Articles by Alan Herrera

Alan is a writer, editor, and news junkie based in New York.

Trump Press Conference Mail In Voting Meltdown

Trump Uses Twitter to Advertise for Lou Dobbs, Says He’s “Smarter and Sharper” Than Bob Woodward

President Donald Trump took to Twitter this morning to advertise the latest book from Fox Business personality Lou Dobbs. Dobbs’s book, The Trump Century, purports that Trump “remade the American economy according his own rules, setting the nation back on a path to prosperity.” It comes out tomorrow. “‘The Trump Century, How Our President Changed the…


Trump: Dems Only Want Bailout Funds “For Blue States That Are Doing Badly”

President Donald Trump claimed Congressional Democrats only want coronavirus relief legislation approved “for Blue States that are doing badly” in comments published to his Twitter account earlier this morning. “Democrats only want BAILOUT MONEY for Blue States that are doing badly. They don’t care about the people, never did!” the president wrote. Democrats only want…

Trump thinks that he has done a great job

Trump Claims Twitter “Makes Sure” Unflattering Stories About Him Trend on the Platform

Earlier this morning, President Donald Trump claimed, without evidence, that Twitter “makes sure” unflattering stories about him and his administration trend on the platform. “Twitter makes sure that Trending on Twitter is anything bad, Fake or not, about President Donald Trump,” he wrote, referring to himself in the third person. “So obvious what they are…


Trump Admits U.S. Government Can’t Actually Profit Off TikTok’s Sale to An American Company

During a press conference earlier today, President Donald Trump admitted the United States government can’t actually profit off the sale of popular video app TikTok to an American company. The president had previously claimed that the Treasury Department would receive a “very big” payment in the event of a deal wherein the Chinese-owned TikTok or…


Romney on GOP-Led Biden Probe: “Not the Legitimate Role of Government”

Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) criticized a Republican-led probe into Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his past dealings with Ukraine, saying the investigation is politically motivated. “That, I think, from the outset, had the earmarks of a political exercise,” Romney said during a Homeland Security Committee hearing. “And I’m fearful that comments made in the…


Trump Congratulates Himself After Big Ten Announces Its Football Season Will Resume Next Month

President Donald Trump congratulated himself after The Big Ten Conference announced its football season would resume on October 24. Big Ten’s leaders and chancellors made the announcement following a unanimous vote “citing daily testing capabilities and a stronger confidence in the latest medical information,” according to ESPN. “Great News: BIG TEN FOOTBALL IS BACK,” the…

Trump Makes Biden Law and order candidate

Trump Calls Dems “Heartless” Despite Senate’s Refusal to Vote on Dem Coronavirus Relief Proposal

President Donald Trump called Democrats “heartless” and accused them of blocking vital coronavirus relief as the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the economy and people’s livelihoods. The Senate did not approve new relief legislation last week. Democrats are ‘heartless.’ They don’t want to give STIMULUS PAYMENTS to people who desperately need the money, and…


QAnon Follower Calls for “Patriots To Take Matters into Their Own Hands” and Arrest Democrats

QAnon conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor appeared on Chris McDonald’s “The MC Files†YouTube program and called for “patriots to take matters into their own hands” if Trump doesn’t start arresting prominent members of the Democratic leadership. Taylor acknowledged that President Donald Trump “can’t go in and start arresting a lot of these people right now…


Biden Launches New Ads Targeting Black Voters in Swing States

Joe Biden’s campaign has released a series of new ads targeting Black voters in key swing states. The ads will run nationwide as well as online and will feature prominently in the swing states of Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. The ads are part of the new “Shop Talk” series featuring socially distanced conversations…


Trump Goes Into Nonsensical Rant About European “Forest Cities” When Asked How to React to Climate Change

Speaking to the hosts of “Fox and Friends,” President Donald Trump said “European forest cities” do a better job of handling climate change than the state of California, who he appeared to blame as wildfires continue to ravage the American West. “What is the right to act, to react to climate change within reason without…


61 Percent of Americans Say Trump’s Handling of Protests is Worsening Matters

According to the latest Monmouth poll, 61 percent of Americans say the way President Donald Trump is handling nationwide protests is actually worsening things, not making them better. “Most Americans (61%) say that Trump’s handling of the protests has made the situation worse and just 24% say he has made it better. These results are…


