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah)…


Trump May Be Charged With Witness Tampering As Well As Obstruction of Justice

Late yesterday the New York Times reported that Donald Trump had contacted two witnesses in the Mueller probe.  According to the Times, “The special counsel in the Russia investigation has learned of two conversations in recent months in which President Trump asked key witnesses about matters they discussed with investigators, according to three people familiar…


Sam Nunberg Just Buried Trump and Said Mueller Has Something On Trump’s Business

On MSNBC’s The Beat with Ari Melber, Sam Nunberg said he was asked by Mueller about Trump’s business, and he speculated that the special counsel has something pretty bad on Trump. Video: Sam Nunberg is doing Mueller's work for him and burying Trump. — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) March 6, 2018 Here was…


The Trump State Department Has Spent $0 To Fight Russian Election Attacks

The Trump State Department was granted $120 million to fight Russian election meddling, and they haven’t spent a single penny. The New York Times reported, “As Russia’s virtual war against the United States continues unabated with the midterm elections approaching, the State Department has yet to spend any of the $120 million it has been…


Mueller Is Measuring Jared Kushner For Handcuffs By Investigating Him For Bribery

Robert Mueller is investigating Jared Kushner for using his White House job to help his private businesses, and the result could mean criminal charges for Trump’s son in law. NBC News reported, “Federal investigators are scrutinizing whether any of Jared Kushner’s business discussions with foreigners during the presidential transition later shaped White House policies in…


Russia Bombshell: Mueller May Have American Co-Conspirators In Hack Of Democrats

The news that more charges are coming against the Russians, this time for the hack of Democrats, comes with it a bombshell that special counsel Robert Mueller may have American co-conspirators who worked with the Russians in the hack of the DNC. Video: Mueller may have American co-conspirators in Russian hack of the DNC.…


Jared Kushner Could Be Going To Prison For Bribery

Jared Kushner may have violated criminal bribery laws by using his White House position as a senior adviser to help his personal business. Video: Jared Kushner could face a bribery investigation. #Kushner — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) March 1, 2018 When asked about how Kushner’s mixing of personal business with his White House…


Trump Gave Mueller The Ammo To Bury Him On Obstruction Of Justice

Robert Mueller is investigating Trump efforts to fire Jeff Sessions as part of his probe into obstruction of justice as Trump keeps giving the Special Counsel more ammo by attacking the Attorney General. The Washington Post reported, “In recent months, Mueller’s team has questioned witnesses in detail about Trump’s private comments and state of mind…


Tom Steyer’s Campaign To Impeach Trump Passes 5 Million Supporters

Tom Steyer’s Need To Impeach campaign has gotten more than five million supporters in a little over four months. In a statement provided to PoliticusUSA, Need To Impeach announced phase two of their campaign: Tom Steyer’s Need to Impeach campaign—launched four months ago—has just reached more than five million supporters. This milestone comes at the…

Adam Schiff evidence Trump/Russia collusion

Adam Schiff Just Blew The Lid Off The GOP Russia Cover-Up For Trump

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, went through point by point a list of people who Republicans are refusing to subpoena in the Russia investigation. Here is the full statement as provided to PoliticusUSA: Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, released the…


Hope Hicks’ Resignation Is Proof That The Rats Are Fleeing The Sinking Trump Ship

The White House denies it, but the resignation of Hope Hicks shows that Trump inner circle is fleeing due to the Russia investigation. Chuck Todd ran down the list of Trump staff who have fled in the last three months: #HopeHicks is just the latest to flee the sinking Trump ship. #Russia —…


Mueller Just Sent Trump Into A Total Panic By Investigating His Knowledge Of DNC Email Hack

Trump’s panicked attack on Jeff Sessions makes sense now. Robert Mueller is investigating the President’s knowledge of the DNC hack. Video: Trump panicked attack on Jeff Sessions makes sense now. Robert Mueller is investigating the President's knowledge of the DNC hack. — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) February 28, 2018 Katy Tur of NBC…


4 Countries Discussed Ways That They Could Blackmail Jared Kushner

The prospect of manipulating a.k.a blackmailing Jared Kushner was discussed by four countries due to Kushner deep debt the conflict of interest that comes with his senior White Hous position. The Washington Post reported, “Officials in at least four countries have privately discussed ways they can manipulate Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, and senior adviser,…

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Blame Obama

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Melts Down And Goes On A Blame Obama Tirade After Reporters Hammer Her On Russia

Sarah Huckabee Sanders got visibly angry and went on blame Obama tirade as reporters pressed her on Trump’s non-response to Russian cyber attacks. Video: Sarah Huckabee Sanders has herself a blame Obama tantrum as reporters ask why Trump has done nothing to stop Russian election interference. — PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) February 27, 2018 Sanders…


Lawyer For Nixon’s White House Says Rick Gates’ Testimony Could Be What Finally Ends Trump

John Dean, a former White House counsel who served during Nixon’s years in office, took to Twitter on Saturday to give his thoughts on what the testimony of former Trump campaign adviser Rick Gates could do to the administration. “Mueller is throwing everything he can against Manafort, including Gates who can nail him,” Dean wrote….

Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff Just Dropped An Impeachable Offense Bombshell On Trump

Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said that when Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, he knew that Russia had the emails. Video: Adam Schiff lays out a key piece of illegal Trump/Russia coordination. #AllIn #Russia — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) February 27, 2018 Schiff…


Here Are 4 Facts From Democratic Memo That Destroy Trump’s FBI Conspiracy

Here are four key facts from the Democratic memo that destroy the Republican argument that the FBI’s investigation of the Russia scandal is a conspiracy to get Trump. The four facts from the memo as provided to PoliticusUSA by Rep. Adam Schiff: 1). The FBI supplied information to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that Russia…

Adam Schiff on Rachel Maddow

Adam Schiff Tells Rachel Maddow That Manafort Is Begging Trump For A Pardon

The top-ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said that Manafort’s statement on Friday was a message to Trump asking for a presidential pardon. Video: Adam Schiff tells Rachel Maddow that Manafort is signaling to Trump that he wants a pardon. #maddow — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) February 24, 2018…


Rachel Maddow Incredibly Ties Together Manafort, The Trump Campaign, and Financial Crimes

Rachel Maddow put it all together and showed how Paul Manafort’s money problems vanished after he joined the Trump campaign. Video: This is really incredible from Maddow on how Paul Manafort, the Trump campaign, and financial crimes tie together. #Maddow. — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) February 23, 2018 Maddow said: For some reason times…

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