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Republican Debate; Not Exactly Cordial

The two-hour debate did yield the critical issues that Republicans are going to slam the electorate with for the next 15 plus months. Leading the parade; all things Muslim. Iran and the nuclear agreement, ISIS and the right-wing blood lust to send our young people anywhere in the Middle East to be killed and maimed. Look into the eyes of some of the candidates and it’s frightening.


Christians Are Evangelicals’ New Enemy In Marriage Equality War 

It is a sad fact of life that there are some human beings who cannot exist without expressing animosity, or worse, deep and extremely emotional dislike directed against individuals, groups or ideas. Indeed, hatred is nearly always associated with feelings of intense anger, unwarranted disgust and an unhealthy pre-disposition towards hostility and violence. It is…


Now Israelis And Republicans Are Very Angry At The Pope

Recently, although Republicans love the Vatican’s support for opposition to equal rights for women and the LGBT community, there has been growing enmity over the Pope’s opposition to income inequality and anthropogenic climate change. The Pope finally went too far this past week when he failed to comply with Israel’s agenda that Palestine will never be a sovereign state.


Don’t Be Fooled: Republicans Set to Run on ‘Empathy’ as The Party of Workers

Republicans have great faith that the American public can’t tell the difference between a candidate who grew up middle class but stands for policies that will hurt the middle class and a candidate who has a lot of money but a platform that helps the working and middle classes. Republicans put a lot of store in “story” or rhetoric, over policy. They have to, because they can’t afford to discuss their policies openly.


Republicans Admit Hobby Lobby Ruling Is Religious Tyranny Meant to Control Women

Republicans claim their abominable legislation overturning a Washington D.C. anti-discrimination statute that prohibited religious employers from punishing women who use birth control, family planning services, or abortion services was to protect employers’ religious liberty according to the Hobby Lobby ruling. However, they revealed the legislation is about using religious tyranny to control women.


Satanists Use Hobby Lobby Religious Freedom To Defend Missouri Women

This time around, the subject is once again abortion and instead of New York, Missouri Satanists are assisting a woman seeking a religious exemption from Missouri’s religious 72-hour abortion waiting period because the Christian law violates the Satanist’s “deeply held beliefs about bodily autonomy;” something Christian fanatics cannot comprehend or countenance for any woman.

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