Tagged Ukraine


Trump Suggests Call He Made to Ukraine, Which Was Center of Impeachment Scandal, Predicted “Biden Corruption”

President Donald Trump was impeached, in part, for encouraging Ukrainian leadership to investigate President-elect Joe Biden for “political dirt” he could wield against his opponent. The president was ultimately acquitted by the Senate earlier this year, and he touted the acquittal as a sign of his innocence in the matter, which he has claimed, without…


John Bolton’s Book Will Allege “Trump Misconduct with Other Countries” Beyond Ukraine

John Bolton’s upcoming book will accuse Donald Trump of misconduct with countries other than Ukraine, according to a new report. The President was impeached for his treatment of the Ukrainian government. The former National Security Advisor’s book The Room Where It Happened will allege “Trump misconduct with other countries,”, Axios reports. There are no details yet about…

Adam Schiff smacks down Jim Jordan whistleblower lie

Opinion: Whistleblowing Is a Defense of Democracy, Not a Capital Offense

If you’re an immigrant, you have known blistering rhetoric and tweets for three years. You’ve lived with anti-immigrant policies that are so cruel and extreme that if anything in this world was made for a string of expletives, it’s the Miller-Trump anti-immigrant program. If you’re the Whistleblower whose complaint opened up the Ukraine investigation, Donald…

Bill Taylor Ukraine quid pro quo

Opinion: Ambassador Bill Taylor Decimated Trump’s Ukraine Defense With Facts, Documentation and Character

After days of anticipation, Ambassador Bill Taylor gave testimony that decimated Donald Trump’s claim that there was no quid pro quo when he shook down the president of Ukraine. Taylor, a career civil servant, served America for fifty years in multiple posts Stateside and abroad. He came back from retirement to serve as ambassador to…


Opinion: So-Called “Liberal” Media Continues to Enable Trump’s Deceit of the American people

The latest tact of Republican apologists for President Donald Trump’s violating his oath of office by publicly urging China to interfere in the 2020 presidential election is to insist that Trump was just joking. As Jason Easley reported for PoliticusUsa.com , Representative Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, in an interview with George Stephanopolous Sunday morning on…


Opinion: Trump Is Why Whistleblowers Need Protection

Donald Trump showed us why whistleblowers need protection. He all but ordered a hit on the whistleblower who exposed his shakedown of the Ukraine and more when it became all too clear that his presidency is cooked. His defenders will continue to insist that Trump ust does things differently.  But here’s the reality: every president’s…


Top U.S. spy official says whistleblower who accused Trump acted in ‘good faith’

Top U.S. spy official says whistleblower who accused Trump acted in ‘good faith’ By Patricia Zengerle, David Morgan and Doina Chiacu WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The top U.S. intelligence official said on Thursday that a whistleblower who filed a complaint concerning President Donald Trump has “acted in good faith,” testifying after a House panel released the…


Ukraine Considers Martial Law After Russia Attacks Ships

Lawmakers in the Ukraine on Monday are considering a request from their president for the introduction of martial law in the country. The request came after a disturbing incident in which Russian coast guard ships fired their weapons at  Ukrainian navy vessels. Ukraine’s president also on Monday told Russia that they should immediately release the…


Bernie Sanders’ Top Strategist Earned $10,000 Per Day Helping Manafort in Ukraine

Tad Devine was the top strategist for the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders. Thursday it was announced that he will assist in the special counsel office’s prosecution of Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s campaign chairman for five months in 2016. Court filings have shown that Devine participated in Manafort’s work in Ukraine, earning $10,000 per day….


Cohen Got $400,000 From Ukraine To Fix Talks With Trump

The British Broadcasting System (BBC)  just reported that Trump attorney and fixer Michael Cohen received a $400,000 payment from Ukraine last June to set up a meeting between Trump and the Ukrainian president. The payment was kept secret until now according to BBC confidential sources in Kiev. Ukraine’s president is Petro Poroshenko, and he used intermediaries…


Trump Got $150,000 in 2015 From A Ukrainian Billionaire

In September of 2015, during the early stages of Donald Trump’s campaign for the U.S. presidency, Ukrainian billionaire and steel magnate Victor Pinchuk donated $150,000 to the Donald J. Trump Foundation. Usually Ukrainian billionaires — especially those with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin — do not just give money away without some ulterior motive. …

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