Democrats Launch Investigation into Trump Administration’s Pressure on CDC’s Coronavirus Reports

Democrats have launched an investigation into President Donald Trump’s administration’s pressure on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to change or delay reports related to the coronavirus pandemic. The investigation will focus on the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports and comes after celebrated journalist Bob Woodward released recordings of interviews with the…

Trump refuses to answer when asked about QAnon at press conference

20 States Sue Trump for Weakening Regulations on Methane Emissions That Worsen Climate Change

Twenty states have filed a joint lawsuit against President Donald Trump and his administration for weakening regulations on methane emissions from the oil and gas industries. The plaintiffs say the fires raging on the West Coast are an example of the dangers of climate change. “Our climate emergency is increasingly a public health emergency. The…

Vindman impeachment testimony Trump Ukraine call

Alexander Vindman: Trump is Putin’s “Useful Idiot”

Alexander Vindman, the former lieutenant colonel and Director for European Affairs for the United States National Security Council (NSC) as well as a star witness during President Donald Trump’s impeachment proceedings this year, said Trump is Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s “useful idiot” in an interview with The Atlantic. “President Trump should be considered to be a useful idiot…

Trump gives lifeless Republican acceptance speech

Trump Says He Wants to Debate Biden with Joe Rogan as Moderator Even Though Debates Are Already Set

President Donald Trump says he’s in favor of debating Democrat Joe Biden with podcast host and UFC commentator Joe Rogan as a moderator. The problem: Debates have already been set. “I do!” the president wrote after UFC fighter Tim Kennedy suggested the two presidential candidates should debate for “four hours with no live audience” to share…


Bush’s Former Press Secretary Slams Trump for Holding Las Vegas Rally During Pandemic

Ari Fleischer, the former White House press secretary to George W. Bush, slammed President Donald Trump for holding a political rally in Las Vegas during a global pandemic. “Indoor rallies are irresponsible. Covid-19 is real and this was a bad idea,” Fleischer wrote on Twitter. Indoor rallies are irresponsible. Covid-19 is real and this was…


Slew of Environmental Leaders Sign Open Letter Urging Voters to Choose Biden Over Green Party

A slew of environmental leaders has signed an open letter urging voters to choose Democrat Joe Biden over the Green Party this election. The letter was signed by such names as Environmental Action coordinator Peter Harnik and former Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope. (A complete list of signatories can be found HERE.) Angry right-wing…


Trump Claims Biden’s “Handlers” and “Fake News Media” Are Doing “Everything Possible” to Get Him to Election Day

President Donald Trump claimed Democrat Joe Biden’s “handlers and the Fake News Media are doing everything possible to get him through the Election” in another jab at Biden’s mental fitness. The president further claimed that Biden would resign, leaving his running mate Kamala Harris the opportunity to take the helm. “Then he will resign, or…


Kamala Harris Delivers Tribute to 9/11 Victims and First Responders

Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) delivered a tribute to victims of the September 11 attacks and the first responders who came to their aid in remarks at a memorial ceremony in Fairfax, Virginia. “Let us also remember that honoring them is also about reminding us of who we are as Americans,†Harris said. “Because in times…

Trump claims the Spanish Flu ended World War II

Former Bush Communications Aide Says 9/11 “Highlights Trump’s Failures”

Kristopher Purcell, a former communications aide to George W. Bush and a co-founder of 43 Alumni for Joe Biden, a PAC comprised of Bush administration alumni who are voting for Joe Biden and speaking out against President Donald Trump, says the anniversary of the September 11 attacks “highlights Trump’s failures. Purcell recalls working in the…

Trump's law and order message flops in new poll

Trump Congratulates JP Morgan For Sending Workers Back to the Office Amid a Pandemic

Earlier this morning, President Donald Trump congratulated JP Morgan for sending its employees back to their offices in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. The move comes even as public health experts continue to espouse the benefits of working from home to curb the spread of the virus. “Congratulations to JPMorgan Chase for ordering everyone…

Trump crowd

Trump Attempts to Deflect Scandal and Attacks Bob Woodward’s Credibility in Early Morning Tweet

President Donald Trump attempted to deflect scandal and attacked journalist Bob Woodward’s credibility in an early morning tweet. The president’s remarks came after recordings of interviews with Woodward in which he admitted to downplaying the severity of the coronavirus pandemic were released. “Bob Woodward had my quotes for many months. If he thought they were…


