

Scott Walker’s Koch Economics Is Decimating Wisconsin

Kansas has received its share of attention for its epic trickle down failure typical of conservative economics, and it is duly warranted. However, the governor of Kansas has not been tapped by the Koch brothers as their preferred Republican presidential candidate for 2016. That distinction goes to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker who has his state’s financial demise keeping pace with Kansas for the top Republican economic failure.


Drought-Stricken California Farmers Buy Recycled Oil Wastewater For Irrigation

Before anyone praises the oil industry for making a profit from stealing irrigation water to process oil and then selling it back to drought-stricken farmers, they may be interested in knowing the processed waste water used on crops they eventually consume is tainted with high levels of acetone and methylene chloride two chemicals that are highly toxic to human beings.


Baltimore Police Forced Students Off Buses and Likely Violated Their 4Th Amendment Rights

If mainstream media had reported what several school teachers and students’ parents saw with their own eyes, the public would be aware that police inflamed the situation and in fact, deliberately herded young people into a crowd they could use their riot gear against. To make matters worse, police likely violated many of the so-called rioters’ constitutional rights.


Study: Thirty-five Years of Conservative Policies Contributed to Violence In Baltimore

The problem with the Republicans’ argument and lies, and there are many, is that statistics continue to prove that conservative anti-government policies over the past thirty-five years have driven income inequality and degraded society and are every bit as responsible for the events in Baltimore as out-of-control police violence against African Americans.


Satanists Use Hobby Lobby Religious Freedom To Defend Missouri Women

This time around, the subject is once again abortion and instead of New York, Missouri Satanists are assisting a woman seeking a religious exemption from Missouri’s religious 72-hour abortion waiting period because the Christian law violates the Satanist’s “deeply held beliefs about bodily autonomy;” something Christian fanatics cannot comprehend or countenance for any woman.

For Corporate Profits Republicans Want President Obama To Skirt Congress’ Authority

What is duplicitous and very telling about how Republicans operate, and where their only loyalties and priorities lie, is that they are pushing the President to seek unilateral authority to negotiate and sign an international trade deal; something that requires congressional approval. And yet they have done everything in their power and all but forbid him from exercising his rightful executive authority where Congress has no say according to the Constitution; like on immigration enforcement and negotiating with foreign governments.


California Suffers Historic Drought While Oil Industry Wastes 2 Million Gallons of Water Daily

To make matters that much worse, the over 2 million gallons of toxic water the oil and gas industry disposes of daily is pumped into the aquifer and poisons the diminishing underground supply at an alarming rate; so much so that well over a hundred (at last count) drinking-water wells have been shut down by state water regulators and the EPA due to oil waste-water contamination.


Michele Bachmann Is Still Bonkers, Compares Obama To Deranged Germanwings Co-Pilot

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R) compared President Obama to Andreas Lubitz, the deranged German co-pilot who crashed Germanwings Flight 9525, on her Facebook page Tuesday. Bachmann posted: With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls on the German Wings…


Why Isn’t Boehner Touting China Over America On Climate Change?

Boehner and Republicans are also intent on defeating President Obama’s climate change initiatives on myriad fronts such as stripping the EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions from coal-fired electricity generating plants, or the air and water pollution related to coal mining. If Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are so intent on comparing America to China, they should embrace the President’s climate change agenda and follow the communist nation’s latest effort.


During Severe Drought San Francisco Catholics Soak The Homeless Who Are Seeking Shelter

In a conscientious city like San Francisco, water conservation measures are taken very seriously by businesses and residents alike; except for the San Francisco Archdiocese led by embattled Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone. The latest outrage, and it is a monumental outrage on humanitarian and water conservation terms, against the Archdiocese is the harshest criticism for installing a watering system to drench the homeless to prevent them from sleeping in doorways around the sanctuary at St. Mary’s Cathedral.

scott walker emails

Massive School Layoffs, Healthcare, Food Stamp Cuts Populate Scott Walker’s Koch Budget

Scott Walker’s budget epitomizes the Koch-Republican “vision for America” and not at all unique among states ruled by Koch-governors with Republican legislatures. In Wisconsin, because Walker has driven the state’s deficit over the $2 billion mark with tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, he intends on slashing yet another $300 million from the University of Wisconsin system over two years, and for fun will make seriously Draconian cuts to health care and food stamps.

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