Yearly Archives: 2017


Backlash To Trump Is Directly Responsible for the Sudden Shift in Power for Women

Without the backlash to Donald Trump’s presidency — a thing built on the backbone of his own admission on tape that he sexually assaults women whenever he wants to and 16 women coming forward to say that Trump harassed and/or assaulted them — we would not be here right now…

… Having sometimes heartbreaking discussions about the predators among us.


Opinion: Failure, Sex, Lies And A Moron Are Destroying GOP

The party of “family values” has fallen on hard times. The Republican Party as we know it has been transformed into the worst representation of government in our modern history. Led by a moral abomination, Donald Trump, the GOP has molded itself in the image of its inept leader and become fodder for late night comedy, resignations, impeachment and federal prison.


Republican Sickness Grows As Roy Moore’s Brother Compares Accused Child Sexual Assaulter to Jesus

Roy Moore is being persecuted like Jesus. According to his brother.

CNN correspondent Martin Savidge spoke to Moore’s brother Jerry Moore on the phone.
Jerry “denied the allegations against his brother and drew an analogy between his situation and the persecution of Jesus Christ, Savidge reported Friday in an interview with CNN’s John Berman.”

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