Trump Claims Suburbs Will Be Overrun with “Low Income Projects” If He Doesn’t Win Reelection

President Donald Trump is amplifying his “law and order” message once again. Earlier this morning, the president suggested that Democrats’ failure to mention law and order during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) tells voters “where they are coming from.” If I don’t win, America’s Suburbs will be OVERRUN with Low Income Projects, Anarchists, Agitators, Looters…

Biden nails Trump for trying to defund the police

ActBlue Chief Praises Biden’s Fundraising Efforts with Small-Dollar Donors

ActBlue chief Erin Hill praised Joe Biden’s presidential campaign’s fundraising efforts, saying they’re an indication of Biden’s success at courting small-dollar donors. ActBlue is the leading online fundraising software for left-leaning nonprofits, Democrats, and progressive groups. “I think if you’ve seen the numbers over the past few weeks, they’re doing really, really well in their digital work. And…


Fauci Says It’s “Frustrating” to See the Lack of Masks at Trump Rallies

Speaking to CBS News’ Gayle King earlier today, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top expert on infectious diseases, acknowledged the frustration he feels when he notes the lack of masks at President Donald Trump’s rallies. Dr. Fauci has repeatedly stressed the importance of mask-wearing as the most important thing people can do to protect themselves…

Trump crowd

Top Republican on House Armed Services Committee Is “Dismayed” By Trump’s Remarks on the Military

Mac Thornberry, the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, says he’d “dismayed” by President Donald Trump’s remarks questioning the motives of military leaders. Thornberry answered “no” when asked whether it was right for the president to suggest the Pentagon should send troops to war because they are beholden to the defense industry. “As…


Evangelist Claims Trump Was Sent by God to “Rescue” Americans from Democrats

Evangelist Mario Murillo, a noted supporter of President Donald Trump, likened Trump to Jesus Christ and suggested he’d been sent by God to “rescue” Americans from Congressional Democrats. “You need to wake up,†Murillo said during an interview on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural†YouTube channel. “The Democratic Party is asking you to leave, forcefully. They took…


McConnell Says A Vote on Coronavirus Relief Could Happen This Week

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says a vote on coronavirus relief funds could happen sometime this week. McConnell did not specify what would be included in the relief measure, but said it would focus on health care, education, and the economy. In a statement, McConnell said the Senate will look over a “targeted proposal,…

Trump's law and order message flops in new poll

Poll: Trump Supporters Are Less Motivated Now Than They Were in 2016

According to the latest Reuters polling analysis, taken from opinion polling from May to August and 2016 exit poll data has found that President Donald Trump’s supporters are less motivated this election cycle than they were in 2016. Although non-college-educated whites comprise 44 percent of the electorate and were pivotal to Trump’s 2016 victory, less…


Coronavirus Pandemic Caused Trump’s Net Worth to Drop $600 Million in Last Year

The novel coronavirus caused President Donald Trump’s net worth to drop $600 million in the last year, Forbes reported, placing him at No. 339 (a drop of 64 points) on The Forbes 400, which profiles and ranks the country’s richest billionaires. “Blame the coronavirus, which has battered not only the president’s poll numbers but also the…

Trump's law and order message flops in new poll

Trump Says Biden is “Going Down” in the Polls, But the Numbers Tell a Different Story

Both President Donald Trump and his electoral opponent, Democrat Joe Biden, have amped up their travel schedules in recent days as November’s general election draws nearer. Earlier today, Trump suggested Biden is “going down” in the polls, but the numbers tell a different story. “If Biden’s Polling wasn’t going down, and fast, he wouldn’t be…

Trump Makes Biden Law and order candidate

Trump Attacks Democrats, Claiming They’ll End Economic Shutdowns After Election

President Donald Trump took to Twitter this morning to attack Democrats, claiming that economic shutdowns to slow the spread of coronavirus are politically motivated. “The Democrats will open up their states on November 4th, the day after the Election,” he wrote. “These shutdowns are ridiculous, and only being done to hurt the economy prior to…

Trump's law and order message flops in new poll

Trump Claims U.S. Has Had “Biggest and Fastest Financial Recovery In History” Under His Leadership

