U.S. House of Representatives


Kinzinger: Dems Should Form “Uneasy Alliance” with Anti-Trump Republicans in Primaries Against Trump-Endorsed Candidates

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), one of former President Donald Trump’s most prominent critics within the Republican Party, called on Democrats to form an “uneasy alliance” with anti-Trump Republicans in primaries against candidates who’ve been endorsed by the former President. Kinzinger told The Associated Press that Americans need to prepare for the “real possibility” of “a…

Jayapal Says It’s Worth It to Pass Spending Bill and Climate Legislation Even If Democrats Lose the House

Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) says that it’s worth Democrats passing the party’s spending bill and climate change legislation even if Democrats lose the House in next year’s midterm elections. “Of course it’s worth it if we’re making people’s lives better,†Jayapal said. “What’s the alternative? To do nothing. I mean, that’s not gonna that’s not gonna…

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