President Donald Trump claims the United States has experienced the “Biggest and Fastest Financial Recovery In History” under his leadership. “Biggest and Fastest Financial Recovery In History. Next year will be the best ever, unless a Sleepy person, who wants to massively raise your taxes, gets in. I’m which case, CRASH!!!” he wrote on Twitter,…


Biden Continues to Lead Trump in Nationwide Polls with 56 Days Left Until the Election

According to the latest CBS News/YouGov polls, Democrat Joe Biden continues to lead President Donald Trump in national approval ratings with 56 days left until the election. Biden leads Trump by 10 points––52 percent to 42 percent-–in nationwide polling. He also leads him 50 percent to 44 percent in the key swing state of Wisconsin,…

Stacey Abrams Election

Stacey Abrams Says Trump’s Suggestion to Vote Twice Will Hurt “Good-Intentioned People”

Speaking to Yahoo News, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said President Donald Trump’s suggestion for people to vote twice in November’s election will hurt “good-intentioned people.” Voting twice in the same election is illegal. “What’s most worrisome to me is that people who … were not the voters he was trying to encourage but…


Khizr Khan Says Trump’s “Life is a Testament to Selfishness” After Report He Mocked Dead U.S. Troops

Gold star father Khizr Khan says President Donald Trump’s “life is a testament to selfishness” after a bombshell report from The Atlantic, citing sources close to the president, revealed Trump had denigrated dead American troops as “losers.” “A former senior administration official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly, confirmed to The Washington…

Trump Pennsylvania, Cheer

Poll: Majority of Americans Believe the Way Trump is Responding to Civil Unrest is Making Things Worse

According to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll released today, the majority of Americans believe the way President Donald Trump is responding to civil unrest is making things worse. 55 percent of Americans say they believe Trump is worsening matters as the nation grapples with a slew of protests against racism and police brutality. 29 percent said they…

Trump Makes Biden Law and order candidate

Trump Boasts About Jobs Numbers Despite High Unemployment and Lack of Virus Relief

President Donald Trump boasted about the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that found employers added 1.4 million jobs in August. However, the president did not mention that the report also points out the United States has lost 11.5 million jobs since February. “Great Jobs Numbers! 1.37 Million Jobs Added In August. Unemployment…


House Democrats Call for Investigation into Possible Hatch Act Violations at RNC

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee are calling for an investigation possible Hatch Act violations that took place during the Republican National Convention (RNC) last month. The Hatch Act prohibits public officials, with the exception of the president and the vice president, from engaging in political activity. Democrats have called on the Office of Special…


HHS Secretary Claims November 1 Coronavirus Vaccine Deadline “Has Nothing to Do with Elections”

Speaking earlier this morning, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar claimed that the November 1 deadline imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for states to set up distribution sites for the coronavirus vaccine “has nothing to do with elections,” which take place on November 3. Azar said “career people,” namely…

Biden nails Trump for trying to defund the police

Homeland Security Withheld Intel Warning of Russian Attacks on Biden’s Mental Health

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) withheld intelligence warning of Russian disinformation attacks attacking Democrat Joe Biden to promote “allegations about the poor mental health.” ABC News broke the story, which came to light after its reporters obtained internal emails and a draft of the document. The intelligence bulletin, titled “Russia Likely to Denigrate Health…


Pompeo Restricts Freedom of Movement of Chinese Diplomats in U.S. as Tensions Flare with Beijing

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced restrictions on the freedom of movement of Chinese diplomats in the United States. The announcement comes amid increasingly strained ties with China on matters of the economy, security, human rights abuses, technology, intellectual property, and public health in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Pompeo stressed that the restrictions…

Trump loses 4 points to Biden in new poll

Moderators Have Just Been Announced for Presidential Debates

November’s general election is 61 days away and moderators have been announced for the upcoming presidential debates between President Donald Trump and his opponent, Democrat Joe Biden. The first presidential debate, set to air in Cleveland, Ohio, on September 29, will be moderated by Fox News’s Chris Wallace, who became the object of much indignation…


Congressional Investigation: Businesses Committed Fraud and Received More Than $1 Billion in Emergency Coronavirus Relief

A preliminary analysis released by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, which released the report as part of a Subcommittee hearing with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, has found that more than $1 billion in emergency coronavirus aid relief went to businesses that violated Paycheck Protection Program rules and “double dipped” for more cash….

Trump refuses to answer when asked about QAnon at press conference

Poll: Majority of Americans Believe the Federal Response is Worsening the Pandemic

According to a new poll released by Axios-Ipsos, the majority of Americans––that’s 60 percent––believe the federal response is worsening the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. The Axios-Ipsos poll surveyed 1,100 U.S. adults between Aug. 28 and 31. The margin of error amounted to 3.3 percentage points.  Just 19 percent of Democrats believe the federal…


Retired Air Force Major General: Trump Admin. Has “Shameless Contempt” for Laws, Norms of Democratic Society

In an op-ed for The Hill, retired Air Force major general F. Andrew Turley, who counseled the George W. Bush administration and is currently a counsel to Fluet Huber + Hoang, a law firm in McLean, Virginia, says President Donald Trump’s administration demonstrates “shameless contempt for the law and the norms of a democratic society,” which,…


Trump’s Popularity Declining Among Active Military Members

President Donald Trump’s popularity is declining among active members of the United States military, according to the latest Military Times poll. “The results, collected before the political conventions earlier this month, appear to undercut claims from the president that his support among military members is strong thanks to big defense budget increases in recent years and…

Biden Puts Putin on Notice

Poll: Biden Leading Among Those Who Voted Third Party in 2016

Democrat Joe Biden is leading among those who voted for a third party in 2016, according to combined national NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls from this year. Forty-seven percent of those surveyed say they’re voting for Biden this year. 20 percent say they’re voting for President Donald Trump. Just over a third (33 percent) say they’re…

Kayleigh McEnany gives Trump credit for Joe Biden denying Tara Reade allegation

White House Says Trump Still Hasn’t Spoken to the Family of Jacob Blake

Protests have continued unabated in Wisconsin since Jacob Blake, a Black man, was shot by police officers, reinvigorating demonstrations against racial injustice and police brutality that kicked off at the beginning of the summer following the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota. According to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, President Donald Trump still hasn’t…


Senator Angus King Calls Cancelation of Election Security Briefings a “Pre-Coverup”

Senator Angus King (I-Maine) called the cancelation of election security briefings “a pre-coverup.” King’s comments after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe announced his office will no longer deliver in-person election security briefings to members of Congress. “I can’t get into the head of these people, but we have a president who never likes to…


At Least Four People Have Already Tested Positive for Coronavirus After Attending the RNC

At least four people have already tested positive for the novel coronavirus after attending the Republican National Convention, according to media reports. Two attendees and two individuals who worked the event have tested positive, says an official release from North Carolina’s Mecklenburg County. The individuals were isolated. RNC Communications Director Michael Ahrens said, “Out of…


China Rebukes Trump, Saying He’s Putting His Own Self-Interest Ahead of U.S. Interests

The Chinese government criticized President Donald Trump today and accused him of putting his personal self-interest ahead of American interests. During his daily press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Trump, who has threatened to pull American businesses from China, has opted to “violate the will of the business community,” and is seeking…

Trump claims the Spanish Flu ended World War II

21 States Sue Trump Administration for Rolling Back National Environmental Policy Act

A coalition of 21 states has sued President Donald Trump and his administration for rolling back the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), considered the nation’s premier environmental legislation that promotes the protection and enhancement of the environment. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North…


Trump Takes a Dig at Portland as He Credits National Guard for Ending Violence in Kenosha

President Donald Trump praised the National Guard for ending violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the site of heavy protests after Jacob Blake was shot and partially paralyzed by police officers. Violence broke out after 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two protesters. “Succes (sic): Since the National Guard moved into Kenosha, Wisconsin, two days ago, there…


Unemployment Continues to Rise After Another 1 Million Filed for Benefits Last Week

According to the latest data released by the Department of Labor (DOL), another 1 million American workers filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week on a seasonally adjusted basis. This is the 22nd time in 23 weeks that unemployment claims topped 1 million as the nation struggles economically amid the novel coronavirus pandemic. Job claims…


Kushner Dismisses NBA Protests, Touts Trump’s “Historic Criminal Justice Reform”

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner dismissed NBA players who’ve opted not to play games as part of a protest against police brutality against Black Americans, saying they are “fortunate†to have enough wealth to “take a night off from work.” “I think the NBA players are very fortunate that they have…


Justice Department Wants Data on Nursing Home Deaths in States Led by Democrats

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has sent letters to the Democratic governors of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan to ascertain whether states violated federal law by ordering nursing homes to accept recovering COVID-19 patients from hospitals, an action that critics say spread the novel coronavirus and possibly contributed to the death toll. DOJ…

Trump claims Democrats want to build statues of Biden

Poll: New Yorkers Say They’re “Ashamed” of Trump as Biden Enjoys Lead in State

According to Public Policy Polling, which surveyed 1,029 New York voters, 60 percent said they were “ashamed” President Donald Trump was from the state. 30 percent said they were “proud.” Trump lost New York by 20 points in 2016; the latest information puts him on a track for a similar loss. Democrat Joe Biden, who…


James Comey Endorses Biden, Says Trump and Barr Have “Damaged” the Justice Department

Writing in a Washington Post op-ed, former FBI director James Comey says President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr have “damaged” the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), leaving a “legacy of damage to a vital American institution.” “Trump’s presidency represents a continuing frontal assault on the truth — on the very idea that ‘truth’…


Former DHS Employee Miles Taylor Says Trump Wanted to “Maim” and “Pierce the Flesh” of Migrants

Miles Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, says President Donald Trump would think up ways to “maim” and “pierce the flesh” of migrants in conversations about his proposed border wall along the United States-Mexico border. The president also suggested tearing families apart and gassing migrants altogether. “This was a…

Pelosi Election Rigging Trump

Pelosi: Undermining Elections Makes Trump and Republicans “Enemies of the State”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says the choice to undermine the 2020 general election and gutting the United States Postal Service (USPS) makes President Donald Trump and Republicans “enemies of the state.” “We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And sadly, the domestic enemies to our…

Burgess Owens

Former Utah Legislator Calls on RNC to Remove Burgess Owens’ Speaking Slot Because of Ties to QAnon

Former Utah legislator Sheryl Allen has called on the Republican National Committee (RNC) to remove  4th Congressional District candidate Burgess Owens from its list of speakers because Owens is a QAnon conspiracy theorist. Owens had claimed not to subscribe to QAnon despite appearing on “The Common Sense Show,†a program on the Patriots’ Soapbox News…


Trump Spends Morning Lying About Mail-In Voting, Calling It a “Catastrophic Disaster”

In what critics might view as a preview of his remarks on the second night of the Republican National Convention, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to lie about mail-in voting, claiming that implementing it would result in a “catastrophic disaster.” “For our Country to be sending 80 million UNSOLICITED BALLOTS is very unfair and…


Kellyanne Conway’s Daughter Posts Celebratory TikToks After Her Mother Announces Departure from Trump Administration

Claudia Conway, the daughter of now-former presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway, posted celebratory TikTok posts after her mother announced she would leave the Trump administration. “Y’all, I know I said I was taking a break, but um, um, um, um,” she said in one video responding to her mother’s statement announcing her resignation. @claudiamconway YEAH SORRY…

Trump claims Democrats want to build statues of Biden

TikTok Sues Trump Administration After Trump Tries to Block It Within the U.S.

TikTok has sued President Donald Trump’s administration, saying the president’s executive orders attempting to block it from conducting transactions within the United States targeted the company and denied it due process. “We do not take suing the government lightly, however we feel we have no choice but to take action to protect our rights, and…


Experts Say Trump’s Rollbacks of Environmental Protections Have Resulted in “Countless” Deaths

According to an Associated Press report released today, rollbacks on anti-pollution rules and waste have likely already resulted in countless deaths tied to heart, lung disease, and premature births. “Thousands of oil and gas operations, government facilities and other sites won permission to stop monitoring for hazardous emissions or otherwise bypass rules intended to protect health and the…


“Character Matters”: Florida’s Sun-Sentinel Newspaper Endorses Joe Biden

The Sun-Sentinel,  the main daily newspaper of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, as well as surrounding Broward County and southern Palm Beach County, has endorsed Democrat Joe Biden for the presidency. The newspaper’s editorial board recommends “with enthusiasm and a sense of urgency, that voters elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be the president and vice…


Poll: More Than Half of People Who Didn’t Vote in 2016 Say They’ll Vote for Biden

More than half of people who didn’t vote in 2016 say they’ll vote for Democratic nominee Joe Biden in November’s general election, according to preliminary data of a USC Dornsife poll released today. The poll surveyed roughly 1,500 respondents between August 11-16. The margin of error is 3 percentage points. Biden has a 20-point lead over…


WaPo Columnist Says GOP a “Refuge for Bigots and Wackos” After Trump Praises QAnon Followers

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin says the Republican Party is a “refuge for bigots and wackos” in her latest column, the morning after President Donald Trump praised subscribers of the QAnon conspiracy theory, saying they “love our country.†“It is a favorite game in politics to take the most extreme member of the other party and then…


Trump Offers Praise for QAnon Conspiracy Theorists, Saying They “Love Our Country”

President Donald Trump praised subscribers of the QAnon conspiracy theory, saying they “love our country.” “I don’t know much about the movement other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate. But I don’t know much about the movement,” he said at a press briefing. “These are people that don’t like seeing what’s…

Biden blasts Trump for whining about the pandemic

Biden Comes to Goodyear’s Defense As Trump Urges His Supporters to Boycott

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden defended Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. as President Donald Trump urged his supporters to boycott the manufacturer after it announced a ban on “Make America Great Again†(or MAGA) hats as part of a “zero tolerance†policy in the workplace. “Goodyear employs thousands of American workers, including in Ohio where it is…

Cheri Bustos

Rep. Cheri Bustos: Trump is Trying to “Undermine Confidence” in Democracy

Representative Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) says President Donald Trump, amid repeated attacks against mail-in voting and the United States Postal Service (USPS), is “doing everything he can to undermine people’s confidence in our democracy.†“That is a sin. We’ve got the longest lasting democracy on the face of the planet,†Bustos, who is the Chairwoman of…


NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Strikes Down Trump’s False Claim of a Coronavirus “Surge” in Her Country

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern responded to President Donald Trump’s claim that the country is currently struggling with the virus after containing the outbreak. On the same day that New Zealand reported just nine new cases, the United States reported 40,612. “We are still one of the best-performing countries in the world when it…


New Ad Takes on “Unfit” Trump, Features Dem Convention Speaker Whose Father Died from COVID-19

Nuestro PAC, which along with America’s Progressive Promise, was created by senior aides to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential runs which saw overwhelming support from the Latino community, has released a new ad featuring Democratic National Convention speaker Kristin Urquiza. Urquiza’s father died from the coronavirus earlier this year. “Like so many others, my father should…

Trump refuses to answer when asked about QAnon at press conference

Trump Attacks “Former Disgruntled Employee” Miles Taylor, Says He’s “Never Heard of Him”

Earlier this morning, President Donald Trump attacked Miles Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, calling him a “former DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE.” “Many thousands of people work for our government,” Trump wrote. “With that said, a former DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE named Miles Taylor, who I do not know (never heard of…


Warren Calls on McConnell to Reconvene Senate to Address USPS Troubles

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to reconvene the Senate to address problems with the United States Postal Service (USPS) amid reports that the Trump administration is interfering with the postal service to impact November’s general election. “Good for [Speaker] Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for bringing the House back. I…

Trump refuses to answer when asked about QAnon at press conference

Trump Deflects, Tries to Blame Amazon for Postal Service Problems

President Donald Trump attempted to blame Amazon for problems with the United States Postal Service (USPS) as his administration faces heightened scrutiny amid reports that they’re interfering with the postal service to impact November’s general election. “Amazon and other companies like it, they come and they drop all of their mail into a post office, 


Sarah Palin Claims Media Dislikes Conservatives, Has Double Standard Regarding Kamala Harris

Speaking to Fox News host Jesse Watters, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) claimed the media dislikes conservatives voices and has a double standard regarding Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who this week was named as Joe Biden’s running mate in the presidential race. “I don’t know if it’s so much a gender thing …” Palin…


Obama Says Trump “Takes Responsibility for Nothing But Takes Credit for Everything.â€

In an interview with former campaign manager David Plouffe, former President Barack Obama said President Donald Trump “takes responsibility for nothing but takes credit for everything,” behavior that would benefit him should the conditions surrounding the novel coronavirus pandemic improve. On the matter of a potential vaccine, Obama said that there is “no possibility of a vaccine…

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